Others - Night Labyrinths [v1Demo] [mminitdev]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Rougelite Dungeon Crawler where you navigate a labyrinth and enemies do H-attacks against you.

    The gameplay is decently fun, but it gets very repetitive very fast. In the second stage, the enemies start so strong that you rely very heavily on finding a weapon early on. If you don't find a weapon, you will often die very fast till you eventually get a run with an early weapon. Walking from tile to tile also becomes tedious. I'd wish the character didn't stop on every single tile if you just held down the W key.

    The art is very good, but the only animated sequences is when you lose. There is also no gallery, but the game is still in development so hopefully it will be added soon.

    This game is more enjoyable both gameplay-wise and hentai-wise than most stuff I've recently found, so I will heavily recommend this game. I can't wait to see what this dev does with the game and hopefully he will also open avenues to support him (currently the game is completely free on itch, so there really is no reason not to try it)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Really solid rogue-lite on its own, I'm enjoying playing it even ignoring the porn part

    Right now there's 3 levels of dress for going out into the dungeon, all of which have their own scaling for when you level up
    Going out fully dressed vs half dressed also have their own separate skill trees, and you can also switch between skill trees mid-run if you find the appropriate item
    Each level of dress also has its own set of CGs. Sometimes it's just a slight variation and sometimes it's completely different. Going out bottomless means some enemies will fuck you rather than just grope you

    My only gameplay complaint is that beating a zone feels a little lackluster. You keep your equipped items, which is a bonus for the next zone, but your consumables and skills all go away and you're back to level 1
    For porn, this suffers from the problem that a ton of games that aren't visual novels do - If you're doing well, you get less porn. If you're getting a lot of porn, your run is about to end. This is better than most games, since you get little cut-ins whenever you take damage, so it's really not an issue unless you're one-shotting everything (which is very possible). I'd like to see a weapon or preparation added where you attack with sex

    Overall, for a demo, this is extremely promising. If this was the completed game with no updates coming, I'd still give it a 4/5