I'm going to make side characters based on what you guys like. So the player can choose to go for it or not, basically outside of the main house it's going to have a lot of random stuff. if i make some quests with the side characters you'll not be forced to do it to advance in the game. So basically you can find anything outside of the main house.
Kuudere character would be nice to see.
Something I'd like to suggest that would affect the main characters would be "natural interactions" (not sure what they are called exactly but that fits it the best in my mind). It's something that I've hardly seen in games. What I mean by this is interactions that are caused by the player doing something in isolation and another character joins in. An example would be the MC taking a shower or bath and one of the other characters walks in and a scene plays out.
Also, there's a bug that permanently locks you out of interaction with Emily. It is caused by doing Alice's quest before hers.
I like the character design and I love these style of games, so I'm looking forward to what this will turn in to
