
Well-Known Member
May 20, 2022
but I don't think there was any deliberate intent to get MC killed
Not to kill him, but almost certainly to not have him around.
It's easy to imagine the citizens of Aqua Palma following Mateo or even just waiting for his approval to obey Dante's orders


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2019
so i downloaded the WT into the game, but in the saves there are already some on the tenth page but they aren't scenes I've seen before? did i miss it? I got to the part where the shapeshifter lady shows but then it says that's it for the content. what did i miss???
I believe the person who leaked the update also uploaded the file with there saves involved lol it happens rarely but it happens


Active Member
Sep 26, 2021
Err I think you're misremembering given we had a whole slew of awkward dialogue to get past that with Aquina next episode, and the reason she can probably do that is that she chose to spare the MC to begin with. And what exactly does this have to do with ServoSkulls in place of actual AI?
Someone once said: Since excuses were invented, we are all saints, hahaha.
May 15, 2018
I recently played this game for the first time and was very impressed. I'm really not disappointed by this discovery; it's without doubt one of the best stories to be found on this website.
Although the game is fairly linear, and some may see this as a flaw, as it offers little freedom of action and decision-making to the player. Nonetheless, the universe is very appealing, rich in references and allusions to famous games and works of fiction. I like the fact that in this game, the various protagonists have clearly defined motivations, and that there aren't really any heroes or villains in the classical sense. Everyone acts according to their own values and ambitions.

For now, the main flaw lies in the restricted freedom of choice regarding our loyalties and supporters. Our hero doesn't really seem to be able to be a negative person, despite certain decisions that might align him in that direction, but this remains very relative.
What's more, our character could be considered a Gary Stu, achieving everything with ease. Our character has enhanced abilities, literally transforming him into a living tank. From the very start of the story, he enjoys a semi-legendary reputation as a relentless, fearsome warrior. This invincibility makes it hard to imagine him being in any real danger. At the moment, we don't have much independence ourselves with our character.

I let myself be seduced by this atmosphere of intrigue and conspiracy, of cross-struggles for supreme power. I can't wait to discover the rest of the story, to find out more about this post-apo universe and perhaps see more of the capital New Antioch.
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Dec 25, 2018
Things will not improve in provinces w/o some drastic measures. NA is a giant parasite sucking everything of any worth from them, including people. There are certainly examples for this from RL, but not as drastic as in the game. Provinces stand no chance while NA is around or until it's weakened. But, that's a different topic.

It's not that easy to get into NA normally. It takes a long time and they don't like foreigners. The plan wasn't bad, it's just that he got caught purely by accident, but I don't think there was any deliberate intent to get MC killed. At least not from what we know so far. If that changes in future updates, I'll change my opinion.

If Aquila was given a chance to be forgiven for robbery and attempted assassination and Faustina is seemingly forgiven by default for ordering that robbery and assassination then Dante should get that same chance after he comes clean. It's all up to player, of course. Even the dog was forgiven for getting MC caught:LOL:
Yeah and then you've got barbarian raiders to the north, pirates in the south, and backwards superstition everywhere else. Like it or not New Antioch is the only place with any stability in the region and the only place as far as we've seen with any technological infrastructure, you literally risk burning and destroying the cure for mankind if you want to take them down. Let's just forget those unplesant facts when it doesn't suit us I guess? :cautious:

What the heck are you talking about? Did you literally not play through the sequence in the first chapter talking to Aquila? You're not a foreigner first off, you are a member of the empire and if you had actually been paying attention to that conversation back in the first chapter you'd know New Antioch is a free city for anyone to relocate and move to within the empire, it's why places like Aqua Palma have a population deficit, too many people move to New Antioch and it leaves a gaping hole in the provinces to where they have to import slaves. It would have been EASY to get into, even under an alias, if the MC didn't have a damn wanted poster calling for his arrest rather then sneaking in by fishing boat when people would be on the lookout for contraband or as it turned out in this case with Gaius and Enzo, waiting for a delivery. It was a horrible plan, one completely unnecessary when MC could literally have just gone through the front door otherwise :mad:

Again, I point out, why are avoiding the cover story Dante put on the MC blaming them for their Dad's death!! How is this not the proof that we already know, and how can you continue to just ignore this blatant fact that does nothing except try to get the MC killed?

Someone once said: Since excuses were invented, we are all saints, hahaha.
Whether you accept those excuses is on you, but I just wanted to make the point that it wasn't "easy" to get over straight away, and you have an option to even not get over it . <_< And again, what does this have to do with the ServoSkull army instead of an AI one. o_O
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May 15, 2018
Seeing the real war waged in your passionate debates made me really laugh ! :LOL:
Some discussions are truly captivating, like those on Dante's alleged betrayal or the dilemma surrounding New Antioch's empire. However, some topics can seem absurd at times, with excessive moralizing and far-fetched speculations, while many aspects remain unknown in the game's current narrative. Points are raised over minor details without consideration for the bigger picture. I've noticed some angry and bad-faith, if not very sanctimonious, comments about characters like Luci, her personality, her relationship with his ex-boyfriend, or the relationship between Milena and her brother and so on.
Being passionate about a game is great, but it's important to avoid falling into easy insults because of it, and to remember that it's a fictional universe. Especially in a dystopian setting, it's designed to exaggerate and highlight certain flaws of our real world, which is the essence of this genre. The goal isn't to earn points as a white knight or a paragon of virtue, nor is it to compile a list of every vice and societal flaw, then compare it to our real world as if to reflect it—there's really no point in doing that, at least from my perspective.
There aren't inherently good or bad individuals, except in stories like religious texts and moral fables, which don't reflect reality. Any of us can be led to act questionably under the right circumstances, believing we're doing the right thing or feeling we have no choice.

I believe that Gaius, our mentor in the game, is trying to teach us a crucial lesson: always opt for the lesser evil. This sometimes means committing reprehensible acts, but without losing sight of the higher goal, even if it means compromising ourselves slightly on the moral front. It pushes us to weigh up the pros and cons of each situation, to act in accordance with our principles without being clouded by them, and to dare to question or disobey unacceptable orders. Our Lord Commander himself does not blindly bow to the Empress's wishes, and sometimes openly defies her. In fact, he seems quite determined to mold us according to his philosophy and ethics, in order to prepare us to succeed him.
In any case, I really enjoyed these discussions with him, as it reinforces the impression that the game is trying to make us appreciate all the complex moral and behavioral facets of each character. By definition, no indvidual is perfect on either end of the spectrum, but it's a way of describing them in a more credible and human way in the end. And I think this is a very good aspect of the game and its narrative, which is synonymous with the kind of beautiful writing I personally enjoy.
It's captivating to observe characters with varied and credible behaviors, capable of surprising us, making decisions that are more or less acceptable, rationally or otherwise, and acting in accordance with their own interests and ambitions, as individuals struggling to survive or progress within the society in which they evolve.
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Jul 29, 2018
Yep, this is my point.

I wonder if all these moral white-knights that are posturing so much would still agree it's inhumane torture, if we find that it was rapists, murderers and others who committed despicable acts who they used for the robots. They probably would, but from my stance, if they were already inhumane and didn't give a fuck about their victims, they don't deserve the pity or sympathy.

Consider that robotic existence a perpetual repentance, that they would be forced to do and can't just agree to but never actually do, and they might actually offer something positive back to society that they *never* did in real life.
And what if some of them were framed by those in positions of power? We'll be left with "just trust me bro, they were proper vile people" as an argument. The game has already established that every single person in the game is morally bankrupt. Slavery, pit and gladiatorial fights, human experimentation are just the most obvious examples of how corrupt the entire "judicial" system is.

One LI is guilty of burglary and drugging a person (MC) with the intent to commit murder. Does that warrant her becoming a cyborg?
What about the tax collector threatening to have the woman's kid sold into slavery. That has probably happened a lot even during Faustina's reign, with at least some ending up dead in those vile pit or gladiatorial fights. Who says they didn't also end up as cyborgs.

If murder is as bad as you claim, then state sanctioned murder is surely worse.. no?
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Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2016
And what if some of them were framed by those in positions of power? We'll be left with "just trust me bro, they were proper vile people" as an argument. The game has already established that every single person in the game is morally bankrupt. Slavery, pit and gladiatorial fights, human experimentation are just the most obvious examples of how corrupt the entire "judicial" system is.

One LI is guilty of burglary and drugging a person (MC) with the intent to commit murder. Does that warrant her becoming a cyborg?
What about the tax collector threatening to have the woman's kid sold into slavery. That has probably happened a lot even during Faustina's reign, with at least some ending up dead in those vile pit or gladiatorial fights. Who says they didn't also end up as cyborgs.

If murder is as bad as you claim, then state sanctioned murder is surely worse.. no?
Yep, if they are all morally bankrupt to some degree, why the huge outcry from everyone here then?

It's just different shades of gray. We are basically told that our beloved MC has slaughtered people, no questions asked, nor mercy given in the past. What we don't know was if this was adults only, or everyone (including children or teens) in certain situations.

Again, everyone wants to point out the one example as horrible, when again everyone in the story has questionable morals. The story has done a good job of building up to other situations already, and then they *not* be what we thought they were.
May 15, 2018
Yep, if they are all morally bankrupt to some degree, why the huge outcry from everyone here then?

It's just different shades of gray. We are basically told that our beloved MC has slaughtered people, no questions asked, nor mercy given in the past. What we don't know was if this was adults only, or everyone (including children or teens) in certain situations.

Again, everyone wants to point out the one example as horrible, when again everyone in the story has questionable morals. The story has done a good job of building up to other situations already, and then they *not* be what we thought they were.
The game persistently reinforces the notion that no one is inherently good or evil. Individuals may engage in dubious actions, yet they are driven by personal motives. In a world dominated by the pursuit of survival, power, or an improved existence, morality often becomes secondary.
Even people who are presented as being more or less morally good have their own reasons for wanting to present themselves in this way or pretend to act in this way - I'm thinking here of the great manipulator Cicero. For people like him, the end justifies the means, and whatever he thinks of the people of New Antioch, his real aim is to seize power, there's no doubt about that. He's just clever enough to pretend to be a champion of the people, who would like to free them from their chains in the face of a tyrannical empress, at least that's the tale he'd like to tell. This is neither totally true nor totally false, of course, it's simply a question of perspective and personal ambition.
I don't understand some people's eagerness to point to what they call absolute evil, or to defend some form of supreme good to justify their views in the examples they take from the game. That's not what the game is about and, strictly speaking, it's pointless. Besides, I couldn't care less who among you is a depraved cynic or a paragon of virtue, I'm not interested in either. haha :LOL:
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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2022
Yep, if they are all morally bankrupt to some degree, why the huge outcry from everyone here then?

It's just different shades of gray. We are basically told that our beloved MC has slaughtered people, no questions asked, nor mercy given in the past. What we don't know was if this was adults only, or everyone (including children or teens) in certain situations.

Again, everyone wants to point out the one example as horrible, when again everyone in the story has questionable morals. The story has done a good job of building up to other situations already, and then they *not* be what we thought they were.
The characters in these stories are not morally bankrupt, they are morally grey.

Saying they are "bankrupt" would imply complete narcissism when looking at any given situation (if it benefits them in any way), while characters in New Antioch can frequently make selfless choices that put them at risk, in service of other people or ideals.

But even morally grey worlds have their lines somewhere. You can't be morally grey if the line doesn't exist.

And stuffing people's brains into metal endoskeletons, robbing them of the sanctity of death (regardless of if they are criminal scum or innocent people) and enslaving them is pretty damn far into the "immoral" side of that proverbial fence.

As of 0.5, Lucia is irredeemably psychotic. Doesn't mean she can't be your LI, or that your choice to have her as an LI means you are psychotic in any similar fashion. Or that she might stay that way - we don't have the full picture yet.

But it would have to be a serious case of misunderstanding at play here, in order for Lucia to be absolved of guilt - be it partially or fully.
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Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2016
The characters in these stories are not morally bankrupt, they are morally grey.

Saying they are "bankrupt" would imply complete narcissism when looking at any given situation (if it benefits them in any way), while characters in New Antioch can frequently make selfless choices that put them at risk, in service of other people or ideals.

But even morally grey worlds have their lines somewhere. You can't be morally grey if the line doesn't exist.

And stuffing people's brains into metal endoskeletons, robbing them of the sanctity of death (regardless of if they are criminal scum or innocent people) and enslaving them is pretty damn far into the "immoral" side of that proverbial fence.

As of 0.5, Lucia is irredeemably psychotic. Doesn't mean she can't be your LI, or that your choice to have her as an LI means you are psychotic in any similar fashion. Or that she might stay that way - we don't have the full picture yet.

But it would have to be a serious case of misunderstanding at play here, in order for Lucia to be absolved of guilt - be it partially or fully.
Good thing everyone has their own opinion of what is 'correct' or not, since opinions are like assholes, everyone has them and they all stink. There is no "serious case of misunderstanding", there are plenty of people using emotion instead of logic to make their decisions about others which is a pretty stupid stance to take. IRL entire societies are in upheaval because people are extremely quick to judge others based on some half-assed emotional response without even knowing who those people are, how they think, their motivations, etc.

Glad you have your own view, when you stop acting like it's the only valid view then we can have an actual discussion. Or not, since others have said things much better than you. Stop posturing, you're using valuable internet air on a stance that others probably don't really GAF about. :)


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2021
New Antioch [R0.5] Unofficial Android Port + dedalo_69's WT Mod

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My Android Ports have a 2nd Persistent save location. So, even if you uninstall the game, the saves will remain Intact.

Saves location: Storage/0011/Game-name

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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2022
Good thing everyone has their own opinion of what is 'correct' or not, since opinions are like assholes, everyone has them and they all stink. There is no "serious case of misunderstanding", there are plenty of people using emotion instead of logic to make their decisions about others which is a pretty stupid stance to take. IRL entire societies are in upheaval because people are extremely quick to judge others based on some half-assed emotional response without even knowing who those people are, how they think, their motivations, etc.

Glad you have your own view, when you stop acting like it's the only valid view then we can have an actual discussion. Or not, since others have said things much better than you. Stop posturing, you're using valuable internet air on a stance that others probably don't really GAF about. :)
Oh, so you are one of those “morality is subjective” folks, good to know that I don’t have to waste my time trying to argue with you anything else, since your entire foundation of your reasoning is severely flawed.


Nov 27, 2022
Oh, so you are one of those “morality is subjective” folks, good to know that I don’t have to waste my time trying to argue with you anything else, since your entire foundation of your reasoning is severely flawed.
If morality is not subjective then when do various cultures and religions have different moral standards? Half the kink tags on this site are against someone's moral code.
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