Bar is also very similar and I'm sure there's more, but that's ok mr dev keep making your copy cat game 
I don't know about that one chief.Nidaros is a high-quality pixel art game.
Most people here don't even play videogames, so I wouldn't be surprised if they really think Aurelia was the first pixel art game ever.I haven't played either this or Aurelia yet, but, there was this game called Hero's Quest (later renamed Quest for Glory for copyright reasons) and the pictures of the villages gave me serious nostalgia vibes. Point being expect to see similarities in games especially within genres (so hold your fire on the stollen assets charges because you'll sound imbecilic most of the time) AND just because you're a toddler doesn't mean the first thing you saw was the OG.
"Guise, Aurelia looks so much like Quest for Glory... Suspiciously so"This looks so much like Aurelia... Suspiciously so
"Aurelia is like Quest for Glory but made with half the talent and a fraction of the content"It's like Aurelia but made with half the talent and a fraction of the content