5.00 star(s) 2 Votes
Oct 26, 2022
Hi guys! The winner theme of the last poll gets the first pic of this term, featuring all three of The Witcher's ladies! This pic will have a "cum" alternative too btw.
I will be making the 2nd and 3rd place this month as well! So don't miss my works on Barbie and Ahsoka, coming up next!
I will push the continuation of Sands of Damnation to the next month. I'd like to have an entire month to work on that and since I was out for a week, I decided to work on the poll's most voted instead. Then, in October I'm planning on finishing the Scream interactive series, which should be fitting for Halloween ;)
I hope you are all doing great! and stay tuned for the surprise I have for you in my next post ;)
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5.00 star(s) 2 Votes