VN - Unity - Netorase Phone [v0.18] [Le Stag]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    It's probably 4 - 4.5 stars but I'm giving it 5 for be best in class of all the other NTR phone games I've played on here.

    A few things that standout:

    Friends are not the overused insufferable plot devices that exist solely to derail your wife/girlfriend. I like how genuinely respectful and inclusive the friends are, limited to teasing that never felt overboard to me.

    A full phone UI with a gallery, highlights of major decisions, and a public social media sight.

    About the only con is that the story is stagnating in the later part of the game. The dev should either tie up the story or truly shake things up.

    I'd like multiple save points too. It looks like you can jump back and forth to replay chapters but that's a little immersion breaking to me. (Only a soft con.)

    Absolutely worth it if you're into phone games.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    It's quite good game and I enjoyed playin it so much (even though I like to be on the other side of the NTR relation :)) The scripts, the story, kink However I wanted to play this game with "3dcg"s instead of 2dcg aicg. The graphics dont give you the real sensation. It feels like a watching a cartoon. But anyway good game keep up with the good work.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Disclaimer: Haven't played the Mike update yet.

    Started out good but is slowly becoming stale just like gilgamesh9 wrote in his review.

    This desperately needs more player choice.

    This also desperately needs more NTR variety, especially more random one-time events.
    And I mean random as in random dudes she met somewhere and ghosts afterwards.

    Currently we only have:
    - The second boyfriend Nathan (which I personally find more and more annoying and would like to have the choice to get rid of him)
    - The overbearing asshole Oliver (who is also annoying and luckily avoidable via dialogue option)
    - Only very few interesting events in between

    The latest updates focus more and more on Ash/Tara and the MC reversing the NTR, which, at least for me, is a complete waste of time.

    I say it again, desperately needs more player choice, more random and different NTR events WITH OTHER PEOPLE THAN NATHAN.

    I personally desperately need an option to get rid of Nathan. Sorry, just being honest here.

    Laura doesn't need a second boyfriend IMO.
    Sadly, that's the main focus of this game.
    "Laura and her other boyfriends"...

    For me, that's just getting boring :rolleyes:
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Was good in the start but now becoming really stale, just a bunch of the same with pointless decisions that make no difference. Would have been nice to have some choice of who to do what with and when. Instead its just i fuck your choice. Like should be able to choice who gets the first creampie in her (Mike for me). But its been prolonged so much that it has lost its value atp.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A very good game, very entertaining. But I would like more scenes of the protagonist having sex with girlfriend's friends, and the girlfriend as well. Even the protagonist participating in a threesome whit the girlfriend or her friends (Ahsly and Tara). And it would be great if this game had the option to be translated into spanish
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I wrote a big review, but it's not saved and the truth is I'm too lazy to write everything again, so dare me to summarize in general.

    Good game, spicy images, a lot of text, do not compensate for the text and images, several characters, good AI images, good lore, at the end of the update for players it can become a problem due to a lot of text.

    I recommend the game, but be prepared to read a lot of text, they might give it a chance.

    In general it is a good game and I sincerely recommend it, there are 2 routes to follow and the rest develops as you decide, but yes, I warn you to be prepared to read a lot because it has a lot of reading and you may feel overwhelmed but it is a good game and well worked.

    Summary (SCORE: 7)
    o Character Design/Visual: 9/10
    o Background music/sound: 6/10
    o Plot: 8/10
    o Animation: 2/10
    o +18 Scenes: 6/10
    o Gameplay: 9/10
    o Interface: 10/10
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    • Varied cast size with different personalities.
    • Buildup has decent pacing during the non repetitive events, characters discuss boundaries and expectations then immediately follow up with enacting it.
    • A lot of repetitive daily routine and sex events that adds no new context or content is constantly repeated on a very frequent basis. e.g. "you left before I woke up", "when do you get off work?", "I sucked and swallow someones cum today", "I went out and got pounded today", "Come home quick I want to have sex".
    • No manual saving or rollback, single save slot requiring manually managing folders in your appdata, despite the game seemingly having different routes/flavor.
    • CG are mostly similar even for different characters, aside from the variation in poses they are positioned in almost the exact same manner in nearly every groping/oral/sex/aftermath scene.
    • Event choices are occasionally made by the characters instead of you despite asking for your input, forcing you down certain paths or locking you out of content despite of your choices, I'm not sure if this is a bug or its by design.
    • Far too much emoji spam. I understand having redundant inputs to act as word-break since we don't have control over the text progression, but spamming the same emoji over and over as a response to encountering new situations adds to the repetitiveness and makes the characters feel shallow.
    • Very little character development. Despite being a text game of corruption and exploring new kinks, the characters never really show any progression of how they feel about the changes, almost every encounter is a whiplash between "I don't want to do it I don't feel ready" to "I'm going to break all of our previous boundaries right now if you don't stop me" without ever saying why.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is, without a doubt, my favourite game thus far on this site.

    The AI art is impressive, and the story unfolds at a satisfying pace, blending everyday life with intimate moments. The developer is active, and consistently releases updates, his dedication for this game really shows. I particularly appreciate the focus on depth over breadth; a few well-developed characters are far more engaging than a large cast of shallow ones. The game also avoids excessive exposition, 'porn-logic', and maintains a believable tone.

    The text-based format effectively captures the feel of real conversations, making it a great choice for fans of that style - which seems extremely well suited for the NTS genre.

    I personally prefer waiting for the Android updates as they enhance the experience for me. While this may mean occasional delays, I believe it's well worth the wait.

    If I had the means to support a game, this would be the one I chose to support.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    In terms of quality, I believe this is fairly well done. The creator picked the phone messaging format and it has its merits - it aims for a sense of immediacy while also limiting information, trying to make it authentic.

    But the phone format also has its limitations, which may become more pronounced over time. Personally, I feel that it already shows early on with scenes between MC and PC only being alluded to, so the direct relationship between PC and MC feels, on some levels, weakly established / maintained, while almost all visual and content focus is on other NPCs. Obviously, that is the content focus... but given that the game aims to embed this content in an (emotionally and sexually) stable, loving relationship, that feels like a definite weakness and something of an error. Something like "making videos together" or a memory section for the PC recalling some events with the MC, sans phone, might be worth considering.

    The biggest design flaw, in my opinion, is the lack of choice or impact. The MC is established as entirely independent early on and the player has almost no direct impact or control on anything that occurs henceforth. If a choice is presented, it should be meaningful, at least short-term (e.g. telling her to not go out that night, to take things slower, not meet this person or that --> determining what content is unlocked while the overall direction of character development remains the same).

    For that reason, I find it decidedly unsatisfying when choices are purely cosmetic with no impact whatsoever. Such choices are pointless and might as well just be automatic responses the player doesn't have to input. I've played too many low-effort games (that usually claimed high levels of interactivity) while offering purely cosmetic choices for this not to aggravate me on principle.
    I hope the creator will keep improving as they keep gathering experience.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the setup and quality of the production; Dev put a lot of love and care into this. While the last two updates were not my favorite, I appreciate where the plot is heading and hope the quality and consistency remain high
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    My favorite game in the NTS/R phone genre. Overall top 5 in the parent genre. Semi slow burn with realistic dialogue and multiple personality choices for the player if they prefer to be more dominant or submission that affects how the other characters interact with you. Good writing and visuals. Highly recommend if you enjoy this genre.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Very enjoyable and engaging, slow build up with some hot milestones and generally very well made. Will be keeping tabs on this one, very much looking forward to the updates and how it'll all eventually resolve!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    excellent game, but I believe the progress will be much slower from now on. Looking at the updates on the 0.14, it feels like this will be a subscriber milking project. I'm sorry if I'm being prejudiced.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good and progress seems to be moving very fast. I'll probably play again at v.20. Really sexy and enjoyable. All the characters feel full and distinct from one another. I hope we get to enjoy MC potentially cheating on his wife in the next few versions. I'd love for their to me a Sister-in-law and/or Mother-in-law character introduced.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Played it through at the current version of this comment, i found it was made with love and detail and its very good.
    The "Art Style" of the AI is good and foremost its consistent!
    The writing is kinda realistic, i´d love a few more features in the future and maybe more options to go after other girls but that my personal things.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely one of the best games I've tried here. Normally I kind of hate the VN style, but this one is really good. And I absolutely can't stand when the release notes say "over 10 million words of dialogue added!" because normally I just skip it all, but the writing in this game is good. The situations are excellent, the choices are interesting, the characters are hot.

    The format kind of limits the interactivity, but the dev(s) made it work. Good job.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    there are quite few netorase phone games not all of them worth an annotation but this one is quite good actually. I keep an eye on it during last several month, each update there is some story developing and functionality improvements as well which is nice
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    I will praise the game for its quite lively story and good pictures of girls.

    But I will also allow myself a little criticism: everything is good in moderation, the author's attempts to tease everyone with creampies are too long, in my opinion, when this happens, the vast majority will not care. The same with anal sex, either with Oliver or with Nathan (I already forgot who exactly), Laura teased us with this 2-3 months ago... In general, it is really disappointing how the author missed the opportunity to implement this at the moments of maximum interest. Regarding sex scenes: why are they all so similar? For variety, someone can kiss someone's feet or ass, or someone can put panties in someone's mouth, God, there is so much you can come up with, but the author does everything right under the capir, as boringly and identically as possible. Regarding NTR: why constantly impose sex on MC with Laura, which often cannot even be refused? I understand that the author has an obsession with constantly bringing Laura back to herself and all that... Ok, but why is everything so similar again? After all, there are so many things that can be invented, for example: let one evening be dedicated only to kisses, and in another MC will only lick her...

    Thank you for your attention, and I wish the author to be a more creative person!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good phone game. The story and experience feels almost too real.

    AI Art is beautifully handled

    New content every month, so definitely a game I will follow.

    There is some recurring problems with the branching system but it will be probably polished with time.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    best NTS game ever. i would say i love the way Laura interact with MC. the photo collection is growing bigger and bigger. Love the AI art with their consistent quality.
    Cons: no audio, do not enjoy the randomness of the interlude. need some explaination for pictures in gallery for context.