Aug 26, 2020
Can anyone tell with wether this is Kana/FMC or not? Going through pure love route currently and kinda panicked..
View attachment 2628672
My guess is this is Lawrence. In my pure love route, on the day the mayor introduces mc and Kana to Lawrence, I stayed with Kana at all times to avoid getting this picture. The series of events goes something like this iirc: you get introduced to Lawrence at his house> you leave and have ramen with Kana later > you visit Kana at her inn and spend time with her until 2200 (or whatever the limit is on 1st day) > if you can't talk to Kana anymore (after 22:00) you go to sleep > next day you wake up to check dwitter, you shouldn't see that image.


Sep 21, 2017
I need some help. I bought some unused tapes, but after recording once the game just not let me record anything ever again, the record option is not showing up


Apr 24, 2020
There's something I have to get off my chest that's related to some of the chatter going on here.

So I did a normal mode pure run of this game (I don't recommend this) and I noticed something that you may have also noticed on your runs. Kana's dialogue and even behaviors, with very little exception, basically don't change at all throughout. That is, no matter how corrupted she is, she'll have almost entirely the same dialogue on missions and in phone conversations, she'll (almost) always invite Tsukasa for dinner and have the same cheery conversations during mealtimes and dates. She'll always thank Tsukasa if he rescues her from Lawrence's advances and run off with him for a date. And likewise, no matter how pure she is, she'll always lie to Tsukasa about anything that happened between her and Lawrence, and will always acquiesce to Lawrence's harassment without intervention.
This game takes advantage of hidden and unknown information to breed a certain atmosphere. And the biggest unanswered question for me was: How does Kana feel about all this? Her interactions with Tsukasa during exorcisms and after work are clear evidence that they have a lot of trust and love in their relationship, but there's other evidence in the game (obviously) that show that this trust and love perhaps don't extend that far. On the other hand, even in the "high NTR" scenes with Lawrence she clearly has some amount of hatred and disdain for him and what he's doing, and continues to try to nominally be faithful to Tsukasa. Again, she always seems happy and grateful when given the chance to be separated from Lawrence. How are we supposed to interpret her relationship with the two men in her life?
I'd like to call attention to a few scenes in particular. If Kana and Lawrence have had a lot of sex in one day in the daytime, she'll rush home to have more sex... with this man she apparently hates, in her own bedroom. She'll thank Tsukasa for checking up on her (this comes across as genuine gratitude) before ducking back into her room to fuck him for the next two hours. She was apparently in such a rush that she didn't even take off most of her clothes. What are we supposed to make of this? How willing and wanting was she to do this? She pretty much doesn't seek out Lawrence herself in any other situation even given the chance. The other scene I wanted to bring up was one of the "drunk at Lawrence's house" scenes. In the second one, her demeanor comes across as affectionate, even happy. Even given the effect that alcohol can have on one's inhibitions, how much are we supposed to take from this?
Kana is, in many parts of the game, a confident, competent, cheery, and strong-willed woman. She's not the bumbling clueless heroine like in some corruption titles. But this is in contrast to how easily she seems to be swayed by the other two characters. Again, she'll always gladly leave Lawrence for Tsukasa if harassed, but also never make an attempt to get away from Lawrence otherwise. The terms of Lawrence's power/blackmail over Kana is again not made explicit, but one has to imagine that to get away with what he does throughout the game there has to be something else going on.
And after pondering this for a while, I also thought that this character and her circumstances were designed with intention and limited development resources by a couple of developers. So perhaps these contradictions and inconsistencies are more easily explained as oversights or incomplete features rather than having a narrative reason.
So after all this, to conclude:
NTR rots your brain


Jul 23, 2018
There's something I have to get off my chest that's related to some of the chatter going on here.

So I did a normal mode pure run of this game (I don't recommend this) and I noticed something that you may have also noticed on your runs. Kana's dialogue and even behaviors, with very little exception, basically don't change at all throughout. That is, no matter how corrupted she is, she'll have almost entirely the same dialogue on missions and in phone conversations, she'll (almost) always invite Tsukasa for dinner and have the same cheery conversations during mealtimes and dates. She'll always thank Tsukasa if he rescues her from Lawrence's advances and run off with him for a date. And likewise, no matter how pure she is, she'll always lie to Tsukasa about anything that happened between her and Lawrence, and will always acquiesce to Lawrence's harassment without intervention.
This game takes advantage of hidden and unknown information to breed a certain atmosphere. And the biggest unanswered question for me was: How does Kana feel about all this? Her interactions with Tsukasa during exorcisms and after work are clear evidence that they have a lot of trust and love in their relationship, but there's other evidence in the game (obviously) that show that this trust and love perhaps don't extend that far. On the other hand, even in the "high NTR" scenes with Lawrence she clearly has some amount of hatred and disdain for him and what he's doing, and continues to try to nominally be faithful to Tsukasa. Again, she always seems happy and grateful when given the chance to be separated from Lawrence. How are we supposed to interpret her relationship with the two men in her life?
I'd like to call attention to a few scenes in particular. If Kana and Lawrence have had a lot of sex in one day in the daytime, she'll rush home to have more sex... with this man she apparently hates, in her own bedroom. She'll thank Tsukasa for checking up on her (this comes across as genuine gratitude) before ducking back into her room to fuck him for the next two hours. She was apparently in such a rush that she didn't even take off most of her clothes. What are we supposed to make of this? How willing and wanting was she to do this? She pretty much doesn't seek out Lawrence herself in any other situation even given the chance. The other scene I wanted to bring up was one of the "drunk at Lawrence's house" scenes. In the second one, her demeanor comes across as affectionate, even happy. Even given the effect that alcohol can have on one's inhibitions, how much are we supposed to take from this?
Kana is, in many parts of the game, a confident, competent, cheery, and strong-willed woman. She's not the bumbling clueless heroine like in some corruption titles. But this is in contrast to how easily she seems to be swayed by the other two characters. Again, she'll always gladly leave Lawrence for Tsukasa if harassed, but also never make an attempt to get away from Lawrence otherwise. The terms of Lawrence's power/blackmail over Kana is again not made explicit, but one has to imagine that to get away with what he does throughout the game there has to be something else going on.
And after pondering this for a while, I also thought that this character and her circumstances were designed with intention and limited development resources by a couple of developers. So perhaps these contradictions and inconsistencies are more easily explained as oversights or incomplete features rather than having a narrative reason.
So after all this, to conclude:
NTR rots your brain
I like someone elses take here that said to blame it on the Ghost Girl and her ethereal shenanigans, which considering how powerful she is, I can accept it.


Jun 30, 2018
There's something I have to get off my chest that's related to some of the chatter going on here.

So I did a normal mode pure run of this game (I don't recommend this) and I noticed something that you may have also noticed on your runs. Kana's dialogue and even behaviors, with very little exception, basically don't change at all throughout. That is, no matter how corrupted she is, she'll have almost entirely the same dialogue on missions and in phone conversations, she'll (almost) always invite Tsukasa for dinner and have the same cheery conversations during mealtimes and dates. She'll always thank Tsukasa if he rescues her from Lawrence's advances and run off with him for a date. And likewise, no matter how pure she is, she'll always lie to Tsukasa about anything that happened between her and Lawrence, and will always acquiesce to Lawrence's harassment without intervention.
This game takes advantage of hidden and unknown information to breed a certain atmosphere. And the biggest unanswered question for me was: How does Kana feel about all this? Her interactions with Tsukasa during exorcisms and after work are clear evidence that they have a lot of trust and love in their relationship, but there's other evidence in the game (obviously) that show that this trust and love perhaps don't extend that far. On the other hand, even in the "high NTR" scenes with Lawrence she clearly has some amount of hatred and disdain for him and what he's doing, and continues to try to nominally be faithful to Tsukasa. Again, she always seems happy and grateful when given the chance to be separated from Lawrence. How are we supposed to interpret her relationship with the two men in her life?
I'd like to call attention to a few scenes in particular. If Kana and Lawrence have had a lot of sex in one day in the daytime, she'll rush home to have more sex... with this man she apparently hates, in her own bedroom. She'll thank Tsukasa for checking up on her (this comes across as genuine gratitude) before ducking back into her room to fuck him for the next two hours. She was apparently in such a rush that she didn't even take off most of her clothes. What are we supposed to make of this? How willing and wanting was she to do this? She pretty much doesn't seek out Lawrence herself in any other situation even given the chance. The other scene I wanted to bring up was one of the "drunk at Lawrence's house" scenes. In the second one, her demeanor comes across as affectionate, even happy. Even given the effect that alcohol can have on one's inhibitions, how much are we supposed to take from this?
Kana is, in many parts of the game, a confident, competent, cheery, and strong-willed woman. She's not the bumbling clueless heroine like in some corruption titles. But this is in contrast to how easily she seems to be swayed by the other two characters. Again, she'll always gladly leave Lawrence for Tsukasa if harassed, but also never make an attempt to get away from Lawrence otherwise. The terms of Lawrence's power/blackmail over Kana is again not made explicit, but one has to imagine that to get away with what he does throughout the game there has to be something else going on.
And after pondering this for a while, I also thought that this character and her circumstances were designed with intention and limited development resources by a couple of developers. So perhaps these contradictions and inconsistencies are more easily explained as oversights or incomplete features rather than having a narrative reason.
So after all this, to conclude:
NTR rots your brain
Yeah, I agree to most of that. I find the game really has a weird flow in general (for me, most of that is caused by how random the scene-unlock system is) and I think the dev could have used a bit more polishing so her interactions with Lawrence and Tsukasa both become a bit more dynamic, so her behaviour changes depending on where she is in her arc in ways that fit narratively.

The dinner scenes is a great example, IT IS weird that it doesn't change at all regardless if you're going Love route or Cheating Slut-route. If she's on the love route her conversations at dinner could, as an example change so she's talking about how she and Tsukasa should furnish their house and stuff like that. If she's on the Cheating slut-route she could be antsy, not really paying attention and seem like she's busy and has stuff she wants to get done at home. Maybe she even cuts the dinner short, and leaves Tsukasa there before the dinner-hour is even up.

One conversation that does change depending on her submission level (I think) is during the dungeon crawling. If Lawrence has had his way with her and you call her and ask "Is Lawrence there?" afterwards, then her answer changes. I thought that was neat, and would like more of that happening.

But at the same time, for the dev, at some point the game has to be "good enough to ship". You can't just keep polishing it until it's "perfect", because then you'll likely be stuck polishing it forever, constantly thinking of new things to add. The dev-time has to have a limit.

As for Kana just letting Lawerence have her way from the get-go and barely doing anything, that makes no sense to me either. semper-solus pointed out that there's a bit of a cultural thing around that, where her behavior is actually kind of expected. Which is fucked:

As for why the MC lets even the basic harassment go? Well, that's a conversation about Japanese and... other large nearby country's culture and objectification of women. (Though there is a slow change away from that... very slow) understanding these basic ideas add more context to the MC:

1. Women are discouraged to raise a fuss, and often told to "deal" with it, unless they can prove it... and even then, there's pressure of retaliation and its made very clear that "you are choosing to press charges" with the implied "are you willing to ruin a man's career for this?"

2. Don't cause trouble for your "seniors/senpais".
Being outspoken or standing up for something can get you labeled as a troublemaker and given all the crappy jobs, or even fired and blacklisted. In Japan you can be sued for exposing infidelity, with irrefutable evidence, because you shamed an older member of society.
The MC already talks about how he caused trouble for his boss, and got this reassignment, so he's already put himself in a precarious position. And then it's told that Lawrence is his boss's boss's Boss.

I'm not saying any of this is right or should be permitted IRL, but it shapes the cultural mindset of this and many other NTR games that we westerners can't quite grasp.
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Jul 23, 2018
As for Kana just letting Lawerence have her way from the get-go and barely doing anything, that makes no sense to me either. semper-solus pointed out that there's a bit of a cultural thing around that, where her behavior is actually kind of expected. Which is fucked:
I did a lot of research a while back while making plans to teach English overseas, and part of that had me stumble upon the harassment, or Chikan, issue. Turns out 90% of cases go unreported to the police (but not to surveys) and only 1/3 of those that do get reported even go anywhere. So about 96% of women in Japan get no justice or support for the assault.

To give an idea of how bad it is, there are many trains now that have 'female-only' cars to help prevent this.

Anyway, that's my infodump done.
Oct 9, 2021
I did a lot of research a while back while making plans to teach English overseas, and part of that had me stumble upon the harassment, or Chikan, issue. Turns out 90% of cases go unreported to the police (but not to surveys) and only 1/3 of those that do get reported even go anywhere. So about 96% of women in Japan get no justice or support for the assault.

To give an idea of how bad it is, there are many trains now that have 'female-only' cars to help prevent this.

Anyway, that's my infodump done.
you only stated the surface info... there's more to it than just unreported and ignored report. One of the main real issue is fear of outcast... not sure if outcast is the right word but understanding Japanese culture, people who stand out are real problem and then there is also fear of being embarrassed, like if one makes a police report, information and details could just leak. The focus is female is the victim and male is the offender (generally). As much as there are many people empathizing the victim, there are also bullies that go around "heard you got grope, bet that felt good". Infodumping is ok but stick to only the infos. '96% of women in Japan gets no justice or support for the assault' that is very big percentage which I doubt especially when it encompasses 2 areas: no justice. no support.

'Female-only' cars/carts or any similar structure does not emphasize on how bad chikan issue is. Even in my country got those and we don't have chikan issue. It is more of... I would say.. a gentleman way to handle the situation by providing females to stand up for themselves. In my opinion, public infos portray that JP women are very timid.


Jul 23, 2018
One of the main real issue is fear of outcast... not sure if outcast is the right word but understanding Japanese culture, people who stand out are real problem and then there is also fear of being embarrassed, like if one makes a police report, information and details could just leak. The focus is female is the victim and male is the offender (generally). As much as there are many people empathizing the victim, there are also bullies that go around "heard you got grope, bet that felt good"
True, I only gave a very general overview, and most of my sources came through various videos talking about research and studies done in Japan by Japanese researchers, so I was unable to read firsthand the info (since I cant read the runes), but they all lined up with each other.

And this is another part they did talk about but I didn't bring up, and you're right on that many victims feel they can't speak up as the act is happening, and then when they do, they get labeled as 'pervert' or 'wanting it'. That isn't unique to Japan, but it's definitely more likely to be, at least, a perceived mindset there.

The best way to summarize it I guess is like this: This issue is global for all women, and in countries like Japan, the issue is scaled pretty high (8/10?) but then we play games where its cranked to 11.

I find it humorously comforting that we can play and enjoy these types of games, and yet still can get caught up in thinking rationally and not want this shit to happen IRL, so we go and vent on forums about it :p
Oct 9, 2021
True, I only gave a very general overview, and most of my sources came through various videos talking about research and studies done in Japan by Japanese researchers, so I was unable to read firsthand the info (since I cant read the runes), but they all lined up with each other.

And this is another part they did talk about but I didn't bring up, and you're right on that many victims feel they can't speak up as the act is happening, and then when they do, they get labeled as 'pervert' or 'wanting it'. That isn't unique to Japan, but it's definitely more likely to be, at least, a perceived mindset there.

The best way to summarize it I guess is like this: This issue is global for all women, and in countries like Japan, the issue is scaled pretty high (8/10?) but then we play games where its cranked to 11.

I find it humorously comforting that we can play and enjoy these types of games, and yet still can get caught up in thinking rationally and not want this shit to happen IRL, so we go and vent on forums about it :p
you mean, brain got NTRed from IRL to fantasy? xD


Apr 24, 2020
I'm aware of the stigma against reporting harassment, but in this particular case I didn't buy it as enough of an explanation, because by all respects Kana and Tsukasa have a pretty good relationship, and Kana isn't that timid. Like there's going to be secrets to keep from one another, but given their closeness and level of base trust at a certain point there's going to be something more than "absolutely no change in behavior." It's not that she just pretends everything is fine on the surface, she doesn't give signs that anything is going wrong at all, which would require the psychological profile of a psychopath, and I don't think she's that.

It's a pity because I actually really liked Kana's character but even with a very generous interpretation of the unknowns, she's just fundamentally a completely inconsistent one. During my first playthrough she seemed like such a (by h-game standards) believable and fleshed-out character and I was disappointed to finally conclude that she really isn't. This game forced a lot of engagement from me which led to a lot of psychic damage before I got to that point.
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That which passes is forgotten.
Game Developer
Jan 18, 2023
It's a pity because I actually really liked Kana's character but even with a very generous interpretation of the unknowns, she's just fundamentally a completely inconsistent one. During my first playthrough she seemed like such a (by h-game standards) believable and fleshed-out character and I was disappointed to finally conclude that she really isn't.
There's few NTR games that really show the deterioration of a victims mindset. Most men don't want to face what it actually does to someone and those that do usually have socio or psychopathic tendencies. It's fine for fantasies but the reality is rather brutal more so to men who are victimised than women due to social stigma but in cultures that prefer to keep virginity before marriage or some semblance of purity then it's absolutely devastating.

Culture wouldn't have much mitigation either to the damage to a persons mindset, the signs are usually obvious to someone close and would in many ways replicate that of someone being bullied. The stronger your mindset the greater the pain and damage is done to someone. There's plenty of psychological reports covering this.

This is why the fall of Kana is difficult to accept, there's no leverage other than the 'truth', apart from that Lawrence doesn't create or use any more levers to complete her downfall. Breaking someone done requires the creation of many breakpoints to coerce the person to do what you want, and it doesn't have to be blatantly obvious but subtle measures to get them to agree to your terms such as meeting up in a compromising manner, progressively leading to more overt measures.

The other issue with this game logic is that Kana probably wouldn't agree to anything sexual at first she's too strong willed and culture wouldn't really be a factor, she's a trained 'fighter' so that also counts towards to mental toughness. That said once the villain broke her will, then gloves are off because she'll be more malleable.

As a side note, if you're a blonde female in Japan it was often advised to dye your hair before travelling as many Japanese men have a fetish for blonde girls and there's been numerous murders and rapes of blonde Westerners over the years. It was an advisory in the 80 or 90s in some countries in Europe if I remember rightly.


Apr 24, 2020
This is why the fall of Kana is difficult to accept, there's no leverage other than the 'truth', apart from that Lawrence doesn't create or use any more levers to complete her downfall. Breaking someone done requires the creation of many breakpoints to coerce the person to do what you want, and it doesn't have to be blatantly obvious but subtle measures to get them to agree to your terms such as meeting up in a compromising manner, progressively leading to more overt measures.

The other issue with this game logic is that Kana probably wouldn't agree to anything sexual at first she's too strong willed and culture wouldn't really be a factor, she's a trained 'fighter' so that also counts towards to mental toughness. That said once the villain broke her will, then gloves are off because she'll be more malleable.
Yeah, this was initially a lot of where my thoughts about this game lay, and how it was particularly effective as an NTR game by having you face the reality that even though there are parts of the story you'll never know, Kana did indeed fall because of these factors. But then I came to the conclusion that it doesn't add up in a way that I find believable (I can't stop you from assuming I'm some kind of naive puritan who doesn't understand how people work) and the explanation is more likely that this was just not the main focus of the dev's resources.


Jan 25, 2021
Yeah, this was initially a lot of where my thoughts about this game lay, and how it was particularly effective as an NTR game by having you face the reality that even though there are parts of the story you'll never know, Kana did indeed fall because of these factors. But then I came to the conclusion that it doesn't add up in a way that I find believable (I can't stop you from assuming I'm some kind of naive puritan who doesn't understand how people work) and the explanation is more likely that this was just not the main focus of the dev's resources.
It does feel like some of the H-scenes have a change in tone that doesn't make sense despite the relationship(s). The escalation is too abrupt when going from one right into the following scene, like with the Model Kit store and Lawrence's home. The cafe scenes felt more well-done, if for no other reason than the amount of scenes that take place there to give a longer scope of time. Other unlockable areas felt like they were more of an afterthought with how few scenes they had. Trying to unlock the sex toy shop is annoying, and I wish there was another way to unlock it rather than having to sell and profit off the recordings you take inside of the dungeons.


New Member
Aug 13, 2017
Sorry if what I am about to ask has already been answered, I tried to read through the comments. But people get off rails and the massive text walls are just getting out of hand; - In the Gallery to the right, there is a part with NPCs who have lights over their Heads which you can toggle off and on. Does somebody know what this does?


Jan 25, 2021
Sorry if what I am about to ask has already been answered, I tried to read through the comments. But people get off rails and the massive text walls are just getting out of hand; - In the Gallery to the right, there is a part with NPCs who have lights over their Heads which you can toggle off and on. Does somebody know what this does?
Those turn on and off certain buildings, like the bar and cinema. This is meant to help you limit where Kana, and Lawrence by extension, can go for the nighttime roaming. If you wanted H-Scenes from a certain location, you can turn off the lights for every place besides the one you want. The only exceptions to this are the cafe and ramen shop, as they are the two places where Kana will invite you to eat at.


Mar 26, 2022
It does feel like some of the H-scenes have a change in tone that doesn't make sense despite the relationship(s). The escalation is too abrupt when going from one right into the following scene, like with the Model Kit store and Lawrence's home. The cafe scenes felt more well-done, if for no other reason than the amount of scenes that take place there to give a longer scope of time. Other unlockable areas felt like they were more of an afterthought with how few scenes they had. Trying to unlock the sex toy shop is annoying, and I wish there was another way to unlock it rather than having to sell and profit off the recordings you take inside of the dungeons.
Btw what the sex toy shop is useful for?


Jan 25, 2021
Btw what the sex toy shop is useful for?
I haven't unlocked it yet, nor do I know if I want to put in all the effort to try and do so, but I believe it's for some of the erotic film H-Scenes in the recollection room. I don't know if there's any actual interaction or things you can by from it as the MC, so afaik it's purely for H-Scenes.


Active Member
May 3, 2021
there is this super expensive drink at the bar costing 12000. What does it do? I bought it but nothing happened
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