Unity - NTR Corp [Rebuild Part 4] [NTR Corporation]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Positive:- Everything is perfect story,art graphics mostly I love the character design's
    It comes to game controls it lacks so much and one more disadvantages is it didn't have save system but overall I love it
    Hope:- ignore negative comments just focus on perfecting the game
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    NTR Sommelier

    Isometric Perspective.
    Hand drawn Art.

    Everything else.
    The controls suck, the game is buggy as hell, you can easily get stuck, you can miss out content because the day advances without you seeing what happened, in order to see the content you need to follow an exact step by step procedure otherwise forget about it.
    The story is also too nonsense, the game doesn't know if it wants to be NTR or NTS, instead of teasing and dirty talking and similar erotic elements we get absurd stuff like having the install cameras based on a plant (!).

    To summarize, it had potential, but it's a mess. Maybe one day dev uses his art skills to create a simple VN and then we can enjoy something good.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I will give 3 stars
    .positive points
    The art is great and the whole setting is too, the gameplay is good, so nothing new, but that's not bad.
    .negative points
    The game has no menu, which for me is a serious flaw, you can't just go there and change the Resolution or Audio settings.
    and about the audio, the game has no sound at all, and that's sad.
    Another point is, I tested it here in another game to see if the defect was on my PC, but it isn't. The game simply doesn't stay in FullScreen, the player on a 4k or 2k screen is left with a tiny game window, which is also sad.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I just played up to the halloween update of this game, this rebuild that looks much better than the og for sure, if i have to say whats the best about this game, the art is beautiful and the writing is great too. Yes the game is not super smoth, i imagine that is something dev is trying to work a little bit every update, ui need some rework too, but this is a great "base" for what can be one high quality ntr game.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Version: Rebuild Full 1C
    Well, there is more content than when I first tried it a year ago, the problem is that I can't get to it safely.
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    Anyway, the game has improved since a year ago, I might come back annually to play C.B.T : The Game
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is bugged into oblivion. You have to do every story action in exact sequence otherwise the game will permanently break. This literally needs a step by step walktrough. As of right now it's unplayable.

    on top of that the MC's sprite get's stuck in the wall in the morning.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    I like the art and always interested in where someone goes with an ntr game.


    - The mouse clicking to move the mc is irritating as is the slow movement.
    - Not being able to adjust the screen size is a big penalty IMHO (at least could not find a way to make the game screen bigger, I might just be a noob).
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Nope - don't even think about this, its a long way from being ready.
    The hype is better than the reality.

    Screen size is tiny with no way to resize.

    Game play is non-existent. Besides the overly simplified narrated intro, you're then dumped into a constantly moving sandbox with no indication of what to do.

    "Tips" portion of the display is not working

    Randomly clicking on things is the only recourse and any dialogue that you do get, is so tiny you can't read it.

    I suppose you could turn your native resolution of your screen way down to force things to be bigger, but common dev - be better. As somebody else said, improve your mechanics first then spend time on more content.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is still raw at this stage and needs to be refined, but the potential is great. There is a problem with the interface and safes, but it is not critical to give the game 1 star or 2 stars. The artwork is very nicely drawn, the story makes sense and the progression although sometimes too abrupt. I personally like the concept of the game and so, I don't mind the minor issues.

    Good luck to the developer!
  10. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 7814729

    This game is very buggy. Not sure how to save and the UI is really difficult to find the sweet spots. I would recommend to the dev to get the actual game working before adding content. I would recommend staying away from this as it frankly does not work. Art is good though.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    TLDR: the game in its current state isn't worth playing but the game shows promise.

    The UI is horrible, Trying to move from room to room is annoying and clicking on actions requires you to have the mouse over the exact pixel or it will not click. Game shows tons of promise but it is very annoying trying to move from place to place. The Save action also doesn't appear to have any indication that it actually saves and there was a bug where after clicking on something nothing happened and I was stuck not able to move. As such I had to relaunch the game and now I am back at the beginning. And with no way to skip through cutscenes it was just a waste of time right when things were seemingly starting to get good with the story and the art.

    Clicking Chapter 1 is the same as Chapter 0, Chapter 2 let's you get to the 8th day at least but it still isn't the same as saving the game itself as I didn't have any of my purchased items.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Nice art, nice story. Lots of potential.
    Unfortunately, unplayable game. I'll eventually come back to this review because I'm certain the dev will not leave the game at the current state.
    EVERY ACTION seems to break something.

    - Receive SMS? Black screen.
    - Initiate dialog? Clicking options does nothing. And you can't leave the dialog so now you're stuck.
    - Save and Load as minimal as it can get.
    - Story glitches and can't progress
    - Loading game? Now sprites of characters everywhere.
    - Bought a present in the wrong order? One of the presents now is never delivered.

    I'm a bit baffled because it's clear the author put effort on these drawings, but it feels like no one proof tested it.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    As of version 0.333 this is not worth the hassle of downloading,extracting and clicking around in.

    + the characters visual design
    + the story is up for a mild(good) start

    - no actual content
    - repetitive unskippable robotic dialog options and actions (grind)
    - the screenshots available are from a previous iteration of the game which had more content ,which is MISLEADING
    - no lewd scenes, no sex
    - you can not load a save file because it bugs out and shows multiples of the same characters in the same scene
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I usually dont write Reviews even tho i would like to way more often than not since there are so many great games out there that deserve to get a good review and recognition for all the things that they do great. But even tho that is the case i decided i will rate this game in this very early stage with a 5 star Because i do believe that we could be onto something great here.
    While it does have some weaknesses and is by no means perfect ( i mean god its a Demo) It checked alot of things with me that i enjoy lots in Corruption/Ntr/cheating games. For example it has overworld Cgs which are set up really nice with hearing Sus "slapping" sounds while approaching the event which is a thing i love so much and i think sets the stage so well for these type of games. Also the Graphics are a breath of fresh air in the Genre that has alot of RPGM games while still keeping the feeling of actually playing and walking in the world making it much more immersable for me. Also the Design of the wife is absolutly gorgeous and i dig it lots. Well but the game does have some weakness too for example the walking speed is really slow and should be toggable for faster movement around the map also the game might stutter a bit but only if you keep clicking where you want to go since you give to much inputs but it runs otherwise smoothly if you keep this in mind. Also some conversations seem a bit stiff and i would love if there was a bit more setup to the world and couple in the beginning all of things i absolutly forgive since this is just a 5 minute demo to show off the project and i do belive this can become a absolute 5/5 hit when executed properly. So yeah i give it a 5/5 with the premise that the quality and story+ pacing of the game will keep up to standarts with this demo and maybe some QoL fixes otherwise really great. (also this is presonal preference but id love if the game would implement a real Cheating / Male MC doesnt know and doesnt like her being lewd Route if it isnt already planned)
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    To keep it short, it's not worth the download right now. 3 stars are quite generous for the current state of the game.

    • I wouldn't even call this a demo; you can finish it in less than 5 minutes, even if the character walks quite slowly.
    • The dialogues are robotic, even if you put the game's whole script through ChatGPT, the result would be much better.
    • The game stutters pretty often; it was bearable for the 5 minutes, but there's no chance I would keep playing if the game was longer (Windows 64-bit, Ryzen 5600, RTX 3070).
    • The bird and wave sounds are loud and strange to hear everywhere.
    • Even though the script is so short, there are still typos.
    • There's a bug on the first map; if you go behind the tree, you disappear.
    I wish the best of luck to the developer, and I hope that developer take the criticism and improve from it.

    I will update the review in the future.