Thank you very much actually for the clarification, that's very good advice, does the upset also apply to harem scenes? I will consider well whether to include scenes with other people.
I don't mean to make you change your content. I'm just saying that you should be aware if you are, that you should let people know. If you were to ask me personally, I don't like others touching "my girls", meaning girls I can interact or will interact with. If a girl is gonna be with other men, make it clear she's a "slut" character that does everyone. However, if you're game is all "sluts" or slaves or whatever, then it's different. Make the game you want to make, just make sure people are aware of the sharing or NTR-like elements.
As far as Harem... hmm... It depends on what you mean by Harem. Here on this website, Harem can be defined as both a path and an idea. In Japanese media, Harem Manga/anime/Visual Novels are games where the MC is surrounded by girls that are generally vying for his love/attention or are generally set to be in an eventual relationship with MC. A Harem Path/Route is when you end the game with ALL or MOST of the female characters. It's hard to define exactly how that works in Western VN's, but generally, if a guy is having sex with multiple women pretty much anyone is gonna be okay with those scenes. Some people are bothered if girls in a relationship with you are doing things while MC's not around (Example: 2 girls in your Harem are fooling around/having sex while you're working/sexing up someone else. Not the worst offense, but some people will be upset). Most if not 99% of Harem fans don't like it when the girls are having sex with a man that's not MC. And something like 20% of people will be bothered if a girl is having sex with one of the Love interests they're NOT in a relationship (Example: Two girls that are designed to be love interests and they start fucking even though they aren't with you yet)
Like I said, if you properly set up paths for people, it shouldn't be too difficult to avoid such things. If you have any more questions you can direct message me on here

have a good day!