The dev never showed up here again not because of criticism of Suzi's bald pussy, there was a poll remember? And where were you with your vote? Maybe you could have been part of those like me who voted against it, so it can also be your fault that we lost.
Not even for the plot, in fact he continued in his intentions, but for the fact that it was leaked 10 days before that version became public and it continues to be leaked, if the game is so criticized I can see that you continue to play it anyway.

I think you will see little to no dev here, but that is just my assumption.
One clarification: v.051, a very short version, tells about the hangover, came out 20 days after v0.50 the dev wanted to surprise the supporters, so there is some idiot who needs to revise his counts.
The v.0.52 on time as always on the first of March, in total in 1 month 3 versions.