VN - Others - Completed - Night to Meet Chu [Final] [CyberStep, Inc]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Naitomi~chu is not something to be reviewed "normally", so let me describe how this works, and then talk a bit about it. There's this Vtuber who whispers in your ear, tucks you to sleep (ASMR), and goes on dates with "you", while demonstrating unconditional love as if it was a given. In short, it's a girlfriend experience, with traces of "mommy" in the mix. She looks good, voice acting is fine and there's a bit of story, which is always nice. That's the cynic take on what's happening.

    After that, and observing this logically, the target audience here is the single (Japanese) male in a certain age bracket. First problem with that: Even if you understand spoken Japanese, the intimacy level decreases if that's not your native tongue, and the Heroine has many idiosyncratic interjections, and ways of expressing herself. Second problem: If you can't read Japanese, you will be left with a TL that skips any nuance on narration, and dialogue (i checked the English one, there's a stupid amount of languages available, though).

    Third problem: The entire thing reeks of solitude, and escapism. It is most assuredly true that you need someone in your life who accepts you. It is not true however, that such a person needs to be a love interest. This is a VN, that tries to to relieve stress, and remove some pressure from the hectic pacing of modern life, only to further burden you implicitly, with notions of what you should get to make your life better. It's meaningless to pity people thousands of miles away, but it makes me sad to think that this could the closest thing to "positive" human contact, some may experience.

    Last problem (or postulation): This type of VN is likely to be popular in a somewhat distant future, right now it's a limited experience. Basically, once you reach a point where A.I is widespread (every household), and commonly capable of mimicking human behaviour (fool you), this sort of experience is likely to blow up. It's hard to say if people are truly getting lonelier, without statistics to back it up, but if you accept that proposition, and put it together with the former, the idea of "dating sims" with "smart" A.Is seems like a good bet. (it also makes things worse, obviously.)

    Score: 5/10. No need to think too much about this, it's a cute girl with a childish, teasing manner, showing you unrestrained affection. There's the ASMR to consider, along with many choices to make things interactive. If that sounds good to you, this is recommended. For me it's too soon, and self-inserting in romantic fiction was never my deal to begin with.

    (No sexual content)