To begin with, yeah the renders and graphics are really, really good. The scenes are all crisp and clean, wonderfully lit, all the characters look realistic and interesting. The writing is also good, and the story is somewhat interesting from what we have so far. Maybe there's a bit too much dialogue though? Sometimes it drones on and on about not so interesting things. I don't know if we need quiiiiite so much lore or banter between characters. There's also basically no sexual content yet aside from suggestive themes. I also have to say I really do not like these "minigames" that are here. The fights were just annoying because you can just flip back and forth to find the "correct" responses. There's not any type of choice or strategy it's just figure out the correct response to the dialogue spoken. There's also like a small choice system in how to talk to certain characters? Again, the same problem really. I'd rather the character just talk in the way we are building our character to be, not trying to figure out what makes some depressed emo guy not sad. I can already tell this is going to be a game in which a walkthrough will be basically mandatory because otherwise you're going to be guessing and screwing around with the unknown dialogues in order to get the most "points" instead of actually just roleplaying as a character you want to. This is why I don't like these point systems because the end result is just fishing back and forth for the correct responses. And for that, it really doesn't work for the type of game where you have the strong base for a tough gruff character. Moving on from that though the girls are hot, though I really detest all the flashing around to different scenes with different characters that I haven't even met. That's just really lazy. You're giving me characters that I have absolutely no knowledge of or any type of feeling towards and having me pre-base my disposition towards them early without even meeting my character. When I meet someone they should basically be a blank slate unless they've been spoken about by other characters in the world. Otherwise, you've already made me hate or like a character without the roleplaying aspect, which clearly is the goal for this game, to roleplay as this character. Overall it's not a bad game and there are some very strong bases here, but I hope a lot of the negatives get cleaned up and this game becomes a strong game for people looking for maledom manly mc's instead of the goofy beta mc's that seem to flood this site.