Damn this game is frustrating. I've wasted like 4H and killed the first boss in the haunted mansion.
But after all that time, not a single scene, but 1 rando unlock in the dream room. Who knows why that one or how.
Some totally rando, out of context, NTR bath scene, but w/o any kind of context it's like 'who cares?'
Why is she in that spot in the first place?
And most of that time was just plain wasted randomly running around in the city at night time looking in every nook 'n cranny to find the girl.
I stashed a bunch of cameras in that mansion too and honestly, I have no clue why I bothered. Running back 'n forth to the monitor room, wasting time trying to get there each time the heart rate monitor turned away from blue, but never getting anything.
If the shtick is that you have to have cameras in literally every possible place, then the money you get is ridiculously low, since I'd need 10s of thousands just for that first place alone, as each room seems to have a camera location.
Only to once again, hope for an RNG chance of I dunno what. And all I got is 2500 to 'finish' the mansion crawling and a meager 1K as pocket money, while cameras go for way too much to afford a bunch of them.
After all, the game never tells you what to do with the cameras or how the system is supposed to work. You just randomly find a few cameras in a box & all you are told is 'you can setup cameras'.
But what for? Don't know.

How the H system works? Don't know. All the game tells you is to complete the dungeon.
I just don't get it. So far it's basically just an unguided mess.
I'm starting to get the urge to just cheat the gallery here and be done with it as it feels like just a lot of busywork for absolutely no payoff.
This game must've sold itself on it's artwork, which it sure did for me. But playing it ... it's annoying as all hell and I'd likely want a refund if I paid for it (though post 2H it'd been too late).
And to be fair ... even after reading through this thread, I still don't feel like I have any idea what this game expects of me (to get any kind of scene) other than 'just waste time farming ghosts to finish dungeons'.