Apollo Seven

Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 15, 2018
Does anyone know if there is a route for gwen + fem carwyn?
I know that the futa one is on hold because the author has said that he will do it but for a long time since he is focused on the sequel (so I guess it won't be until summer of next year at least since the sequel comes out in January, the first version)
The only route for female Carwyn is the one with him and the other guys. Netoria 2 will have much more TF content.
Any new content for Netoria 1 is a long way off because my artists are working on the sequel. They'd have to pause work on that in order to get any updates to the first game made.


Feb 5, 2019
The only route for female Carwyn is the one with him and the other guys. Netoria 2 will have much more TF content.
Any new content for Netoria 1 is a long way off because my artists are working on the sequel. They'd have to pause work on that in order to get any updates to the first game made.
Really love your game! Can you share some details of the second game?

What I really like about your game and would really love to see again:
1) MC transformed into female. Also everyone benefit from it + corruption makes you stay female
2) NTR based on thing you do:
--A)Your lack of skill. Stuff, events or fights you fucked up. Made bad decisions which lead to ntr
--B) Situational need, like in first game (heroes need to be close for efficiency) which leads to ntr
3) Blackmail, mind control and other non con.

What new would be cool:
1) Footjob scenes.
2) Futa character who cuck or fuck you.
3) Someone who steal your male essence (female turns into futa/male in exchange of you turning into female)
4) Portal panties(teleport your genitals for free access sex) /BDSM/ stuck in wall (for example special trap or furniture you did not know) / sleep sex or sex while your mind out of your body (for example you are in VR game)
5) Ntr based on girlfriend being far from you and you need to find her from time to time. Also you can monitor her stats while she away. Idea from this game - https://thef95zone.info/threads/nebel-geisterjaeger-v1-2-bbq-lover.158505/
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Nov 5, 2017
Im excited for the sequel. I just hope the MTF content plays more on the internal struggle. Female Carwyn is definitely my favorite route for 90% of it but I just personally hate the psychotic break that happens in alot of corruption themed games/writing where the girl just goes insane blabbering and begging for dick 24/7. Fem Carwyn and Gwen rationalizing their decisions mentally while physically letting things go further is the best part of any corruption game imo and it always feels bad when their character seemingly breaks and the character I was invested in is just no longer there.

I know fem Carywn was technically cursed but personally I think it's always better when you still see a thread of hope that they can still come back from their corruption even if they never do.
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Apollo Seven

Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 15, 2018
Netoria 2 development has been going well. I'd say act 1 is about 2/3 finished and should be ready for public release early next year still.
Since people in recent comments have been talking TF stuff, here's some art of Zaman after being turned into a woman.


Oct 7, 2024
Netoria 2 development has been going well. I'd say act 1 is about 2/3 finished and should be ready for public release early next year still.
Since people in recent comments have been talking TF stuff, here's some art of Zaman after being turned into a woman.
Looking amazing, I LOVED the artstyle from ATMOF. Where can I follow the development for this one?


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2020
Game isn't bad, but to call it Carwyn triumphant seems rather wrong, if you take the netori path it actualy ends half way where the three other guys get angry and leave because they felt cucked, while you get both girls. while if you take the netorare path, Carwyn get cucked the other guys have all the fun and you can go much further in the game. So yea wouldn't call him really triumphant, coze that path he get both girls but will eventualy die inside the cave.
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Oct 4, 2020
Having played and enjoyed TF Card Battle, I checked this game out and... it is really impressive that you've managed to create games in totally different genres that are legitimately fun to play. Like TF Card Battle, this one isn't perfect, and I hope to write up a detailed review of my thoughts for each at some point, although for this one I'd like to play through it at least one more time.

But the short version is that while I'd like to see the mechanics refined/expanded on, the core concept of the trade-off between power/efficiency in battle and corruptive elements is fantastic. This is really the kind of thing that I always want (but seldom get) to see in corruption games. It's usually just "do the narratively sensible thing for pure route, do the idiot ball thing for lewds". So, regardless of anything else, I praise this game on that basis alone.
Oct 4, 2020
So I have more or less completed another playthrough (both have been on Hard, I considered Nonsensical for the second one but ultimately decided that if it wasn't playtested, it probably didn't make too much sense), and I was curious to see how things would go if I tried to kill all the enemies and open all the chests while finishing each map in as few turns as possible, which would presumably require leveraging the lewd-promoting skills.

This did more or less happen, although it's a bit complicated. It's definitely front-loaded, as once you get Kobold Joe and level him up a bit, he and (untransformed) Carwyn can pull a lot of weight, and you can kind of leave the three stooges behind, xp-wise. The enemy targeting priority can also end up sending a lot of XP Gwen's way, and although she isn't nearly as strong as Carwyn/Joe, she can hold her own and get to a point where she doesn't need much help, either.

This is exacerbated by how promotion works, since it resets the xp gain rate and enables units to start snowballing pretty hard once they've gone up a tier. This is imo possibly the biggest design flaw in the game. Does SRPG studio have a concept of internal level?

Owain in particular suffers from all this, because he seems to have higher thresholds for relationship increase due to his earlier join time, but he also needs to run off and open all the treasure chests, which means he doesn't get to spend as much time near Gwen (or Carwyn, as applicable), and also loses out on XP. Mordrid can suffer a bit from this as well, due to his combination of low movement and being your only healer for most of the game, though mostly I just think he's a weak unit anyway, outside of healing.

Emrys seems like he's the one who's designed to keep functioning in spite of this, because his +Mov promotion and Swap skill allow him to, at a minimum, move Gwen around an extra space per turn, which isn't always relevant, but definitely can be.

However, story-wise, there's a reason to rout all the maps early on, because you get money for doing so, which is why I decided to impose that condition. But at some point you stop getting any money, and because most of the maps are escape, you don't really need anyone but Carwyn to keep moving forward (well, you could do it with Vivian, but it would take awhile to get her to a point of self-sufficiency). And Emrys has promoted for me around the same time in both playthroughs, which is after you stop accumulating money for kills, so story-wise there's still not much need to have him continue to interact with Gwen.

All of which is to say, I think this all works better in the first half of the game than in the second half. In addition to what I've already mentioned, some other reasons for this are that (imo) Joe is too strong/grows too quickly and too well, and units in general become too self-sufficient and thus don't need to leverage the adjacency interactions that drive the earlier parts of the game. In case it's not clear, that includes Carwyn's lone wolf, which he can get to the point of not needing to keep activated to be effective (whereas in the early game it's pretty essential to keep it on most of the time).


Some ideas for tweaks:

I would rebalance Carwyn's progression to make him start out even stronger when he goes off on his own, but then flatten his growth curve so that transforming him is all the more tempting. The transformed form may need to be tweaked to accomplish this; I'm not sure what the modifiers are, but if they could be displayed before you commit to it, that would probably help anyway. The only chapter where I really felt I needed to transform him was the one with the Kobold longbows on elevated terrain, just because I needed more effective ranged options if I wanted to rout the map efficiently (though if I hadn't been trying to rout, I could have just ignored them).

Meanwhile, in the earliest parts of the game, I felt like he needed to use healing items more often than I'd have liked. I think he should have a self-healing skill like Gwen's, except it should only activate on low HP and when Lone Wolf is active.

I know there are good story reasons for Owain to be the lockpicker, but I actually think mechanically it should be Carwyn, the way Marth is in his games. Carwyn is already running off and doing his own thing, and making him be the one to open chests would depress his XP gain rate, as the main group would be more responsible for carving the primary path to the objective/fighting more of the enemies.

I think enemies should rush you more often, perhaps in a way that's tied to the difficulty setting. I was intentionally playing fast in order to push the lewd mechanics, but someone who's playing slow can probably avoid that by just creeping through the map carefully. I know that does lose out on speed rewards on some maps (and I think that should be made more prominent to promote fast play), but I think that (at least on higher difficulties) it should be more directly difficult to even make it through a map without lewd interactions. And enemies rushing you would make it harder to choose your engagements in a way that plays around the interactions.

EDIT: I also think Gwen's supportive skill should buff her when she's adjacent to someone and/or debuff her when she's not. That way the early game incentive for her to form up is even stronger, and later on it's harder for her to become self-sufficient. Also I think it would make narrative sense given her preferred way of fighting.


I said I more or less completed another playthrough, and that's because I think I broke the game in the epilogue.

I got the ending where you have to fight Owain & Gwen - which is incidentally a bit weird in itself, as going into the bandit chapter, I had Owain, Emrys, and Mordrid at relationship levels 2/4/3 respectively, although Owain might have had the most affection. Then I put Owain with Gwen on the far side of the river, the king put them in a room together, and Gwen's characterization started to get pretty inconsistent. She and Carwyn had already had their first scene together, but then suddenly during the exploration stage she was having sex with Owain (never mind that she hadn't actually done that in front of the king and had said she didn't want to), then after that she actually had sex with Owain in terms of a story scene, and she started turning on Carwyn. But after the final battle, she said she was going to go with Carwyn and any ending where she got to be with him was a happy ending... except then during the epilogue she was working for Cythraul and was with Owain again.

Owain and Gwen told Carwyn that he couldn't beat them, and I can understand where they were coming from with their 30s in all stats, but... once I got them split up so that Owain didn't benefit from Gwen's skills (easy b/c they have different movement values), Carwyn was able to fight them at an advantage, and although he might have lost if they'd just traded blows, he scored a crit on one of them and I didn't even need to heal him before finishing the other. And then... nothing. There seems to be no way to progress the game from this state. Do I just have to lose? Oh, and Carwyn tells Gwen to forget about Cythraul and Emrys (rather than Owain).

EDIT: I tried to lose and he's very determined to win, but I finally managed to get him to lose and... I just get a game over.
EDIT 2: Okay, apparently you need to flee to the bottom. Oops.
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Apollo Seven

Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 15, 2018
To be honest I pretty much gave up on balancing maps later in the game because it was impossible to know how strong anyone in a player's team was. This was an especially big problem in the Carywn Triumphant route where you could theoretically give all the EXP to a party member who then leaves the team.

For Netoria 2 I got rid of experience and levels altogether.
Oct 4, 2020
To be honest I pretty much gave up on balancing maps later in the game because it was impossible to know how strong anyone in a player's team was. This was an especially big problem in the Carywn Triumphant route where you could theoretically give all the EXP to a party member who then leaves the team.

For Netoria 2 I got rid of experience and levels altogether.
The classic Fire Emblem conundrum. I actually like the idea of getting rid of XP and levels altogether - I often play FE games on 0% growths haha. There are other things you can do to address this - e.g., you can have severe XP gain falloff for overleveled characters, so that in practice any given character can only be so high level. You can also have stat caps that high level characters will realistically hit. But no levels/growths definitely works, especially if there's other ways to modify character stats/attributes, like equipment, consumables, and class changing.


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
The classic Fire Emblem conundrum. I actually like the idea of getting rid of XP and levels altogether - I often play FE games on 0% growths haha. There are other things you can do to address this - e.g., you can have severe XP gain falloff for overleveled characters, so that in practice any given character can only be so high level. You can also have stat caps that high level characters will realistically hit. But no levels/growths definitely works, especially if there's other ways to modify character stats/attributes, like equipment, consumables, and class changing.
You could also just event level up all characters so that everyone gains a level each time you finish a map, though is that any different from no growths?


Mar 19, 2020
To be honest I pretty much gave up on balancing maps later in the game because it was impossible to know how strong anyone in a player's team was. This was an especially big problem in the Carywn Triumphant route where you could theoretically give all the EXP to a party member who then leaves the team.

For Netoria 2 I got rid of experience and levels altogether.
What others have done is adding repeatable maps, that you can play multiple times, freely. That way even if you lose a character, you can level up another.

THen the game breaks on the ceiling, the difficulty goes to shit. And Netoria is already too easy.

You could always make dynamic level adjustments, make the enemies stronger or weaker depending on the party members strengths. That would be my personal choice.

Your solution is great but it may remove the sense of growth. Does it matter? I am not sure. In common rpg that feeling of growth is KEY, it's the core of the psychological reinforcement rate which is one of the main things that motivates the player to keep playing. You have the porn aspect of it so removing the level up could simplify and increase the strength of the erotic motivator. It's hard to say, it depends on the rest of the elements of the game (good difficulty, clever implementation of mechanics, etc.)

But I feel good about your choice, seems proactive.

I was playing the whataver orphanage game, that also is inspired by fire emblem and ntr. While it's much more ambitious than Netoria, felt much more boring to play. I would skip every combat, always. There's no real reason to play that game. What you did by mixing combat with sex is the way to go, it's good glue for the entire experience. It's interesting that using similar premises, your game, the humblest of the two, is the best by a lot. Or so I think.
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Apollo Seven

Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 15, 2018
I think that getting rid of EXP worked really well. There's no optional battles, so it's not like you're avoiding enemies because fights are unrewarding. Where mission objectives are to beat enemies, your reward is getting past the level, and where missions objectives are different, ignoring enemies as much as possible to complete the objectives doesn't have a negative side. Things like encouraging the player to engage with more of the map is achieved through level design and the grope system means that rushing through the level often won't complete your story objective anyway.

The power level progression is based around the new skills system, where characters can equip items that give them new abilities. Those and stat raising items are obtained through a shop you use points you earn in levels for. So if you do get more power early, it's not from beating lots of enemies over and over but completing what are essentially bonus objectives. And how much you can boost one party member is limited by their number of item slots.

I don't think power growth of your characters is all that important in this game anyway, because you're playing for the progression of the sex scenes anyway. Zaman being stronger next level and being able to use a new skill feels good, but it's less important that seeing him get closer to fucking someone.


Mar 19, 2020
I think that getting rid of EXP worked really well. There's no optional battles, so it's not like you're avoiding enemies because fights are unrewarding. Where mission objectives are to beat enemies, your reward is getting past the level, and where missions objectives are different, ignoring enemies as much as possible to complete the objectives doesn't have a negative side. Things like encouraging the player to engage with more of the map is achieved through level design and the grope system means that rushing through the level often won't complete your story objective anyway.

The power level progression is based around the new skills system, where characters can equip items that give them new abilities. Those and stat raising items are obtained through a shop you use points you earn in levels for. So if you do get more power early, it's not from beating lots of enemies over and over but completing what are essentially bonus objectives. And how much you can boost one party member is limited by their number of item slots.

I don't think power growth of your characters is all that important in this game anyway, because you're playing for the progression of the sex scenes anyway. Zaman being stronger next level and being able to use a new skill feels good, but it's less important that seeing him get closer to fucking someone.
That... makes all the sense in the world. Listening you speak I am already excited to play the game. I am even starting to think how well a system without levels or experience would work in a proper fire emblem. In some of the recent games the level up sometimes feels like a chore.

Maybe it's soon to say (I still didn't play this new game of yours) but you may have found another great idea there.


Dungeon Master
Game Developer
Mar 18, 2018
Brother is around for some years and worked on a lot of games. Experienced dev. I liked pretty much the SRPG battle style by the preview img. Will take a look. Kuddos to the dev for the bravery of making so much games.


Jun 21, 2019
Yeah, I just tried to do slut route three times in a row, it's just impossible right now on story mode.
It does unfortunately seem not to work, which is a shame because I was really enjoying going for that ending on story mode. I really appreciated the dev adding the story mode and having those options, a shame following the instructions in the walkthrough doesn't seem to get you to the proper route on time in story. Excited to see what the next game has to offer and I hope the story mode function remains!


Dec 1, 2017
It does unfortunately seem not to work, which is a shame because I was really enjoying going for that ending on story mode. I really appreciated the dev adding the story mode and having those options, a shame following the instructions in the walkthrough doesn't seem to get you to the proper route on time in story. Excited to see what the next game has to offer and I hope the story mode function remains!
Last I checked in the part when carwyn transforms the first time you can just not transform him take control of the others and have them grope her till you get the points. Don’t remember if it’s updated since then
Try the above solution, it may work, I didn't try it because I was already done.


Jun 21, 2019
Last I checked in the part when carwyn transforms the first time you can just not transform him take control of the others and have them grope her till you get the points. Don’t remember if it’s updated since then
Try the above solution, it may work, I didn't try it because I was already done.
Thank you, this did work! It wasn't clear to me whether doing it multiple times in that one level had any extra effect, but this did allow me to get to lvl4 with one of the characters.

For others: this is Level 9, you have to position them next to her and keep end turning until it happens for each.
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