game looks interesting, except skipping function, but i suppose that's the game engine problemthe screen is supposed to be "free size"
What exactly do you mean by "the folder is zip with winrar?" If you're telling me the folder is zipped and I can unzip it with winrar, well, I don't have an issue unzipping the folder. I have an issue with running the file inside the folder. As I said, my computer won't open the file. I've never heard of visionaire studio, but maybe there's some sorta plugin I would need to run it. But, if I can't easily just double click the game file, the start the game, I don't have the energy to hunt for whatever plugin I may need.for windows,visionaire studio the folder is zip with winrar
hi, it's not bad, but to do like [Nenad Asanovic] it's a lot of work the beginnings of [Adventures of Willy D] were not very glorious!!! if you want to try the adventure good luck.Try this version and tell me what do you think ? should I remake the game with this new engine(software) and graphic ?
comments below please !!
download here -----> Mega
hi, if it makes the rest of the game better why not.yes i know this game and i loved it , it is not too much work. But i want YOUR voice
if you think if it could be better !
I been playing porn games for a while and this one is probably my favorite and it looks like it has a lot of potential. At first when i tried it the blackjack bug sucked but if this new update is anything to gawk at consider me tricked. I want to see where this goes.Thanks!!
I am about to upload the new version really soon !
I like Stacy can choose where to shoot the cum on her at the gloryhole. The black clothes she is wearing is begging for cum though. I'm hoping in future update she can get cum on her clothes. Also in the porta gloryhole, instead of wearing panties it'd be cool if she wore just her skirt, that way she could fuck with the skirt on and maybe cum could drip off her tits onto it. Really lean into the fact she's doing this just for the cum. Cool idea for the restaurant would be for her to eat cum covered food or cum in her drink. Maybe Vito's... I don't know. Stacy gotta be a crowd favorite. But for real this is a great porn game, glad to see it's not abandoned. I'm excited and like I said if this update is good this will likely be the first time i've subscribed on patreon to anything. So well done G.yeah the card game had bug with the new version and a big crash to desktop when playing goryhole anmationthat is why i didnt post the lastest one , but all that is ok now
hope you will like it! I am uplading it to patreon tomorrow but for this one i will only wait 1 week before share it for free here (the last one here is very old)
I plan mostly work on Stacy gloryhole for now but will add other character content too (patreon people mostly like stacy character in survey)
I know just what you mean. Appreciate the good work. Had to share my imagination with you while I had your attention. Big fan of this gameAll what you write here is a good idea for futur update i will put it in my listpatreon will decide witch idea will go first , it depend on the work i have to put on it too (this is not my main job , only a hobby atm , i cant pay my bill with this xD), like add more cumshot spot or adding more amount of cum to the same place is a lot of work with this engine , i have to create and render ALL possibilitie of cum combination . Thanks for your nice comment
Vito can visit Stacy at her apartment. Otherwise I haven't seen any interaction other than Stacy at the blackjack tableHey folks
Just curious, is there some interaction between Vito and girls not including card game?
I perfectly understand not wanting players to get through content, it's a game and the thing about games is playing for the rewards.yes female pro tag , all other character are female and 1 shemale,
and to help with the card game , read tutorial againyou always win tie and only the lowest score loose a piece, so you can stand if youknow that you will not win this draw , and yes the card game is hard (i will wait and see if it is too hard for player but I dont think) and i want people play more than 20 minutes to reach all items and stuff xD