
Engaged Member
Respected User
Feb 12, 2017
Yeah 400-450 total images in the game. Most of them are lewd to some degree.
But I would say at the very least half of them is truly lewd, the rest range from pretty sexy to "I'd do that if there was nothing else". It should be said a lot of the art and content is heavily World of Warcraft / World of Whorecraft (Sex and Sorcery too) inspired.
As long as there's an image of someone getting/giving a blowjob when the text says that someone is getting/giving a blowjob, and so on, then that's good enough for me.
Thanks for the info.


The Real Slim Semei
Mar 11, 2017
As long as there's an image of someone getting/giving a blowjob when the text says that someone is getting/giving a blowjob, and so on, then that's good enough for me.
Thanks for the info.
Then I believe you will be satisfied. From what I have seen the images match the text pretty well.
And you are most welcome :)
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Sep 16, 2016
Yes, there's tons of pictures more-and-less relevant and after ~year (from my last attempt to play) game at least get some sexual content. Plus dev at least a bit increased success chances for advanced skills. And brothers/sisters/futa starting talents almost reliable working now :)

Two-three years more and we will get partially playable game*. Maybe :biggrin:. At lest now it's worth to try it.

*For peoples enjoying to watch how their own slavers get killed (and very occasionally - raped) it's already partially playable.

P.S. Still insanely mad for author game "design". We're already paid points for "biomancy". We're already waste MC turn to do it. And we can't simply change breasts size for own preferences without tons of failures? And failures can mess our PC? Moronic. :angry:


Sep 16, 2016
Only occasionally? Bummer.
Year ago yes, and playing now I still never saw any detailed rape description for my slavers failure.

There's a few events when failures/critical failures (or even success, lol) assume some rapey in background, but without any text. And very few of events include some sexual contents (apart from erotic and porn pictures in background).

I wasn't joked at all when said "author develop this game maybe even slower then Akabur work on his". We only recently get ability to actually do at least something sexual with our slaves, until then only our slavers were able to do (and without proper details like we now have).

Game is still very erotic, there's tons of pictures. But lack any details and few actual content it's have is very vague.
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Sep 8, 2017
Rags games are easy to cheat. Just set up the Debug.bat file mentioned here and you can cheat any rags game with one click/drag.

Tried this. Found the Gold and Supplies variables in the DebugDataFrm (the size of which is enormous for this game), but changing the variables there did not appear to change them in the game.


The Real Slim Semei
Mar 11, 2017
Tried this. Found the Gold and Supplies variables in the DebugDataFrm (the size of which is enormous for this game), but changing the variables there did not appear to change them in the game.
You could use my cheat version of the game, quoted my original message below, which contains a link and a description of what it does.

No Haven 0.7921 Cheat Version I created.
In character creation, it lets you add most traits at no point cost and most traits will not count towards trait limit.
You also start with 10.000 Gold and 6.000 Supplies.

You could also wait until I have finished my second cheat version

My updated cheat version currently have these features:
NO points used and no traits counted towards max amount at the full-customable character creator.
Ability to set amount of gold at will
Ability to set amount of supplies at will
Ability to generate random Slave at will (can go beyond the regular Slave limit)
Ability to generate random Slaver at will (can go beyond the regular Slave limit)
Ability to pick 1 of 5 randomly generated Slavers (can go beyond the regular Slave limit)

Both the random generation features can be "guided" towards certain results by selecting "Orders" and then select preferred slave gender, preferred slave race, preferred slaver gender, preferred slaver race. Selecting hard genders / races will generate the desired race / gender within a couple of tries.

I am currently working on adding the ability to select 1 of 5 randomly generated slaves, ability to fully restore slaves (condition / will), ability to level up, ability to get items and remove the "Talk to" daily limit.
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Dec 29, 2017
You could use my cheat version of the game, quoted my original message below, which contains a link and a description of what it does.

You could also wait until I have finished my second cheat version
ETA? You're doin the lord's work my dude, waitin for that 2nd cheat version.


The Real Slim Semei
Mar 11, 2017
ETA? You're doin the lord's work my dude, waitin for that 2nd cheat version.
Well... I could release it as it currently is, I suppose. I will not be feature complete, only the features I listed it as currently having + no limit to daily talks / no limit to amount of personal assignments on yourself.
I would personally prefer to wait releasing the second version until it is feature complete, but if everyone wants it released now, I suppose I could release it now.


Compulsive Gambler
Jun 2, 2017
Well... I could release it as it currently is, I suppose. I will not be feature complete, only the features I listed it as currently having + no limit to daily talks / no limit to amount of personal assignments on yourself.
I would personally prefer to wait releasing the second version until it is feature complete, but if everyone wants it released now, I suppose I could release it now.
Personally, I don't mind waiting for another day/couple of days or more for the complete "version". But of course I'm only one person, if others ask for it urgently, then your choice xD


Dec 13, 2016
Thanks anyway, nam. I appreciate it. Guess I'll wait a bit and see if anyone has any more info. Never played a RAGS game before and from the sounds of it's not the greatest game engine. So I don't wanna go through the hassle of downloading everything if there's nothing here for me.
Well that's good to hear. 400, eh? Is that the amount of all the art in the game or just the lewd bits? Because the lewd bits is what I care the most about.

Maybe I will give this a shot. Not too thrilled about having to install another program just to play this. Especially since this apparently doesn't work with certain versions. But if it has art then I might just have to go through that hassle. After all, how could I pass up on a game with genres like that?
1. The game does have art, but skews more toward the Fenoxo TiTS/Corruption of Champions style of tell, don't show in a dynamically generated story you take a lead role in telling. What art is there is mostly taken from a diverse set of sources and fan art, it seems like. Basically, things like, scene mentions an orc prostitute doing XYZ, it'll just show an orc chick having sex. Every time a female orc is mentioned, the same image will be used. It's cheap, but it works, just because of how this kind of game just builds its own world through RNG and you fill in the blanks in your own head. It's basically a slaver D&D campaign. If you can get used to the systems, it's really rewarding.

You can probably skip the tutorial and leave suggestions on and learn by doing, because that's a massive hill to climb, though. You can always go back and check the help option if there's something that's not clear, but basically expect your first campaign to be a complete disaster and then revisit knowing what's actually worthwhile to get/do.

2. Dude, just get the RAGS player. It's not a big deal, and it opens you up to an entire category of games you haven't been playing yet because you don't have it. There's some real gems out there, and many have much more traditional structure and custom art.

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The Real Slim Semei
Mar 11, 2017
No Haven 0.7921 Cheat Version v2 that I have created

For Fully-Customable Character Creation: Traits costs no points & no limit of traits
Gold and Supplies: Get the desired amount of gold and supplies at will
Generate Slaves: Generate a random slave
Generate Slavers: Generate a random slaver or chose 1 from 5 randomly generated slavers
No Daily Talk Limit: Talk with your slavers and slaves as much as you want with no limit.
No Personal Assignment Limit for you: Use Personal Assignments on you as much as you want with no limit.​

To-Do for v3:
Generate Items: You will be able to generate items / potions at will
Manipulate the body of any Slaves / Slavers: Same effect as Biomancy without the randomization on you or any slave / slaver.
Manipulate the race and gender of any Slaves / Slavers: Change the gender and race of any slaves and slavers at will
Manipulate the Traits & Aspects of any Slaves / Slavers: Add or remove any trait or aspect on you or any slave / slaver at will.
Level Up any Slaver: You will be able to level up yourself or any slaver at will.
Level Up Assignment Progress / Encampment: Level up your progress for assignments and your encampment
Generate Assignments: Generate Assignments at will​


I trolled so N7 could soar.
Respected User
Former Staff
Jul 19, 2017
quit spending so much time uploading stuff to svs and fix your topic plz alexx


Engaged Member
Respected User
Feb 12, 2017
1. The game does have art, but skews more toward the Fenoxo TiTS/Corruption of Champions style of tell, don't show in a dynamically generated story you take a lead role in telling. What art is there is mostly taken from a diverse set of sources and fan art, it seems like. Basically, things like, scene mentions an orc prostitute doing XYZ, it'll just show an orc chick having sex. Every time a female orc is mentioned, the same image will be used. It's cheap, but it works, just because of how this kind of game just builds its own world through RNG and you fill in the blanks in your own head. It's basically a slaver D&D campaign. If you can get used to the systems, it's really rewarding.

You can probably skip the tutorial and leave suggestions on and learn by doing, because that's a massive hill to climb, though. You can always go back and check the help option if there's something that's not clear, but basically expect your first campaign to be a complete disaster and then revisit knowing what's actually worthwhile to get/do.

2. Dude, just get the RAGS player. It's not a big deal, and it opens you up to an entire category of games you haven't been playing yet because you don't have it. There's some real gems out there, and many have much more traditional structure and custom art.

Oh, so it's like TiTs and CoC? Shame. Not a huge fan of those. Was hoping for more consistent art. Bummer.

Man, that thread you linked scares me. I don't like when I'm greeted by a wall of text when sent to download something. XD
I don't know. This whole RAGS thing seems like a hassle and I haven't really seen any games that make it worth the time to install all the different versions and other shit I need. Most of the games seem like they're either text-based or don't focus particularly on fetishes I like. So I think I'll pass. Thanks anyway.
Maybe one day someone will make a game on RAGS that I just can't resist. But until then RPGM, Unity and Renpy have all the shit I need and are easy to use.


The Real Slim Semei
Mar 11, 2017
Oh, so it's like TiTs and CoC? Shame. Not a huge fan of those. Was hoping for more consistent art. Bummer.

Man, that thread you linked scares me. I don't like when I'm greeted by a wall of text when sent to download something. XD
I don't know. This whole RAGS thing seems like a hassle and I haven't really seen any games that make it worth the time to install all the different versions and other shit I need. Most of the games seem like they're either text-based or don't focus particularly on fetishes I like. So I think I'll pass.
While yes this game shares some characteristics with TiTs and CoC, this game has a LOT more art.
And generally, the art does match what goes on in the description somewhat.
It would be virtually impossible to have art that exactly matched the description of all characters included in each scene, considering there are I believe 20+ races in the game and 3 genders for most races, times say up to 5 or 6 characters in the scene. Unless the game and the engine had the power to generate new, custom art on the fly (and I do not know any engine that could provide that at a sufficient quality / art style on the fly). So the game does the best it can with what it have.

Regarding the RAGS engine, you generally only need to install 2 versions of RAGS, 2.4.16 and 3.0, those are the two versions most RAGS game creators use.

I like RAGS games, because you simply download one file and then you can play straight away.

Places to find RAGS games
Our Games Section:
Hypnopics Collective: , requires free membership and focuses on games with mind control elements
TFgamesite Datebase: , focuses primarily on games with transformations, sissification and bimbofication
If you need suggestions for RAGS games to play, I would gladly give you my recommendations.


Engaged Member
Respected User
Feb 12, 2017
While yes this game shares some characteristics with TiTs and CoC, this game has a LOT more art.
And generally, the art does match what goes on in the description somewhat.
It would be virtually impossible to have art that exactly matched the description of all characters included in each scene, considering there are I believe 20+ races in the game and 3 genders for most races, times say up to 5 or 6 characters in the scene. Unless the game and the engine had the power to generate new, custom art on the fly (and I do not know any engine that could provide that at a sufficient quality / art style on the fly). So the game does the best it can with what it have.

Regarding the RAGS engine, you generally only need to install 2 versions of RAGS, 2.4.16 and 3.0, those are the two versions most RAGS game creators use.

I like RAGS games, because you simply download one file and then you can play straight away.

Places to find RAGS games
Our Games Section:
Hypnopics Collective: , requires free membership and focuses on games with mind control elements
TFgamesite Datebase: , focuses primarily on games with transformations, sissification and bimbofication
If you need suggestions for RAGS games to play, I would gladly give you my recommendations.
Yeah, I figured the size of the game would make it hard to have unique, consistent art for every possible scene and variation. But I'm a hopeful guy when it comes to my porn. :p
I was just hoping the art was at least made specifically for the game, even if it wasn't amazing. But hey, using random images off the internet is still better than no images. I just can't get into text only games sadly. I've tried so many times. It's a real shame. I feel like I would LOVE TiTS and CoC if they just had a shit-ton of art. Oh well. :FeelsBadMan:

Sure, I'll take some recommendations. Assuming you have anything to my tastes.
Let's see... Is there anything out there with loads of art, preferably unique and not just taken from somewhere else, with dark fetishes, specifically stuff like rape, corruption and mind break, and can be downloaded on F95? I'd prefer not to have to sign up to another site just to download a game.
I feel like I'm asking for a lot here.
Nov 5, 2017
This is off topic, but does anyone know of an adult game that combines Free Cities, Neo Scavanger, New Life, and maybe Battle Brothers? Even greater if it has some machanics from Crusader Kings 2 (you can play as you decendant). I am tired of these "Go, waste time buying garbage, date and fuck" type of games. You could recommend me something similiar if it's a game of a greater scope.
Rai7 might be a good game for you if you can read a little japanese


Compulsive Gambler
Jun 2, 2017
While yes this game shares some characteristics with TiTs and CoC, this game has a LOT more art.
And generally, the art does match what goes on in the description somewhat.
It would be virtually impossible to have art that exactly matched the description of all characters included in each scene, considering there are I believe 20+ races in the game and 3 genders for most races, times say up to 5 or 6 characters in the scene. Unless the game and the engine had the power to generate new, custom art on the fly (and I do not know any engine that could provide that at a sufficient quality / art style on the fly). So the game does the best it can with what it have.

Regarding the RAGS engine, you generally only need to install 2 versions of RAGS, 2.4.16 and 3.0, those are the two versions most RAGS game creators use.

I like RAGS games, because you simply download one file and then you can play straight away.

Places to find RAGS games
Our Games Section:
Hypnopics Collective: , requires free membership and focuses on games with mind control elements
TFgamesite Datebase: , focuses primarily on games with transformations, sissification and bimbofication
If you need suggestions for RAGS games to play, I would gladly give you my recommendations.
If I can ask for suggestions too, there are games with decent amount of content that have pregnancy and futa? Or just one of them, not necessarily together (but would be awesome). Thank you so much c:
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The Real Slim Semei
Mar 11, 2017
Yeah, I figured the size of the game would make it hard to have unique, consistent art for every possible scene and variation. But I'm a hopeful guy when it comes to my porn. :p
I was just hoping the art was at least made specifically for the game, even if it wasn't amazing. But hey, using random images off the internet is still better than no images. I just can't get into text only games sadly. I've tried so many times. It's a real shame. I feel like I would LOVE TiTS and CoC if they just had a shit-ton of art. Oh well. :FeelsBadMan:

Sure, I'll take some recommendations. Assuming you have anything to my tastes.
Let's see... Is there anything out there with loads of art, preferably unique and not just taken from somewhere else, with dark fetishes, specifically stuff like rape, corruption and mind break, and can be downloaded on F95? I'd prefer not to have to sign up to another site just to download a game.
I feel like I'm asking for a lot here.
Of the games here on the f95 Zone
: You play as a man who signs a pact with a demon and you have to corrupt the down by discovering people's sins and then exploit those sins. Once a person is sinful enough, you can enslave them for your own evil purposes. Uses real art, in decent amounts and the text is written to match the images. Tags include: mindcontrol, rape, domination

: You play as an average woman looking into her sister's disappearance who finds herself thrust into the role of a super heroine, standing between a powerful organization and their quest for world domination. Images are 3D CG and made to fit the text, there is plenty of them too. Tags include: BDSM, corruption, domination, mindcontrol

: You play as a male mad scientist who are employed by Dr. Evil in an conquest to take over the world and stop superheroes. It's more of a traditional RPG with turnbased fights. Plenty of real images with text made to fit the images. Tags include: mindcontrol, slave, superpowers

: You play as a male graduate student in psychology and budding hypnotherapist. This is more a stat-management / puzzle type game. The game uses real images and photo manips with text made to fit the images and there is plenty of images. Tags include: harem, mindcontrol

: You play as a girl who works in a veterinarian. Game uses a mix of real images and 3D images and text is made to fit the images and there is a lot of them. The english version is a decent translation at best, might give you a laugh though. Tags include: bestiality, corruption, humiliation, incest, rape

If you would be willing to sign up for the Collective, I could find you plenty of more games that would include more of your fetishes.
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