This game will TORTURE you with how both good and bad it is.
It has good animations, art, villains, some music to take from the game. Love interest is cool, he's not some loser with tiny issues, it's easy to imagine her loving him. Writing is pretty good and not heavy on words. Level design isn't some disgustingly complicated labyrinth of pain, it's just normal.
But then you see what all of this is used for... for the most default fucking events among RPGM hentai games, i.e. communal baths, pervy-innocent shota, cosplay photo, nun and nurse roleplay, maid, waitress, brothel, massage. Like, is that the first thing that comes to mind when people think of a female knight? Well, some events are unique, so it's not all bad.
There's a "battlefuck" system, but it's way too easy to avoid. You would have to consciously choose to play worse to experience it. Only at the very end enemies will get challenging, and it's kind of too late.
The system that locks events is also ass. To unlock "Penetration" desires you don't have to be simply penetrated, you also have to masturbate. To unlock "Flashing" you don't have to be flashing people, you also have to look at sex..? Why?
Also, there are lore issue. At the beginning of the game Rain is shown as ultra-badass, overpowered battle-maniac knight, oneshotting 3 powerful enemies that would require 10 knights each. So who would you think she'll have to fight after that? Ogres? Demons right away, maybe? No, she just fights rats and bats... And later in events she's also a complete idiot, she gets trapped by most obvious traps, and would've failed her entire mission without help. So much for a powerful lady knight.
I would not recommend it, if you're looking for some new fantasy, unique context for sexual content. But if you're basically just a gooner - art is good and very fappable. It's difficult to choose whether to give it 3 or 4 stars, game is neither good nor average.