Reached the last release, actually a pretty nice chillin game. Not to extreme, but actually very fun to play, feels like a slice of life anime lmao. I'm actually liking the characters growth and development so far. Wasn't the biggest fun of the mom and the sister at start (even if I'm a fan of incest stuff), yet their growth as characters made them my favorites so far.
The thing is, while I like incest stuff, I don't like it when it feels artificial. Sure it still feels like a porn game, yet the effort of the writer to give a "natural flow" to the family romantic relationships is noticeable. It doesn't feel forced or cringy at all, which is much appreaciated. Being family members for the sake of being family members isn't necessarily a nice thing, it is nice to see the effort to actually have a nice growth of the relationship with those characters. I hope the aunt also gets something similar, because while I loved her character, that one felt a bit TOO flirty for a nephew-aunt relationship, but that's my opinion (btw, I want a cousin too

The side characters also looked great, specially Bea, a very likeable character. For some reason, the only character I didn't like much was Emma, even with all that love to the MC. I don't know, it feels like it's missing something, but it's personal opinion. The bosses also didn't have much, but I guess it's the dynamic of their relationship.
Sorry for the long post, but wanted to give my 2 cents for the game. Not too flashy, but it was actually very enjoyable. My only con is that the "feel of lacking money" it is bit nonexistant due to how the story goes. Anyway, looking forward for next releases.
Edit: "of" instead of "or" and some commas.