Ren'Py - Naruto: Kunoichi Trainer [v0.27.1] [Dinaki]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Best Naruto themed game I have played.

    Pros -
    1. The characters are faithful to lore.
    2. Branching storyline.
    3. Lots of contents.
    4. Good Interface.
    5. Cute design & artwork.
    6. Decent length story.

    Cons -
    1. The dialogues could have been short and more precise.
    2. Could benefit from more humour.
    3. Although multiple characters present, but only 3 options which are fleshed out.
    4. Needs better approach towards selecting choices to branching.
    5. Very minimal becoming Ninja RPG elements.

    Worth your time and investment.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    This game had a very good if not one of the best potentiality to become a good naruto game however the lack of more detailed instruction of how to advance the questline for each character has only been tuned down to just a few mere words. This is especially frustrating because many times you end up being a headless chicken running throughout village hoping to stumble on something. So unless, a detailed guide or quest guide in game in made, I hardly doubt if this game is really worth the time or not.
    The scenes are the only thing good about this game. storyline below average.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall it's a decent trainer-type game
    The art is good, the story is ok (in case you care about one)
    The gameplay could've been less repetitive sometimes and the navigation could've been more intuitive
    The length is about 2-5 hours depending on your play style (how fast/much do you read, etc.)
    Out of all Naruto games this might be the best
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Review from version 0.21.2

    The game is a really good Naruto porn parody with really good animations for some characters and they all improved the looks by the last time I played it so congrats on that.
    My only issue with this game is that there's a lot of content for "original characters" I understand having like 1 or 2 oc but there's like at least 5 of them, the creator could have used some filler characters at least instead of creating new one's since this is after all a Naruto parody game, there's more scenes with oc than fan favorites like Karin and Temari (both has basically 0 sexual content for Christ sake)

    Great animations on most scenes
    Really good character designs
    Good what if story

    Some animations like Samui sex scene have a face that was fine like 1 minute ago
    Bad English
    Sometimes more focus on oc than our beloved characters

    Overall really good game with great potential, I wonder if it will become the best Naruto parody game out there (there's definitely potential for that!)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Review Version v0.21

    The game is great, beautiful graphics, beautiful characters, and has good progression... although I miss a lewd progression with the other girls like what happens in the training with Ino, I think there should be a focus on the other girls and a training route for each one similar to Ino and the Night Training Field. Something more linear. Sakura's route itself is quite confusing, if we had a training chain with her and unlocked more "achievements" - if you know what I mean by achievements - it would be more linear, we would have more moments with her, and we could enjoy more as we break her mind and slowly conquer more sensual desires.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Review Version 0.19.1

    Well, for those who hate Sasuke/Sakura relationship, this is your game. I absolutely loved the Sakura love Route, in which you can conquer sakura's heart for yourself, in a relatively good way, with Sakura discovering that Sasuke is not good for her. Bravo. (when asked to choose to keep dating sakura), although, it seems there is no way to have sex with sakura or any other way to lower her lust, so buying daring outfits is a waste.

    Now, the developer probably understood that quest-driven events are better or more satisfactory than just the increase of the lust/witch trainer thing that did with Ino. I really enjoy the Sakura and Hinata new quest, but i found Ino to be too plain or simple because it follows the trainer formula. So a good change for me.

    Now, if i had to say something negative about the game, apart from some bugs, it is that maybe need to focus a little more on her four main heroines, more than adding new characters in the story. Also, I don't understand why all the buildings have to be so close to each other, it looks a little messy that the hospital, the school, training yard and the evil lair are all in the same block.

    Anyway, a great game that could just get better and better with time.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is like the very first naruto hentai game i played and it blew me away with how amazing it was and still is i really dont know if i can express how amazing it os with words so dev's if your reading this i hope you get encouraged to keep going with updates untill its finished one day because its definetly not just me that loves it and hopes to play the full game :love: :love: :love:
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The game does not have much content to say, but what it has so far is very good, maybe it has some bad points such as some bugs that appear, or the mission system that is not excellent, but the design is very good, more girls are missing to my liking but I love what there is, my top would be
    Ten Ten

    I think they lack more scenes since they hardly have, at least with Sakura, I couldn't get any scenes out of her
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Oshitari Azumi

    I'm not a huge fan of Naruto personally, but as someone who does enjoy the boatload of doujins that come from this series, I can easily say that this is one of the best anime-spinoff porn parody games I've had the pleasure of playing. The art has taken a massive step up from what it was originally and a decent amount of the interactions actually feel natural rather than something that was just shoved in for the sake of a game or plot.

    I don't really have any kind of con I can think of. I'm okay with most of the game and the parts I'm iffy on are more personal tastes than objectively problematic issues. If I could make a suggestion, I would like to see a working "Scenes" system. I know the gallery exists and you can see the character(s) moving but I'd also like it if the text was there too. For instance, I enjoy going back and watching the Hinata dreams but it kinda sucks that the dialogue is missing from the scene. It's not something pressing, but it would be nice.

    Highly recommended even for people who don't like Naruto. 'Cause heaves know I don't like anything but the doujins. XD
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    You may be wondering whether this game is better than Jikage Rising or not. Well, the fight for the best Naruto game is now left up to preference. With the new art retouch, this game is much better now, finally worthy of being compared to Jikage rising. You will notice that Jikage rising also got 3 stars from me. The art in the banner is not the updated art, Hinata and Tenten all look different in the actual game. This game is clearly trying to become the Four Elements Trainer of Naruto, taking many of its aspects. Unlike Jikage Rising, this game has a real storyline, and it looks like some real effort was put into making the game's story good. Jikage Rising has much more hype than this game, but really doesn't live up to it. There is one problem that does sticks out in this game though, it's the dialogue (which I will get into more below), it's really bad and almost ruins the game imo. (side note: the interface to this game is really nice, something that deserves some recognition, from the menu to the map, the interface was really well done)

    Models- 9/10
    The models have been redone multiple times, but I think they finally found the ones they're gonna stick to, and I personally really like them. They aren't super accurate to the anime, but they're still nice. Hinata and Tenten on the banner looks very different then they do in the real game, and personally in the real game I think that those two are the nicest models in the game, while it's the opposite on the banner.

    Plot- 7.5/10
    The plot makes sense, you don't really have much purpose, and the whole Ino training doesn't make all that much sense, but it's pretty filled with plot holes. I myself enjoyed the plot and it made sense mostly.

    Dialogue- 4/10
    Now the dialogue is a bit of a grey area to review. The original game is in Russian I believe, and every other language is translated from the original Russian dialogue, so this means that the dialogue could actually be very good, and the translator is ruining it. Until and unless I learn how to read Russian, I guess I'll never know. English translated dialogue is like a 2/10 but I doubled it and gave them the benefit of the doubt. For this reason, dialogue will not affect any of the other categories in terms of points, but it really is the main thing ruining this game.

    If you ignore the terrible English dialogue plaguing the game, the scenes are pretty good, I believe most scenes are animated, which is a big plus, and they're well made.

    Content- 8/10
    There is a decent amount of content here, a lot of people like to complain about the grind, but there are cheats that make it possible to tune the pace to your liking. If you're against cheats for whatever reason, its not anywhere near as grindy as a something like Something Unlimited. The game is in .14 only so I expect a lot more incoming.

    Consistency (releases)- 10/10
    The releases are decently consistent, again, nothing special, but I havent stuck with this game long enough to make sure that it is consistent, so expect this area to be edited in the future, but from what I've read, the updates are consistent and decently sized.

    Creativity- 8/10
    Although the game is lowkey a FET ripoff, the story itself did take creativity to make and I personally think that the Tenten weapons hunt and the Sakura festival events were pretty unique, something I hadn't seen before. Definitely more creative than something like Jikage rising. This game gets bonus points for the very cool jutsu system they have, and it seems they have a very intricate fighting system in development.

    Bugs- 8/10
    The game is very playable, but some bugs do occur, the Kunai cursor doesn't work for me, but it's not like I planned on using it always. Some of the walkthrough replays don't work, but they start working again after a day or so, so it's confusing, but game is still more than playable and bugs only occur on extra parts of the game.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm an average anime fan and I watched Naruto a long time ago, so the characters are really what drew me in to this game, plus the art style looks quite nice really. It's got a fun/comedic story, just enough to get a little immersed without being frustrating to keep up with. The gameplay is easy to grasp cause it's a Ren'Py game and the art style makes the sex scenes very enjoyable.

    That all being said, holy cow did this feel grindy. I think I played for about 2 hours without finishing the content of only one girl that I was focusing on. I like having variations of scenes to try out and needing to work a little to unlock new stuff but damn. Still if you have time to put in and like the art style as much as I did, this is probably worth your time to at least try out. It doesn't take overly long to start getting scenes. 4/5 marry me Ino or I'm gonna sell your pics on craigslist
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Game gets consistent updates has great art the story is the typical placed into a new land to do the deed but thats fine and works . The Ino path is complete and well done has some animation the other paths have some content but are lacking a bit would love to see more content for Ten Ten and the other girls which will most likely come in time very solid game will defiantly come back to it when future updates come out, give it a try if your a Naruto fan
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Dazai Suya

    I Love this game! , perfect body deposition and cool graphics. Can't wait for new updates!! Amazing Work for an anime parody, wish we can get more like this. There Should be a path like choose the evil or good side of mc, need more girls and after completing ino training option should be available like fucking ino's shop or home (adding her home is a good idea too)
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    I decided to give the game a second chanche after few updates
    And i still think this could have gotten a better story
    Like using a jutsu instead of always checking scolls make a list with jutsu mc can use by clicking the jutsu instead of browsing to interventory searching for the scroll
    Story is bad it's Just is so slow and the scenes could have been better
    You can only progess with hinata transformed as naruto
    You can only progess with sakura transformed as sasuke
    Why does this have a slave tag if mc cant enslave hinata or sakura

    Ino shows her breast only to sasuke Later you transform in to sasuke then you can just touch her breast witouth transforming
    Even with cheats I felt like game was missing somthing
    Ino has a unlock all cheat But why did the other girls did not have one ?
    The lewd version clothing is bad it's just a shorter version of there tops and skirts
    Why can't i make them remove all there clothes ?

    Walktrough helped me at the start but then it became useless
    I kept going on dates with sakura and walktrought kept saying go on more dates
    Renders are not so bad
    No bugs
    Never played with sound
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    The art is okayish but inconsistent. The story is too convoluted for its own good. A good point of this game is that the creator added cheats to see everything the game can offer more easily. But overall the only cool nudity is with Ino (the one with Sakura sucks; Tenten has just 1 teasing scene, Hinata just recently got 2-3 tease scenes as well). If the creator decides to redraw every girl in the same style the game could be a lot better. Also the story mode is short but it just requires specific actions that are not always obvious so by wasting time on searching for the right action the game feels longer
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    gameplay: really fast and well done.

    story: really well done and there is a lot.

    characters: meh they work.

    draws: well done with a nice variety.

    scenes (erotic ones): really hot.

    conclussion this game is really catchy, the story kinda make sense and easy to follow (mostly of time) the characters feels autentic and the map and menus really help you.

    this game TOTTALLY deserve your time and money.

    psdt: gains a lots of points for the story.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Now first the critiques. There are times when its hard to know what to do. And other times where a decision will take you into a branching path and change the game significantly but you get no indication this is the case. And still other times where you run out of things to do because the game is a work in progress and still very short.

    Besides that point - you can very easily train Ino to be your sex friend, its a bit longer with Sakura and also INCOMPLETE, and Hinata/TenTen are only there for show. Not to mention we never once see Tsunade!

    When I was training Ino I was only doing it hoping for some big event, a big climax where the town discovers she's a slut, nope. No fanfare at all.

    So I went the Sakura route which ended VERY quickly. But still...


    If you're a naruto fan, play it. If not, walk away. I gave it five stars hoping to get more eyes on this game, because it definitely does have a lot of potential!
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.6.1...

    This is appears to be a parody of some anime or comic or something I'm not familiar with...

    The visuals of the characters are 2D Hand Drawn in a style probably similar the thing it's a parody of... Unsure, but in any case they are decent enough... Same with the backdrops... There is some flip picture animation now and then... Navigation is a bit of a pain, being arrows on the sides of the overhead city map, but it works fine...

    The script is a mix of broken English and proper English, with some occasional spelling/grammar errors and wrong words now and then... I can still understand most of it, and there is a possibility some of it might be intentional, not sure... The plot revolves around a male protagonist who is sucked into this anime martial arts type universe with characters he's familiar with... He is mistaken for some martial arts technique master, and is assigned a secret mission to training several female warriors, mostly because they do not follow orders easily or properly... Of course, the training involves a lot of sexual stuff, as the protagonist has no idea what he's really doing, and is a big pervert...

    The game play involves a LOT of grinding, repeating the same things over and over and over again... Earning money to eat, buying gifts to increase the women's mood, doing tasks for some of them, building up both Trust and Lust stats with each, buying them clothes, and so on... The protagonist also learns a few techniques and has to train up his energy pool for his abilities, but you really don't need to use them all that often at all...

    It doesn't really play out much like a visual novel, so unsure why it's tagged as such... It is mostly a grind based erotic/adult game with some (and I mean only some) occasional story elements added now and then... There really is not much story playing out... Each woman has their particular dialogue/monologue and some repeating tasks for the protagonist to perform, but that is not really meaningful and/or deep story at all... The only real "story" that takes place, is when bad guys try to help the protagonist figure out how to get back home, and even that has grind to some parts of it... Since most of the tasks with the women basically just revolve around tricking them into sexual/erotic stuff, I wouldn't call much of their interactions, story line based...

    Overall, this is a highly repetitive grind style game leading into some erotic material now and then... The actual story stuff doesn't happen that often, and also requires a bit of grinding... There is a bit of humor now and then in how some of the women respond to the protagonists requests during training... But you do end up wasting a lot of time doing a lot of repetitive stuff... Now this thing is still in development, so expect more content as it develops... Will I revisit this one? Not sure, as I usually don't get into highly repetitive grind games, when it takes a while to open up content, doing that grind... Only time will tell...