It has been a while since we heard from you. You alright? Life's been busy? How are you doing?
Nah my I've reached the lowest point in my life over the past three months, but I don't think most people on this porn forum care so I'll cut to the chase.
Fantia doesn't take visa or MasterCard. They only take Japanese payment methods right now. I used to buy tora coin on TOM, but it was delisted. Now I have to find another way to fund my fantia, and frankly I can't be bothered rn due to the aforementioned personal issues.
Updates will likely be paused for a while, not like it was updated consistently anyway. It'll be fixed when fantia fixes their shit or I find another way of giving them my money.
There's a guy on gelbooru who seems to be uploading every set, but he doesn't post every variant it seems. I'd go there for updates.
Sus Meister out