Unity - NomYou [v0.11b] [Kudalyn]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    You ever heard of the Willy Wonka experience? This game is very similar to it. The similarities are that both seem to have something big to show off, you know? So you're hit with the images before you play the game, big open world is shown off and think wow there must be a lot of stuff to it. You would be surprised how little there was. I was confused from start to finish on what to do, if there was any kind of goal, something to work to? Nope! A lot of wandering, good amount of running from the what, two enemies that chase you? Just antagonize random bystanders to get their scenes, or in one case ask for it. I don't think I'll ever be able to replicate this sheer amount of confusion that this game gave me, on what to do in general.

    The positive!
    The greatest thing I can say about this is at least I know the controls. While I wish I could remap said controls, you do in fact get a slight tutorial on how the character functions. And that's the highest thing I can say about this game.

    I wasted like 5 hours. That's five hours I can never get back. And I feel nothing but remorse for that. To loop back to the Willy Wonka experience analogy, I guess both things claim to have a lot to show, in the end neither of them lived up to what was claimed I guess.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Just a big empty map with a whopping 6 characters to "interact" with. Animations are short and crappy. The top-down perspective means you waste time just trying to figure out what is in the direction you're heading, just to find the same thing waiting for you in every direction you could possibly head... nothing.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    From what I can tell there are only 3 endings (stuck/knot hanging, digested, cum digested) and 2 janky animations (vore and intercourse). Assets may be stolen, ripped, bought or whatever. It's takes time to make your own and it severely lengtens development, but it's content I'm interested in.

    Still in development and not a lot of content, but I'm curious how it will improve.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    This is so hilariously bad that Kudalyn even having this on their patreon should be a crime. Every asset (as far as I could tell) is ripped from somewhere else, so the entire world looks pretty similar to every other asset flip on the market.
    The animations are god awful, and there's hardly any gameplay yet. I get that it's early access or whatever.. but this bun definitely needs a little more time in the oven.