This game was not thought out very well, and let me explain why.
.- Story:
I am a person that prioritizes story & gameplay over the erotica. A well written story combined with good gameplay can make for a really enjoyable game and it enhances the erotica aspects greatly, but in this game in particular there's absolutely none of that.
Most lines of dialogue are short and feel way too casual, characters you find in-game have absolutely no depth to them whatsoever, no personality. There isn't really any sort of build-up to the scenes, nothing.
The world doesn't exactly feel alive and unique, it's just a bunch of NPC's thrown together that have a specific role to fulfill and that's it.
.- Gameplay:
It's honestly boring and a little too unbalanced.
You mostly go from A to B, doing some dungeons here and there, corrupting the MC's girlfriend (because that's literally what you can do most of the time), buying items here and there.. and in the long run that loop becomes uninteresting.
The dungeon's enemies felt way too strong for base level dungeons, so to speak. Well, I say base level dungeons, but we don't even know which one those are. Even if I tried to gather information around about what each enemy was weak to, it didn't matter, enemies can just KO you in two hits while you have to hit them several times.
This makes the system not really work well, to say the least. Add to this the fact that you win so very little money by every job you can make (mostly the bartender one from what I've seen until you gain enough corruption to do the Church one, and even then, the Church job just gives you $15 coins more than the bartender one, which is really nothing compared to how expensive every item is).
The only way to make this game somewhat passable to get through is the cheats room at the beginning.
.- Lastly, art:
This is the only really redeemable aspect of the game.
It has it's eh sides, like the fact that some enemies were tried to be done in a unique fashion but ended up looking off, because of the massive difference in style, in comparison to the RPG Maker Assets (I'm assuming most of the sprites in the game for the enemies are RPG Maker Assets, not entirely certain, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) but the CG's to the scenes, at least to the point I've seen, were pretty decent and enjoyable.
I do appreciate the fact that there were some gay scenes involved in this game to give it a little bit of spice to it, not often do we see that, so I appreciate it.
The game has promise, it's in very early stages of development from the looks of it, so I hope the creator takes some time to try and improve the rather big amount of weak aspects it has, to make it a little bit more enjoyable to me and hopefully to other people.
This review is directed to version 0.1.6, which is the latest version posted on this site.