Finally got 100%
After playing, it seems that the dev left some content half baked.
- Sarah can only be fingered and ONLY when mind broken? (Otherwise it's only "look but do not touch")
- No way to further engage with Allie either.
- Customization of the conquests only affects the ragdoll and not the sex scenes.
- Some scenes can't be replayed. (What if I went along with Cristal being a virgin and didn't rape her? Could it have gone differently?)
- Half of the conquests are only partially implemented.
- No pubic hair options
- No pregnancy
- Not in cheat or debug menus
- No endings
What's up with the QTE when trying to talk with Cristal? MTool lags it out, I only see "¿te asusto?" (Do I scare you?) For 2 seconds. MTool lags and then "too slow fuck face"
The bad end is also poorly coded. Not only is the maze super annoying, by forcing you to restart the maze after 5 minutes if you fail; but if you are defeated by Ainu, it's game over and ALL saved files get erased. ( Wasn't there a game for Xbox that erased the player account if they died?)
As the game is incomplete and still errors remain, might I suggest the following:
- Expand on the incomplete content conquests (Allie, Sarah, Erica, Emma, Cristal/Ainu).
- What about Rica's teacher? "What is a beautiful woman, that has a PhD, doing in a town like this?" See, based off of a single NPC's speech, the teacher already has an interesting history.
- It would have also been cool if we could smooth talk Jace. "Oh wow, so tight. With how mean spirited you are, I would've expected you not to be a virgin but damn, I'm lucky to be your first." (We have seen her memories, we know she was raped. Because of her personality, she may just go along with the lie of us "being her first")
A proper "ending" for both Cristal and Ainu...
- Further you control of each personality separately,
- to the point that Cristal wants a baby (she can't, Succubus magic prevents it)
- And Ainu wants her own body...
- (Ainu needs to be level 4) After convincing Ainu that the plan will work; you impregnate Cristal and Ainu transfers her soul into the fetus and works her succubus magic.
- (Fake ending) Birth occurs after 3 days. Out comes a half-Succubus that looks like Ainu but with Rica's smaller breast size.
- You now have Cristal and Ainu as two separate conquests.
- Take Ainu's virginity and impregnate her
- Actual endings for both Cristal and Ainu
- "Mind break" turns the conquests into soulless husks.
- "Create empty shell" makes the conquests highly subservient.
Shouldn't their names/effects be reversed?
Save file location has changed after applying a the hot fix file.
Saves are no longer located in
Saves are now located in
View attachment 4581584
I'm not sure how a hot fix this small could royally fuck up the save's location.
Saves from before applying the hot fix are also not showing up in-game, even after moving them to the new folder
Unfortunately, it looks like this incomplete game will never finished. It's a shame