The techie girl? Queen's daughter? Blonde? I think Luciana is her name. Hottest among the LIs.
The HOTTEST girl in the game is the one who got her dildo signed by enzo
Eh her...i find Safiya (the sun-seer girl) way hotter and by far the best locking girl. Luciana has a nice ass but that's about it...and while i'm a fan of netori, her bf is so pathetic and their relationship is already so bad that stealing her/cucking the bf doesn't seem much fun
The doc has a real nice body, but there is just something off with her face/facial structure, which kinds ruin her good looks imo.
Aquila just doesn't interest me, nor do i find her particular attractive, and the facial expression she makes somethimes clearly don't help.
Had a lot of expectations for the Queen after we were told she's basically the empire's top milf, which anybody would want a piece from. I found he rather lacking... she's not bad looking, but a far strecht from deserving such a reputation imo.
Also the dildo girl being the hottest, really...
Girls aside, i find it surprising how much contempt some have against the empire.
The empire clearly has dirt on their hands, but well, that is to be expected. I mean, show me one government, no matter the government type past or present which doesn't have. Neither are the other factions portrait any better, not to mention the crap Cerberus/the Ferrymen are using for propaganda.
As for hoarding the technology, well yeah, kinda normal isn't it ?
We don't know if the empire can actually produce the advanced tech or to what limit, but pretty sure they are limited in how much and how fast they can create it.
So a privileged class, the rich, influential or powerful having access to it is to be expected, would be the same no matter who has accses to the tech. Or do some believe that if Cerberus has his way that suddenly all are equal and the most priceless technology is given to some remote villages ?
Also, why destroying the empire when can clear out the filth and take over as emperor ourselves ? Luxury for the MC and his harem seems well deserved for mankinds last hope for survival