Unity - Completed - Night Of Revenge [v1.0.7] [D-Lis]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Night Of Revenge

    2D clone of Dark Souls like its original counterpart Salt and Sanctuary

    I went through the whole game on Hard and I wouldn't say it was very difficult except that the Succubus boss made me linger on it a bit longer, otherwise the game is awesome, not without problems of course


    + Locations -
    There are a lot of them, and they are very diverse in mood and inhabiting them enemies, as well as passing the entire game feels the progression of the journey

    + Story -
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    + Lewd content - All good, animations, a few defeat/bad ending scenes, overall it's good, but getting out of an enemy hold can literally be done with two clicks and it was very frustrating the whole game, I don't like giving in on purpose to watch content

    Weapons Progression - In addition to the usual pumping weapons on + the game offers the opportunity to develop in two directions, and these directions change not only the characteristics of the weapon, but also its animation with the number of hits in the chain, which is sometimes very critical

    Didn't like

    - Platforming and 2D backgrounds - There are moments in the game when it is not clear in which perspective is the platform, in the foreground or in the background, and the texture of the platform is the same and it all merges, most of all it is noticeable in the lower part of the city

    - Weapon balance - Most of the weapons are weak... I played through DEX-build and after trying all the weapons, I found out that only 1-2 katanas and paired swords are suitable for me, all other weapons were either too slow or too weak
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Simply great. Even had a fun time trying different builds.
    Erotic elements are gory at times, but can be skipped if you wish to.
    All in all not too lengthy and not grindy at all.

    Great game! Thanks for uploading.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    I have been disappointed by side-scrollers on this website time after time. But this had restored my hopes that there are actually good games of this type here. The controls arent bullshit. There isnt any annoying mechanics you have to constantly use or keep in mind. The platforming isnt unnecessarily punishing and the combat is fun and engaging.

    The other thing that pops out is the art, its beautiful, especially for a 2-D perspective. The sexual scenes are great too. There can be a few grotesque, given the setting. But overall they have great variety and all of them are cooked to all dente.

    The gameplay is hard, but the good kind of hard where you are punished because you need to git gud, instead of being hard just as a “fuck you”.

    If there is one negative part of this game that i can easily criticise, then its the story, of lack of it. But that in all honesty is not really needed for a game that focuses so hard on good gameplay.

    I would recommend downloading and playing this even if you dont really like side-scrollers. Its the best of its genre on this website.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This Game is Peak. The Gameplay, The Fights, The Sex Scenes, The Suspenseful Story and Finally The Ending........
    Its Just Fucking Beautiful, and an Absolute Work of art
    You could genuinely tell the creator put his soul in his work and thats really rare to find in most of the game here.
    This Game is an Absolute Essentials Worth Playing
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I like to try and review all the games that I've personally completed. This was an incredible game.

    Genuinely so good! The combat while being a bit janky at first is actually quite well polished! So much so that after my first playthough I beat the entire game at level 1, base sword no upgrades, I did grab the flasks though.

    The story is great, CG is great, Combat is great! The ending is a littttleeee lacking after the witch of thorns fight which was peak! I wish the karma ending was a little more fleshed out but its okay overall incredible.

    Amazing job by the creator and thank you Maleficent for translating this gem and uploading it for us.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Turbo grilled cheese

    Simply the best in the genre by far and away. the H-scenes are lovingly made and feel handcrafted. Combat is adequate, but the game feels a tad unfinished in the latter stages. I hear the creator is working on another title, can't wait.

    For real though, this game really is the best of the genre, I wish I could forget all of it so I could play it again
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Truly one of the GOAT GoR games in my opinion. Lots of unique weapons, enemies, and game overs tied together with an excellent art aesthetic. I hope the plans for DLC come through because I want more! I'm really looking forward to what the dev makes next!
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Teal Flower

    Since there are lots of reviews anyway, gotta focus on what I liked the most and the least.
    The game is very good indeed. Souls-like, with fairly challenging parts until you learn the patterns.
    The combat is good but it can be very frustrating. Animations will keep you frozen in place for ~2 seconds or until you dodge, so at least to me, it was infuriating that she would just stand there when I just wanted to start walking.
    Another thing that could be good for challenging is that almost every enemy in the game dodges. Very few will just stand there and eat your blows but most will dodge to either side and usually counterattack, so combat can be reduced to try to parry or wait for dodge and dodge yourself and attack. Being parried I think I just encountered 1 single enemy that did it, and it was a "secret" one in the initial areas. Besides that one, no other enemy does that I remember.
    Certain enemies, especially bosses, can toss you away an perform a fatality on you while you are downed, but you simply press some keys and get up. Same for the hentai content, that basically is non-existant if you don't actively look for it or play the event scenes.
    Something that I don't understand is that you can get karma by helping certain nps. You also can save a few of the girls being raped. But for some reason most of them are just left there on their own. The camera zooms in to show the animations but that's it, you don't care at all. Even worse when they are girls that you met in your journey and you talked to them.
    Some areas are also missable and since there is no map you won't know if you've skipped something. Your only tracker is the numbers on the teleport tabs. I skipped one of the areas, the 6th or 7th one, so I searched and found the crystal mine for a boss. I might have skipped "estus" upgrades too, since I finished the game with 8 HP and 6 MP ones and, if magic got the same amount of spells per tab, I might have skipped a thunder one and a dark one. Guns, fire and light all got like 6 spells but the others 1 less.
    In general very good anyway besides the things I don't like, but I felt like it wasn't a hentai game in the end, just a regular challenging souls platformer. Even when you are defeated you just select revenge and that's it, you are still a virgin (???). So I ended up just seeing the event scenes, and probably for many the animations aren't good since they are those live2d animations. Not my fav kind of hentai tbh. And on top of that, everything is rape or gangrape, so if you don't like it better skip the content or the game itself.
    So in the end, played it for the gameplay.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Regular version of this game contains a bug after the first boss that causes the entire game to freeze up. So, apparently the rite of passage for this game is to experience this fatal bug, then download the game and start it all over again from the beginning (with the bugfix) instead of the bugfix simply being included in all downloadable versions.

    Once you download the version with the bugfix (and start the game all over again from the beginning), you then realize the entire gallery is unlocked. So, those of us who want the experience of unlocking our own gallery through gameplay with a version that's actually playable seem to be out-of-luck.

    Other than this literally unplayable (but fixable) bug and gallery situation, this game has a lot going for it. Beautiful artwork with fantastic animations and varieties of enemies to keep things interesting.

    There is some slight jankiness with the volume (i.e., music is either way too loud or barely audible), and the combat controls/animations seem slightly off in a way that I can't quite put my finger on.

    After giving this game a whirl, I'm a little surprised at how highly-rated it is compared to my own first impression. Maybe the moderators here delete negative reviews of this game? Wouldn't be the first time.

    Anyway, this game seems "okay" and relatively in line with other side-scrolling hack-n-slash platformer types of games I've played on here. I wouldn't describe this game as a masterpiece, but it seems relatively decent.

  10. 5.00 star(s)


    A phenomenal platformer, souls-like combat, and linemarvel style eroticism. Really stands out among the crowd. Whether you're here for lewd scenes or a genuine Bloodbourne homage, you'll enjoy this game. I was avoiding it for awhile due to the more graphic tags, but every scene is optional regardless of player skill and not in an intrusive game interrupting way that makes you feel you're missing half the content either. Progression and even weapon balance lines up with Bloodbourne. Lots of variety in attacks and play styles, but your starter weapon really scales better than anything else just like its inspiration. Unfortunately I noticed that quirk pretty early on and ended up min-maxing damage instead of exploring the many options for spells, bulky heavy hammers and fast thrusting spears and rapiers.

    Overall plays better than most of these platformers, but even with patches there are still a couple quirks like music volume being loud and unable to lower separate from master volume despite the slider in the menu. The game deserves a lot of praise for the simple fact that you can easily rebind your hotkeys and the game can be played one-handed without issue. Some enemy encyclopedia entries, trap enemies, will only unlock if you allow yourself to be caught and let a sex scene activate which will disappoint completionists who also want a clean player log, but you can still enjoy them guilt free in the gallery. Aside from the player log and some lost xp from dying, there's little consequence to sex scenes and losing. There's was only one fight that I found frustrating and that was very late in the game and involved a soft rage timer. I also stubbornly used my usual play style instead of using many mechanics the game hinted at helping in this fight.

    Combat is a blast! I played on Normal but if you're already good at these platformers and dodge rolling then I would encourage bumping up to Hard whenever you feel like. Dodging, guarding, and riposting all work the way you're familiar. There's even working enemy poise and delayed swings if you choose though that mechanic is never utilized. Only complaint, I wish there was more variety in riposte options, as many weapons already had different ranges, speeds, and combos. 3 cosmetic clothing options and you get rings for some stat modifications on top of leveling. Well balanced, but if the dev had more time and budget more outfits would have been fun. Understandably the bandit/inquisitor human enemy is copypasted a lot and they only vary in their weapon type and slight difference in attack windows. Aside from them there's a good variety of enemies and traps which aren't too frustrating but varied and reasonably placed.

    The plot is generic and kind of sparse. While the translations are good, I found myself skipping through most of the character dialogue and journals as nearly every encounter in the game just ends with NPCs imprisoned in the easily missed dungeon level with no opportunity to intervene sadly. Environmental storytelling and item descriptions are decent, but I wasn't all that clear where Aradia is trying to go aside from wherever her titular "Night of Revenge" leads her. If we were searching for leaders of the church, clues about missing women, or saving the city from a demon outbreak that would be a lot more compelling than the randomly placed flashbacks we get. There's actually some indications that was exactly what the developer had in mind if they had more time to work on it. Again the writing and scenes are fine, but it's mostly your generic sex slave stuff aside from a couple bad ends.

    Despite that there's quite a few more niche fetishes and scenes aside from the dozen male humanoid encounters. Really good animations with fluid but weighty movements and many stages for each scene. There was also an underutilized karma system. It would increase based on triggering NPC dialogues and rescuing imprisoned women, but it only unlocks one zone and one dialogue/cutscene option over the entire game. If you were just button mashing through events/cutscenes it would be harder not to unlock them, and despite the name it doesn't really feel like you helped anything by increasing your karma. More could have been done with status effects or consequences for sex scenes like a corruption mechanic to add more variety to gameplay. Usually I hate corruption systems as it can be a grindy time sink that walls off scenes and progression but I think it would work well here. A simple solution is to include a cleanse or reset system by resting at the hub area. I feel like it would give the sex log more consequence and bad endings more impact. Also if you're going to track player virginity give it some kind of mechanical or dialogue significance. Overall, highly recommended.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Silver Wolf 1202

    The gameplay, the music, the fx, the animation,... everything is perfect. This game feels like some sort of 2d souls game, like hollow knight or blasphemous,... I wish this game a little longer, and maybe some dlc. In short, this game make me lose NNN. 9.9/10
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Genuinely one of the best porn games out there. For one, this is a truly complete game with actually compelling gameplay and combat. This game emphasizes the game as much as the porn in "porn game". Oh, and the porn is also very well done.
    I don't know what you'd call this genre, where it's a side-scroller platformer where enemies engage in sex scenes with the player character if they fall below a certain damage threshold. But this is easily the best game I have played of this genre (others being Future Fragments and Alien Quest: Eve). The art is simply great, the story is decent, and the gameplay is fun. Highly recommend.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    If you liked games like Setallia/Lutellaria, Thornsin, mk maya, and other similar games, you're gonna enjoy this one.

    Great gameplay, variety of weapons and magic sistem, whick let's you combo with a good combat system.

    The CG and Game Over scenes are all great quality, and there's variety dependind on your tastes.

    The MC is also quite pretty and cute, which kinda messed me up a little, since she's kinda my type, has a beautiful design and all of that... It kinda made me wish this wasn't a porn game, WHICH IS WEIRD, but whatever.

    Still good game, but I need to touch grass man.
  14. 4.00 star(s)

    Church the Cat

    Just finished my first playthrough, and I enjoyed everything except how easy I got lost, not knowing all I needed to do to advance was to use the "Blackend Key" on a door in the dark area with all the purple slime monsters. I did a lot of unnecessary backtracking, trying to figure out what I'd missed.

    Combat was fun, especially the boss fights.
    Magic was neat, but I mostly focused on guns and my big ass hammer. :p
    Story was adequate, being hampered by the English translation seemingly missing some dialogue, evident by the squares in the text.
    Sex scenes were mostly nice, minus some content I'm not a fan of.

    In conclusion, it's the best 2D H-game I've ever played, going all the way back to the early '00s, when I lived on Newgrounds. (y)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic metroidvania meets dark souls hentai game. 9/10 must play if you enjoy 2d defeat content, pixel art, etc.

    BE WARNED: Extreme content (death) is avoidable but might surpise you if not skipped or avoided fast enough. It's mostly bosses but also some normal enemies.

    The good:
    + Easy difficulty was still enjoyable to me, the game is long enough (10 hours+ if trying to explore and do *everything*) and exciting regardless
    + Great variety of enemies, world design, obviously extremely inspired from souls games. It was a good time.
    + A lot of variety in weapons and magics, everything seems viable
    + Breathtaking music themes, some of the best in any h game. Love the final boss theme the most.

    The bad:
    - Buggy menus (levelup screen), scroll bars, and other small systems were a bit weird at times. I avoided using the magic system much due to it.
    - Fast Travel, but no map. No way to know what altars you don't have, and no way to know what you missed basically. Nor hint towards it.
    - Exciting optional content I encountered is very missable.

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  16. 5.00 star(s)



    you will become addicted to this game from the very moment you are captured for the first time. you WILL spend more time losing to foes than actually playing the game. there are a lot of little side-stories going on and a small main story that you'll receive glimpses of from time to time but don't expect much. a decent main city would have been nice as the one we got is dead. the translation isn't perfect. i have over 20 hours on my play-through.

    i recommend using the witch two-hand sword at +0 enhancement throughout the game for the best balance as it's extremely easy to become overpowered if you have level loss disabled. the one-hand sword you start with is also the most overpowered weapon in the game.
    Likes: mc247
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games in its genre, this game contains a large number of animations and H-scenes, and besides the H-content, there is a well-made action game and a large number of spells and weapons with unique attacks and damage types.
    I also wanted to notice a large number of locations and "events" and the opportunity to "not die" and return to the starting point with the same progress. The game is both complex and simple, you can choose the complexity for yourself.
    There are also a large number of bosses in the game that can make you try to kill them and a large number of unexpected plot twists.

    This game quietly deserves 5 stars out of
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    This game would have been a real masterpiece if not for the catastrophic mistake of the author. All the sexual content in the game that I was able to stumble upon is completely voluntary, although it has violent animations. The player does not need to make the slightest effort to escape, you just need to press a single button and not resist. This completely breaks the immersion and causes the strongest ludonarrative dissonance.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Remains Unknown

    Awesome game
    Good gameplay
    I had a full virgin run and I don't plan on changing that
    Didn't even bother with the h scenes
    I loved the story the most
    Especially Wendy.
    Poor Wendy.
    I feel so bad for her.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    I just completed the game, and while I had some fun playing it, I'm a bit disappointed at the end of it all. The main problem is that the lewd content doesn't mesh well with the rather mediocre gameplay.

    The gameplay is basically is basically 2D Dark Souls meets Metroidvania, except 2D doesn't do Dark Souls gameplay any favours because it lacks any depth to it. The story isn't particularly, the combat is basically "dodge to win" and the maps are annoyingly large. Dark Souls really only works on a high-fidelity 3D world.

    The H content is a better aspect of this game. The graphics, animations and voicework is top tier, but it doesn't mesh well with the gameplay and doesn't honor the "rape" philosophy. There's three ways of getting raped in this game: you get knocked down, you get caught in a trap, and the game over screen. There's a lot of variety, every different enemy has a different animation and each zone has different "game over" screens. But to get raped you literally have to stop playing the game! If you press a button the character will easily break free with no consequences. Compared to games like Eris Dysnomia or Happy Heart Panic, where you are constantly getting harrassed, it's way less fun.

    There's some light gore and ryona elements, but nowhere near enough the point that a fan of the genre like myself would call it a positive. It's mostly bosses that will kill you, and a few times you'd get beaten.

    If you like the tags involved, I think you should play it, but maybe you should use one of the save files that's overleveled so that you can enjoy the game and not worry about grinding and stuff. Definitely play it on easy mode.