VN Ren'Py Abandoned Naruto Shippuden: Rise of the Yugure [Aug062018] [Sornee]

4.50 star(s) 2 Votes


Former Staff
Sep 7, 2017

Just saw on here that you were charged for this past month; didn't realize that the account automatically resumes after the 2nd of each month (which is when patrons are normally charged). That being said, I haven't ever really stopped working on the game, just doing some changes to the formatting as well as the structure, though anything involving a computer hasn't happened. I have managed to get my computer display working again, though with a graphics card that isn't compatible, pushing it seems to caused the same display crash I posted before. I'm going to resume my progress on the game, but keep the account paused until I get a new version out since I'm not sure with my computer the way it is just how long that will take. Wish me luck.


Former Staff
Sep 7, 2017

Due to a recent development in my life, adopting a baby boy, the little bit of free time I had to work on the game, when my computer wasn't acting up, has been brought to nil. Instead of continuing the minuscule progress on the game when I can, which I don't feel is fair to those that have supported me, I think I'm going to suspend/delete the page until I can find consistent free time to work on the project. The only other solution I can think of is if there is a programmer out there that would be interested in working with me. I'll leave this post up for about a week or two before deleting the page. A huge thanks to my current Patrons and anyone that's ever supported the game. It was fun when I had the time for it. You guys are rock stars.


marking as "On-Hold". If no further news after 3 months will be marked as Abandoned


Jun 4, 2018
when i try to run the program it wont load up at all I have tried running as admin and running in windows 8 mode yet nothing. any idea on a fix?


Sep 10, 2017
It would suck
why? i think it would be amazing if you can play as one of naruto female characters and train/seduce your enemies ect, and fight
there are plenty of options in my opinion i think its the best to have a female protagonist than a male
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May 25, 2017

Just trying to polish out the demo before I include it in the game. I'll probably re-release the demo to get your final thoughts on it about tweaks or changes that need to be made to the final code. That being said, I'm starting to work on the art assets for that portion of the game as well, and I'm going about to add a poll as to the direction of the art. Obviously the GameOver screens will be the style throughout the game, but as far as the fighting sprites, I'm wondering if they should be the same style as the rest of the game (which will take longer to complete), or if I should draw them in a loose chibi style (similar to a refined version of the Naruto sprite in the demo). Before I do that though I'll make a side by side comparison to make the decision easier.


May 25, 2017

Got sent a message the other day asking about where I'm at as far as game progress, but didn't have time to answer (my apologies). I'm working on getting the player stats, weapons, items, enemy stats, and other RPG systems set up now. Thanks to several videos I've managed to find, I've got most of that done, but it's the small personal details that I'm working on. Also, just from the post about the putting up a poll for chibi vs full characters, from the responses that post received, I'm just going to stick with chibi sprites which will save a great deal of time. All this being said, as soon as the polishing is completed, I'm shifting gears to put more NSFW content into the game, starting right back with Sakura since my computer failed so spectacularly before I made too much progress with her after she was voted on. As always, I appreciate your patience and support.


May 25, 2017

Only a single vote for the single character. So then, I am currently working on trying to position the characters and how to make a universal class so that I only have to plug in numbers instead of making a class for every single character which would be a lot of coding. Wish me luck.
Just to clarify, the player team will have three fighters, with the possibility of more depending on the story. The enemies will be able to fight with up to five for now (not really seeing a point in more, but if there's a call for more, once I figure out the rest it should be relatively easy to add).
The joke in my alias that no one has gotten yet helps if you say the full name faster and out loud. I'm about to post another poll for Patrons about the RPG elements, any Patron who understands the joke behind the name and comments it in that post will get a commission from me in my down time when I can't work on the game itself (when I'm at work or away from the computer). Just trying to show you that I appreciate your support and patience.


May 25, 2017

Just wanted to let you know that I got a few new items and electronics that I'm hoping is gonna help me with the progress of the game. Beyond the art supplies, I got a Windows tablet that is going to allow me to code on the go when I can do so. Got a Bluetooth keyboard case for it that'll be here Thu. That means I'll be able to take that set up to work and get some coding down when I manage to find down time. Hopefully that in addition to a few other things I've got will help streamline this a bit. Wish me luck.
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May 25, 2017

Justin Cassie Sornee... Just in case (s)he's horny.
Just wanted to let you know that I'm working on the art for the battle system while finishing up the coding. The polls decided that I'd be making a group versus group battle system instead of a one on one system. The other poll, concluded that experience-based gameplay was preferred over having the characters' strength tied to mission progression. Short and sweet back to working on the game.
4.50 star(s) 2 Votes