VN Ren'Py Natsumi Love Story [v0.4.9] [Steradianfauns]

3.90 star(s) 8 Votes


Devoted Member
Jun 26, 2018
Alright guys, calm down.

TLDR: I'll make Risa's virginity an option.

I've been thinking about it, in the original storyline it was decided she wasn't a virgin, cause mc has sex with natsumi, why can't she has sex with her boyfriend. But then again some people made good points. I just never expected that some would be attached more attached to Risa than I expected to when she's still barely in the game.

Also, originally her being not a virgin was one of the thing that would be discussed between her, mc, and natsumi in Risa's chapter. And after you guys made good points about her virginity, I've been thinking how to write another discussion between the three characters that would still makes sense on her arc. And I just came up with one yesterday, it wasn't as fleshed out as the other one, but it's a start, so I think both option can be implemented.

The discussion between them obviously will be different, but it's still up to each players which one will be canon.

Also, just to make it clear, Risa and MC was never in a relationship, so there was no breakup. They were good friends, went on some dates, but Risa turn down MC's confession in the end. So Risa wasn't in love with MC, not yet anyway. And MC has totally move on from Risa to Natsumi, even before Natsumi jumped MC at the entrance.

If you want to know more about her storyline that you can kind of deduce from the subtext of the released version, here it is, spoiler alert.

She's basically conflicted, tired, and confused, she had a lot on her plates with school, housework, work, and her boyfriend. It's why she fantasize about MC on the extra chapter. It wasn't that she's in love with MC, she's fantasizing about a healthy relationship where she feels loved, and that's what she actually saw when she's looking at MC and Natsumi having sex, but since her mind is all over the place, she became confused. Especially during masturbation, I think it's harder for some people to think straight when they're horny.

Her boyfriend is one of those kind that seemed good when they're only dating but turn out to be controlling, and mentally abusive after they're in a relationship. And Risa is one of those kind that makes you wonder why the hell do they choose to stay in an abusive relationship.

And her storyline will basically talks about those stuff, how her bf changes (or showing his trueself), why she stays in the relationship, how mc and natsumi helps her get out of the relationship, and how eventually she joins the harem. Also delves into their past a little bit more, like why she choose her bf and not mc. But it won't be like Risa realize she's been in love with MC all along, or Risa falls in love with MC's dick cause it's better or bigger (if you choose the non virgin), or Risa falls in love with MC cause of the sex (if she's a virgin).

Also, regarding the realism in the game. It's true, that players want to play games to escape reality that's sucks. But I guess I just like adding realism to my writing so it feels more immersive(?) I don't know what's the word for it, but basically I still want the player to escape from reality, but into a better reality, so it's not like the player goes into a game where logic can be freely ignored.
Personally, there are LIs that I understand are virgins and others that I understand are not. What I don't want is to know anything about her sex life before being with the MC. So if you give me a choice, I will choose the option of her being virgin because then there is no previous sexual life to speak about.

Eh, but if you still got any complaints or feedback, give a shout, but be civil please. If you're not civil you're just gonna get an emotion out of me without getting your message across.

And I guess everyone NTR definition are a bit different, for me, it was getting cheated on, or seeing the love interest get fucked (or do any sexual stuff with other people) explicitly. Which will never be in any of my story or games. I think it also follows the definition of F95zone NTR? Which is Designed to cause jealousy by having the romantic interest involved with someone other than the MC.

But to me, this does not include between girl members of the harem. As I can't feel any jealousy when the girls of the harem do sexual stuff with each other, even when mc is not present. Though it still won't be written as cheating or stealing.

And maybe because I'm monogamous irl, so I kinda feel it's a bit unfair if the girls can only do stuff with mc but not with each other, and I can't imagine how tiring it is for MC to please so many girls, unless he has unlimited stamina and cum, which is already the case in my writing, but still, hard to wrap my head around it.
But any kind of yuri or girl-on-girl action like this will be skippable, and there won't be a lot of it, also most will just be kinda like an appetizer to a threesome between mc and both girls.

Edit : Also note that it's between harem members, meaning both girls are already fucked by mc before hand. Not any random girls that MC is not involved with.
Lesbian sex bores me. Is it NTR that two LIs have sex with each other when they are part of the harem and the MC knows about it? No, but it doesn't magically become interesting because of that: I still find it terribly boring. So the option of being able to skip or avoid those scenes seems appropriate to me.


Game Developer
Oct 22, 2021
That is for sure a thing people from other cultures could miss, :LOL: . After a certain age, perhaps 12 at the oldest, a girl usually doesn't give a Valentine gift to a guy unless she likes him. Outside of giving gifts to family, most people don't give Valentine gifts to people they aren't romantically interested in, it can easily send mixed signals.

It seems that because of my culture, I took that scene to mean she liked the MC, and she was trying to justify to herself that she "didn't really like him." Meaning, she was lying to herself. Especially when she hides the chocolate and lies to her boyfriend, which made me think she knew that if she had given it to the MC, he would take it as romantic, and she still wanted to do it anyway before being interrupted. To me all of Risa's scenes felt like they were just her trying to lie to herself. Trying to convince herself that she didn't love the MC when she did. And maybe it is just me, but I have also never masturbated while thinking of a person I wasn't sexually interested in, so her thinking of the MC and then explaining it away, again, sounded like she was just in deep, long held, denial.

Also, Risa and the MC being friends in the flashback made me think she picked the other guy because she was worried that starting an official relationship with the MC would ruin their friendship, not because she didn't like him, more like she was scared. And now, seeing that not only did she end up with a jerk and not a great guy like the MC, but she also lost his friendship, well, it just makes it harder on her. Perhaps it is another cultural miscommunication, but where I am from if you go on a few dates, you are dating. I know that "confessing" is a thing in Japan, but in my mind, they had already been on dates, so his confession was just a formality. So, the MC officially "confessed," which is when she "broke up with him" in my mind because they were already unofficially dating, and he confessed to make it official but then she left him. But that may have been me miss reading the signs it seems.

Then, of course, seeing Risa with the MC in the future adds to the idea that she had feelings for him well before getting back with him. Knowing she would get back with him eventually no matter what made me try and look for things to redeem her, to better understand why she made the choices she did and hurt the MC the way she did, when in my mind, she had to love the MC back then because they end up together. Because, as it stands, it would be hard for me to forgive all she did. I defended her when others thought she might be the one who told the villain about Nat and the MC banging in the school, so you know I like Risa and want to see her redemption.

This is why I am very happy you will make it possible to have her be a virgin. This will 100% redeem her to me, that she kept herself for the one she always loved deep down (which was how I had seen all those scenes with her). So, all this is just me thinking out loud in a way. Talking about the ways in which it seems that some of what was show was misinterpreted by me and lead to such strong feelings regarding her and her status. Much of it seems to have come from cultural differences.
Yeah, but in Japan, which is where the story is set, friendship/obligatory chocolate is a thing. And it's becoming more common nowadays in there for girls give their guy friend a friendship chocolate. Usually friendship chocolate is less special than romantic chocolate, like it may just be one piece of shop-bought chocolate, or cookies while their romantic chocolate is homemade. I kinda assumed that a lot of people would know about this, I think there's a few example in anime? I don't watch a lot of anime myself, but one of the example I know is on Komi Can't Communicate. Komi gives a lot of friendship chocolate to her friends on valentine, both guys and girls. But yeah, it can get confusing when the girl does not say if the chocolate she's giving is friendship or romance, which is why I added in Risa's inner thoughts that it's an obligatory chocolate.

The reason Risa lies to her bf is about the chocolate is because her bf is the jealous type, that overreact to the smallest thing. MC already mention this to Natsumi, when when Risa hadn't choose yet, she hang out with MC but her bf call her cheating on him. If he was already jealous before they're even in a relationship, Risa know how much jealous and overreacting her bf would be if he find out she's giving chocolate to another guy, especially to someone who had a thing for her in the past.

Also Risa was the one who ultimately ghost MC, effectively ending their friendship, so she didn't reject MC to save the friendship. And she will learn that, while she's thinking of MC's best interest when she ghost him (to help MC move on), the way she did it is really wrong.

And regarding the dating term, maybe I just used the wrong word, but here's my understanding of the current dating culture, there's basically a few stages for a couple to be together.
Stage 1 -> Acquaintance
Stage 2 -> Friends
Stage 3 -> Getting to know each other better, or going on dates
Stage 4 -> Becoming Exclusive, or only seeing each other
Stage 5 -> Become gf and bf or get into a relationship through a confession or asking to be official, which is what MC was doing to Risa at her introduction

Though this is just the longer stages, some people skip stage 2, 3, or 4. I mean Natsumi skip step 3, and 4 when she jump MC. Stage 3 can also be confusing to some people, because if it's never specified, it can be interpreted as just hanging out as friends, or going on a date.

And when I say they went on a date, I meant they're on stage 3. And I think I specifically avoid the word "dating" and only use "they went on a date" (but I might have missed it). Because depending on each person or culture, dating could mean either stage 3, 4, or 5. So Risa and MC only go as far as stage 3. While I know that it can be sucks that people can go on a date with multiple people at once before they're becoming exclusive or getting into a relationship, that's the reality of today's dating culture. Especially for popular guys/girls, which Risa is in the story.

It was also mentioned that Risa had like 10 suitor before she narrowed it down to 2. This was because the other 8 decide to confess right away before even becoming friends, which she found strange.

She will have her redemption, which will be the one of the main focus on her chapter, but to sum it up, it won't be where she's always in love with MC and just realizing that after being treated horribly by her bf. I can't explain it all, but basically she's a flawed person, with some good points, and her chapter will talk about her flaws and overcoming that. But since she has not overcome those flaws in the current version, I expected that she would get a lot of hate. Which is also what MC was feeling at the start, though hate is a strong word, MC just resented her and overtime became indifference toward her.

But yes, if she's a virgin, she will be saving it for someone special, and thinks that her bf isn't one, which will make MC realize that she's having a relationship problem when she said that. (Like why would she stays with him if he's not someone special for her). As for why she's fantasizing about MC, it might actually be the opposite of what you think(?). She is confused about how she feels, yes, but rather than she's in denial about being in love with MC, it's actually she's starting to think that she has feeling for MC, while she's actually not. But like I said, not yet anyway.

Going into her storyline a little bit, which is a spoiler

Her storyline also won't be where she breaks up with her bf and gets into a relationship with MC right away. I don't think that's a healthy thing to do and will just make either MC a rebound, or a backup/second choice. And she's not breaking up because she's always in love with MC and regret not choosing MC (Though she will feel that way at first because it's all confusing for her), but rather because breaking up is the right thing to do for herself. So MC won't try to steal her or get her back, rather he and Natsumi will help her get out of an abusive relationship. Then MC, Risa, and also Natsumi will resume their friendship, and finally Risa start to falls in love with MC after she has fully moved on from her bf.

This is what I want to explore in her storyline.


Game Developer
Oct 22, 2021
Sadly jealousy is still jealousy, it still feels strange to put that entire situation in a game against NTR, it is still too similar, at least if she is still a virgin I can consider it just a mistake on her part, also I remembered that in the way it was presented they confessed at the same time and she felt pressured to make a choice, also it felt like the other guy did it specifically because he wanted to take her away from MC, the frienship chocolate I am fairly sure are from male friends, or at least I have never seen a girl give them to a guy, also if that is the case she sould not be ashamed of it in front of the boyfriend.

In my opinion the sooner this situation resolves the better, it is your game so mine is just advice but the whole thing just sends a bad message, which could not be your intention, it does not make the story more interesting, in fact if she is a virgin she is a much more interesting character because she did not make the same mistake a lot of other peaple made, the fact that you can see where the story goes only makes it feel bad because unlike the other girls she is effectively out of reach untill the boyfriend is there, so you cannot avoid it, of course this is just personal opinion.

I think options should be put in every game, so I am happy you are willing to compromise, this genre of games, harem games specifically tends to attract certain peaple, and those peaple do not like other guys in the game, or at least near LIs.

On a different note I am curios about her hair color but it will probably be explained later.

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(edited for clarity, I am tired and probably missed some things.)
This is exacly what I felt too, you just wrote it better, all of this is exactly how reading the story made me feel, overall Risa does not seem like just a friend, she feels completely in denaial, there are too many instances of her being conflicted for her not having feelings for MC already, also if they had already been dating it means she cheated on him with the other guy or just left out of the blue.

Sorry to the dev but the way you wrote her Risa seems in denial, subtext is hard but the story clearly leans more to that now, also the dating issue is another problem, because if she was dating them at the same time that is absolutely NTR and needs to be fixed.

You dont go on dates with someone you dont like romantically, and this makes it seem even more that the other guy does not even like her, he just wanted to take her away from MC.

The frienship chocolate are a tradition I knew from other games, but they alwys came from male friends, they are like a pity gift if you did not get any from girls, or at least that is how the are prtrayed.

(Edited for clarity)
I already explained it in my previous post, about the chocolate, about how Risa feels, and the dating. And if you still feel like this is just another NTR situation, then I guess the game is just not for you and no hard feeling if you want to drop it. I don't want to cause unnecessary bad feeling when you decide to keep playing and realize that you hate it.

But to me, this is not NTR, there's no getting cheated on, no successful blackmail on MC's love interest, and this two are the thing I'm fighting against. There will also not be going into any kind of story of how MC is jealous to Risa's bf. If MC was ever jealous of the fact that Risa choose the other guy, that was something that happened in the past and before the story begin, and when the story begin, he already moved on.

But obviously you're entitled to your own feeling and opinion cause everyone do, so I won't convince you otherwise anymore and again no hard feeling if you decide this game is not for you.

As for Akemi, the gyaru looking girl, her personality is more of a delinquent, just dressed like gyaru. She hates people and hates pervert the most, so she's not promiscuous.
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Mar 16, 2019
Yeah, but in Japan, which is where the story is set, friendship/obligatory chocolate is a thing. And it's becoming more common nowadays in there for girls give their guy friend a friendship chocolate. Usually friendship chocolate is less special than romantic chocolate, like it may just be one piece of shop-bought chocolate, or cookies while their romantic chocolate is homemade. I kinda assumed that a lot of people would know about this, I think there's a few example in anime? I don't watch a lot of anime myself, but one of the example I know is on Komi Can't Communicate. Komi gives a lot of friendship chocolate to her friends on valentine, both guys and girls. But yeah, it can get confusing when the girl does not say if the chocolate she's giving is friendship or romance, which is why I added in Risa's inner thoughts that it's an obligatory chocolate.

The reason Risa lies to her bf is about the chocolate is because her bf is the jealous type, that overreact to the smallest thing. MC already mention this to Natsumi, when when Risa hadn't choose yet, she hang out with MC but her bf call her cheating on him. If he was already jealous before they're even in a relationship, Risa know how much jealous and overreacting her bf would be if he find out she's giving chocolate to another guy, especially to someone who had a thing for her in the past.

Also Risa was the one who ultimately ghost MC, effectively ending their friendship, so she didn't reject MC to save the friendship. And she will learn that, while she's thinking of MC's best interest when she ghost him (to help MC move on), the way she did it is really wrong.

And regarding the dating term, maybe I just used the wrong word, but here's my understanding of the current dating culture, there's basically a few stages for a couple to be together.
Stage 1 -> Acquaintance
Stage 2 -> Friends
Stage 3 -> Getting to know each other better, or going on dates
Stage 4 -> Becoming Exclusive, or only seeing each other
Stage 5 -> Become gf and bf or get into a relationship through a confession or asking to be official, which is what MC was doing to Risa at her introduction

Though this is just the longer stages, some people skip stage 2, 3, or 4. I mean Natsumi skip step 3, and 4 when she jump MC. Stage 3 can also be confusing to some people, because if it's never specified, it can be interpreted as just hanging out as friends, or going on a date.

And when I say they went on a date, I meant they're on stage 3. And I think I specifically avoid the word "dating" and only use "they went on a date" (but I might have missed it). Because depending on each person or culture, dating could mean either stage 3, 4, or 5. So Risa and MC only go as far as stage 3. While I know that it can be sucks that people can go on a date with multiple people at once before they're becoming exclusive or getting into a relationship, that's the reality of today's dating culture. Especially for popular guys/girls, which Risa is in the story.

It was also mentioned that Risa had like 10 suitor before she narrowed it down to 2. This was because the other 8 decide to confess right away before even becoming friends, which she found strange.

She will have her redemption, which will be the one of the main focus on her chapter, but to sum it up, it won't be where she's always in love with MC and just realizing that after being treated horribly by her bf. I can't explain it all, but basically she's a flawed person, with some good points, and her chapter will talk about her flaws and overcoming that. But since she has not overcome those flaws in the current version, I expected that she would get a lot of hate. Which is also what MC was feeling at the start, though hate is a strong word, MC just resented her and overtime became indifference toward her.

But yes, if she's a virgin, she will be saving it for someone special, and thinks that her bf isn't one, which will make MC realize that she's having a relationship problem when she said that. (Like why would she stays with him if he's not someone special for her). As for why she's fantasizing about MC, it might actually be the opposite of what you think(?). She is confused about how she feels, yes, but rather than she's in denial about being in love with MC, it's actually she's starting to think that she has feeling for MC, while she's actually not. But like I said, not yet anyway.

Going into her storyline a little bit, which is a spoiler

Her storyline also won't be where she breaks up with her bf and gets into a relationship with MC right away. I don't think that's a healthy thing to do and will just make either MC a rebound, or a backup/second choice. And she's not breaking up because she's always in love with MC and regret not choosing MC (Though she will feel that way at first because it's all confusing for her), but rather because breaking up is the right thing to do for herself. So MC won't try to steal her or get her back, rather he and Natsumi will help her get out of an abusive relationship. Then MC, Risa, and also Natsumi will resume their friendship, and finally Risa start to falls in love with MC after she has fully moved on from her bf.

This is what I want to explore in her storyline.
If I'm being honest this entire storyline seems way more complicated then it needs to be.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2021
Yeah, but in Japan, which is where the story is set, friendship/obligatory chocolate is a thing. And it's becoming more common nowadays in there for girls give their guy friend a friendship chocolate. Usually friendship chocolate is less special than romantic chocolate, like it may just be one piece of shop-bought chocolate, or cookies while their romantic chocolate is homemade. I kinda assumed that a lot of people would know about this, I think there's a few example in anime? I don't watch a lot of anime myself, but one of the example I know is on Komi Can't Communicate. Komi gives a lot of friendship chocolate to her friends on valentine, both guys and girls. But yeah, it can get confusing when the girl does not say if the chocolate she's giving is friendship or romance, which is why I added in Risa's inner thoughts that it's an obligatory chocolate.

The reason Risa lies to her bf is about the chocolate is because her bf is the jealous type, that overreact to the smallest thing. MC already mention this to Natsumi, when when Risa hadn't choose yet, she hang out with MC but her bf call her cheating on him. If he was already jealous before they're even in a relationship, Risa know how much jealous and overreacting her bf would be if he find out she's giving chocolate to another guy, especially to someone who had a thing for her in the past.

Also Risa was the one who ultimately ghost MC, effectively ending their friendship, so she didn't reject MC to save the friendship. And she will learn that, while she's thinking of MC's best interest when she ghost him (to help MC move on), the way she did it is really wrong.

And regarding the dating term, maybe I just used the wrong word, but here's my understanding of the current dating culture, there's basically a few stages for a couple to be together.
Stage 1 -> Acquaintance
Stage 2 -> Friends
Stage 3 -> Getting to know each other better, or going on dates
Stage 4 -> Becoming Exclusive, or only seeing each other
Stage 5 -> Become gf and bf or get into a relationship through a confession or asking to be official, which is what MC was doing to Risa at her introduction

Though this is just the longer stages, some people skip stage 2, 3, or 4. I mean Natsumi skip step 3, and 4 when she jump MC. Stage 3 can also be confusing to some people, because if it's never specified, it can be interpreted as just hanging out as friends, or going on a date.

And when I say they went on a date, I meant they're on stage 3. And I think I specifically avoid the word "dating" and only use "they went on a date" (but I might have missed it). Because depending on each person or culture, dating could mean either stage 3, 4, or 5. So Risa and MC only go as far as stage 3. While I know that it can be sucks that people can go on a date with multiple people at once before they're becoming exclusive or getting into a relationship, that's the reality of today's dating culture. Especially for popular guys/girls, which Risa is in the story.

It was also mentioned that Risa had like 10 suitor before she narrowed it down to 2. This was because the other 8 decide to confess right away before even becoming friends, which she found strange.

She will have her redemption, which will be the one of the main focus on her chapter, but to sum it up, it won't be where she's always in love with MC and just realizing that after being treated horribly by her bf. I can't explain it all, but basically she's a flawed person, with some good points, and her chapter will talk about her flaws and overcoming that. But since she has not overcome those flaws in the current version, I expected that she would get a lot of hate. Which is also what MC was feeling at the start, though hate is a strong word, MC just resented her and overtime became indifference toward her.

But yes, if she's a virgin, she will be saving it for someone special, and thinks that her bf isn't one, which will make MC realize that she's having a relationship problem when she said that. (Like why would she stays with him if he's not someone special for her). As for why she's fantasizing about MC, it might actually be the opposite of what you think(?). She is confused about how she feels, yes, but rather than she's in denial about being in love with MC, it's actually she's starting to think that she has feeling for MC, while she's actually not. But like I said, not yet anyway.

Going into her storyline a little bit, which is a spoiler

Her storyline also won't be where she breaks up with her bf and gets into a relationship with MC right away. I don't think that's a healthy thing to do and will just make either MC a rebound, or a backup/second choice. And she's not breaking up because she's always in love with MC and regret not choosing MC (Though she will feel that way at first because it's all confusing for her), but rather because breaking up is the right thing to do for herself. So MC won't try to steal her or get her back, rather he and Natsumi will help her get out of an abusive relationship. Then MC, Risa, and also Natsumi will resume their friendship, and finally Risa start to falls in love with MC after she has fully moved on from her bf.

This is what I want to explore in her storyline.
Thanks for the thorough explanations. It was interesting to see you break down dating into those stages. I’m a bit old school in the way I see it I guess. I’m my day you were either dating or not, lol, I guess it’s more complicated now.

I can see your intentions now, and I hope when it’s all done it plays out well. Part of the hardship is in the way games here are released. It lets players dwell on things and we lack information and context sometimes so it can lead to problem that if the whole story was done would be resolved already.

Anyway, keep up the good work.
Oct 10, 2019
Yeah, but in Japan, which is where the story is set, friendship/obligatory chocolate is a thing. And it's becoming more common nowadays in there for girls give their guy friend a friendship chocolate. Usually friendship chocolate is less special than romantic chocolate, like it may just be one piece of shop-bought chocolate, or cookies while their romantic chocolate is homemade. I kinda assumed that a lot of people would know about this, I think there's a few example in anime? I don't watch a lot of anime myself, but one of the example I know is on Komi Can't Communicate. Komi gives a lot of friendship chocolate to her friends on valentine, both guys and girls. But yeah, it can get confusing when the girl does not say if the chocolate she's giving is friendship or romance, which is why I added in Risa's inner thoughts that it's an obligatory chocolate.

The reason Risa lies to her bf is about the chocolate is because her bf is the jealous type, that overreact to the smallest thing. MC already mention this to Natsumi, when when Risa hadn't choose yet, she hang out with MC but her bf call her cheating on him. If he was already jealous before they're even in a relationship, Risa know how much jealous and overreacting her bf would be if he find out she's giving chocolate to another guy, especially to someone who had a thing for her in the past.

Also Risa was the one who ultimately ghost MC, effectively ending their friendship, so she didn't reject MC to save the friendship. And she will learn that, while she's thinking of MC's best interest when she ghost him (to help MC move on), the way she did it is really wrong.

And regarding the dating term, maybe I just used the wrong word, but here's my understanding of the current dating culture, there's basically a few stages for a couple to be together.
Stage 1 -> Acquaintance
Stage 2 -> Friends
Stage 3 -> Getting to know each other better, or going on dates
Stage 4 -> Becoming Exclusive, or only seeing each other
Stage 5 -> Become gf and bf or get into a relationship through a confession or asking to be official, which is what MC was doing to Risa at her introduction

Though this is just the longer stages, some people skip stage 2, 3, or 4. I mean Natsumi skip step 3, and 4 when she jump MC. Stage 3 can also be confusing to some people, because if it's never specified, it can be interpreted as just hanging out as friends, or going on a date.

And when I say they went on a date, I meant they're on stage 3. And I think I specifically avoid the word "dating" and only use "they went on a date" (but I might have missed it). Because depending on each person or culture, dating could mean either stage 3, 4, or 5. So Risa and MC only go as far as stage 3. While I know that it can be sucks that people can go on a date with multiple people at once before they're becoming exclusive or getting into a relationship, that's the reality of today's dating culture. Especially for popular guys/girls, which Risa is in the story.

It was also mentioned that Risa had like 10 suitor before she narrowed it down to 2. This was because the other 8 decide to confess right away before even becoming friends, which she found strange.

She will have her redemption, which will be the one of the main focus on her chapter, but to sum it up, it won't be where she's always in love with MC and just realizing that after being treated horribly by her bf. I can't explain it all, but basically she's a flawed person, with some good points, and her chapter will talk about her flaws and overcoming that. But since she has not overcome those flaws in the current version, I expected that she would get a lot of hate. Which is also what MC was feeling at the start, though hate is a strong word, MC just resented her and overtime became indifference toward her.

But yes, if she's a virgin, she will be saving it for someone special, and thinks that her bf isn't one, which will make MC realize that she's having a relationship problem when she said that. (Like why would she stays with him if he's not someone special for her). As for why she's fantasizing about MC, it might actually be the opposite of what you think(?). She is confused about how she feels, yes, but rather than she's in denial about being in love with MC, it's actually she's starting to think that she has feeling for MC, while she's actually not. But like I said, not yet anyway.

Going into her storyline a little bit, which is a spoiler

Her storyline also won't be where she breaks up with her bf and gets into a relationship with MC right away. I don't think that's a healthy thing to do and will just make either MC a rebound, or a backup/second choice. And she's not breaking up because she's always in love with MC and regret not choosing MC (Though she will feel that way at first because it's all confusing for her), but rather because breaking up is the right thing to do for herself. So MC won't try to steal her or get her back, rather he and Natsumi will help her get out of an abusive relationship. Then MC, Risa, and also Natsumi will resume their friendship, and finally Risa start to falls in love with MC after she has fully moved on from her bf.

This is what I want to explore in her storyline.
I already explained it in my previous post, about the chocolate, about how Risa feels, and the dating. And if you still feel like this is just another NTR situation, then I guess the game is just not for you and no hard feeling if you want to drop it. I don't want to cause unnecessary bad feeling when you decide to keep playing and realize that you hate it.

But to me, this is not NTR, there's no getting cheated on, no successful blackmail on MC's love interest, and this two are the thing I'm fighting against. There will also not be going into any kind of story of how MC is jealous to Risa's bf. If MC was ever jealous of the fact that Risa choose the other guy, that was something that happened in the past and before the story begin, and when the story begin, he already moved on.

But obviously you're entitled to your own feeling and opinion cause everyone do, so I won't convince you otherwise anymore and again no hard feeling if you decide this game is not for you.

As for Akemi, the gyaru looking girl, her personality is more of a delinquent, just dressed like gyaru. She hates people and hates pervert the most, so she's not promiscuous.
To be honest the entire thing is way more complicated then it needs to be,
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I decided to put everything in a spoiler to keep the thread cleaner, regardless of your answers I thank you for your time and the clarifications, I will wait for the developements,sorry for the wall of text and good luck in your endeavours.


Game Developer
Oct 22, 2021
To be honest the entire thing is way more complicated then it needs to be,
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I decided to put everything in a spoiler to keep the thread cleaner, regardless of your answers I thank you for your time and the clarifications, I will wait for the developements,sorry for the wall of text and good luck in your endeavours.
Thanks for your response! In all honestly I also am disturbed by the fact that sex is becoming a more and more casual thing to do rather than something between two person totally in love. But that's the world we live in, and I have no choice but to accept that. But in my writing, I will still be heavily focused on romance sex rather than casual sex. And I don't think it's strange to think sex without romance is meaningless, I have met a lot of people with similar values.

Ah, yes I also consider sexual interaction between LI and not MC is NTR, but it's not something I'm fighting against because I don't consider it as an evil act (unless it's without consent or an attempted rape). Meaning it will just not exist at all in any of my story. But to me it will only be NTR if it's shown explicitly or heavily discussed. When I said that the fact she's not a virgin will be discussed in the non-virgin route, I didn't mean it in a way that she will tell MC how they have sex, but rather, "Okay, she's not a virgin, what does it mean for everyone involved in the discussion."

And to answer to your question whether the other girls is virgins:

Yes they are, except for Natsuki, which is Natsumi's mom. But it's already mentioned in the extra chapters that it's been a while since she had sex. Then again she's not a main LI, and her storyline will probably an optional story to follow Patreon's guideline which doesn't allow incest, which is between her and Natsumi, I'm not sure a threesome with a mother and her daugther present will count as incest or not, but just to be safe.

Yui is a virgin, in one extra chapter you can see she's rejecting a guy advances. And so is Akemi, since she hates people. Kashiwagi never had sex, but she used a drum stick to masturbate so hymen is broken. Though I won't add virgin blood in the any of the pictures cause the virgin blood in Koikatsu is really excessive for some reason.

A reboot or a remaster version after the game is finished might be a good idea since I don't like changing the story midway unless if I'm offending people or for continuity sake.
Oct 10, 2019
Thanks for your response! In all honestly I also am disturbed by the fact that sex is becoming a more and more casual thing to do rather than something between two person totally in love. But that's the world we live in, and I have no choice but to accept that. But in my writing, I will still be heavily focused on romance sex rather than casual sex. And I don't think it's strange to think sex without romance is meaningless, I have met a lot of people with similar values.

Ah, yes I also consider sexual interaction between LI and not MC is NTR, but it's not something I'm fighting against because I don't consider it as an evil act (unless it's without consent or an attempted rape). Meaning it will just not exist at all in any of my story. But to me it will only be NTR if it's shown explicitly or heavily discussed. When I said that the fact she's not a virgin will be discussed in the non-virgin route, I didn't mean it in a way that she will tell MC how they have sex, but rather, "Okay, she's not a virgin, what does it mean for everyone involved in the discussion."

And to answer to your question whether the other girls is virgins:

Yes they are, except for Natsuki, which is Natsumi's mom. But it's already mentioned in the extra chapters that it's been a while since she had sex. Then again she's not a main LI, and her storyline will probably an optional story to follow Patreon's guideline which doesn't allow incest, which is between her and Natsumi, I'm not sure a threesome with a mother and her daugther present will count as incest or not, but just to be safe.

Yui is a virgin, in one extra chapter you can see she's rejecting a guy advances. And so is Akemi, since she hates people. Kashiwagi never had sex, but she used a drum stick to masturbate so hymen is broken. Though I won't add virgin blood in the any of the pictures cause the virgin blood in Koikatsu is really excessive for some reason.

A reboot or a remaster version after the game is finished might be a good idea since I don't like changing the story midway unless if I'm offending people or for continuity sake.
I am glad to hear that you where not too offended, I never know how well my intent carries in text form,
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I think the remaster could be a good way to update the beginning of the game to the same level as the rest, expecially since this is a pretty linear game with not many branches it would also be easier than a more complicated one so it is doable, it just depends if after the game is over you feel like polishing it or you simply want to move on to other projects, either way that is probably too far in the future, doing it now would just annoy peaple expecially if you remove or add content, I have seen it happen.

Anyway thanks once again for the information, I will probably disappear after this post unless someone specifically calls for me, I have said what I had to and gathered the information I wanted so I will not bother the thread anymore, there are still things that I do not like about the game but they are minor enough to overlook, nobody is perfect, so the perfect game does not exist either and if this game procedes as you described I should be able to enjoy it enough,
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I also congratulate you for the very civil way you interacted with me, I know I am difficult to talk to and aggre with, so once again good luck on your endeavours.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2018
Anime always makes virgin blood excessive, and it's not even true that girls always bleed. Sometimes nothing happens. Artifical Academy also made you look like you just stabbed the girl in the stomach. It's just a Japan thing, people are really obsessed about virgin blood for some reason.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2018
You guys were all curious about Risa being a virgin.

I am curious why she has blue hair now. She abandoned the red team.


Mar 19, 2021
I'm just curious. It could be because I haven't the played the game yet (just downloaded), but I really like the pregnancy fetish. However, a lot of AVNs that say pregnancy are usually only just impregnating girls, but little to do with the pregnancy in general. I read the genre part on page 1 and it says impregnating.

So, will it just be impregnating women and not actually the pregnancy portion, or is there/will the LIs actually be/show being pregnant too?

Thank you. I look forward to playing the game (and the eventual change of Risa that seemed to be all the rage earlier).
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Deleted member 4865569

Active Member
Apr 26, 2022
Eh, but if you still got any complaints or feedback, give a shout, but be civil please. If you're not civil you're just gonna get an emotion out of me without getting your message across.

And I guess everyone NTR definition are a bit different, for me, it was getting cheated on, or seeing the love interest get fucked (or do any sexual stuff with other people) explicitly. Which will never be in any of my story or games. I think it also follows the definition of F95zone NTR? Which is Designed to cause jealousy by having the romantic interest involved with someone other than the MC.

But to me, this does not include between girl members of the harem. As I can't feel any jealousy when the girls of the harem do sexual stuff with each other, even when mc is not present. Though it still won't be written as cheating or stealing.

And maybe because I'm monogamous irl, so I kinda feel it's a bit unfair if the girls can only do stuff with mc but not with each other, and I can't imagine how tiring it is for MC to please so many girls, unless he has unlimited stamina and cum, which is already the case in my writing, but still, hard to wrap my head around it.
But any kind of yuri or girl-on-girl action like this will be skippable, and there won't be a lot of it, also most will just be kinda like an appetizer to a threesome between mc and both girls.

Edit : Also note that it's between harem members, meaning both girls are already fucked by mc before hand. Not any random girls that MC is not involved with.
was gonna try this but all this talking about ntr and girls being bi and might be sleeping with eachother in a harem is an instant turn off because it's not a harem at that point.

if you gonna add lesbian make it optional for people who don't like your girls fucking without you because at that point it's a poly, not a harem. Just saying not alot of people i know don't like that. Now I know can't speak for everyone else but ain't the point of a harem is your girls fucking us and not each other UNLESS it's a threesome situation?

seen one pic in the thread where I guess the mc sis natsumi came out as BI, out if no where and the mc like "i find lesbian sex HAWT MAN" Me? I do not so just assuming everyone thinks it's "HAWT" is wrong. Yea if you gonna go that route it's personally not for me where everyone gonna turn bi and girl on girl cuz "it hawt man." and I disagree about it being unfair that the girls can't do stuff without the mc.. well it's a harem, a power fantasy, who cares? ain't this a game or reality? ain't this a kink and the whole point of a harem? and it shouldn't be skippable, it should be avoidable imo which you can stop it from happening if you don't want them fucking without you.

no it's not ntr but I still think OPTIONS is important because not everyone likes lesbian in HAREM games and thinks "it's hawt man."
just remove the harem tag at that point. the harem/lesbian combo been done to death and most games I see now don't even have it as a option but I do appreciate harem I play that gives options.

not trying to sound like an ass just giving my opinion. if it's gonna be unavoidable lesbian without the mc then imma skip this one.

lesbian/yuri/girl on girl should be treated like every kink/fetish. as an option and not just skippable imo. me playing as a male mc, lesbian sex bore me & personally don't appeal to me. Now if I wanna see some lesbian I will play a female mc with a pure lesbian path (which i do) but in harem games imo it should always be optional. Now I know you said it's not gonna be much but still.

just my 2 cents tho, good luck tho dev.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2018
Yeah after a while I just kinda accept people are way too invested in lines of code. While the dev decided the option of virginity will apparently be a thing, I feel like the lesbian sex is just something that you either have or you don't. That's probably the one thing I connect with the MC on, I do in fact like seeing two girls go at it. I've even paired some girls up with each other as a sort of sub-harem to the main harem (my harems get very complex when the game lets me).

I don't know, I don't think I've seen people this heated over one game.
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Mar 19, 2021
Yeah after a while I just kinda accept people are way too invested in lines of code. While the dev decided the option of virginity will apparently be a thing, I feel like the lesbian sex is just something that you either have or you don't. That's probably the one thing I connect with the MC on, I do in fact like seeing two girls go at it. I've even paired some girls up with each other as a sort of sub-harem to the main harem (my harems get very complex when the game lets me).

I don't know, I don't think I've seen people this heated over one game.
Just means that they have strong feelings towards the game, which is always good. Whether it's good or bad. Could be an empty forum which would probably indicate that no one gives a damn about the game.

And I'm different. It's a male power fantasy, the whole harem thing. So, personally, I (the MC) would be the one satisfying the LIs and they'd be satisfied with the MC, not wanting/needing to satisfy each other in the absence of the MC. I understand the occasional threesome, whether the girls play with each other during it or not, but my personal preference, the girls would be devoted and satisfied with the MC only. But that's my preference. I'm not telling the dev to change it based on what I like. If I don't like something, I won't continue to play it.

Deleted member 4865569

Active Member
Apr 26, 2022
Just means that they have strong feelings towards the game, which is always good. Whether it's good or bad. Could be an empty forum which would probably indicate that no one gives a damn about the game.

And I'm different. It's a male power fantasy, the whole harem thing. So, personally, I (the MC) would be the one satisfying the LIs and they'd be satisfied with the MC, not wanting/needing to satisfy each other in the absence of the MC. I understand the occasional threesome, whether the girls play with each other during it or not, but my personal preference, the girls would be devoted and satisfied with the MC only. But that's my preference. I'm not telling the dev to change it based on what I like. If I don't like something, I won't continue to play it.

this is also how I feel.

and yes it's also my preference as well. This why i SAID options are always good.

the girls shouldn't have to sleep with eachother if they are satisfied with the mc. harem is a power fantasy. it's a reason why so many people love and play harems.

but at the end of the day hearing that the LI will be sleeping with each other without the mc, it's personally not for me and nothing is wrong with that.

it's the dev game at the end of the day but I am also VERY passionate about harems.
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