Unity - Completed - NTR Legend [v1.0.2] [GoldenBoy]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    That was fun.
    Short as fuck.. but not short as fuck as in lacking or scanty or anything - which suits it just fine.
    Got it, played for half an hour maybe (possibly), and it was nice.
    Its fun mini-games and ease-straight-fowardness carries you out through it handily.
    (so you can focus on what's important)

    Cute game. I nearly came once.
    If you're into that kind of 00s-browser-type adult games, get it - you'll enjoy.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm no play that much pixeling games and comment just few awesome games and this game is one of them. I give 5 stars and start to follow developers, I hope developers add more content. This game is superb.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This one can be a very good game.
    Mechanics are good, ambience is good too.
    Mini-games are well implemented.
    Things the dev can implement:
    1. A detailed plot.
    2. Husband personality.
    3. Wife personality and motivations.
    5. Love route, slave route, other routes.
    4. A very detailed eventful, long fall into lust for the wife (VERY IMPORTANT).

    Another idea:
    1. More wives, daughters. etc.
    2. A COMPETITOR (Like in Battle of Bulges, avoiding horrible body type from that game, of course).

    That's it. Promising game. I'll be watching this one.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    NTR Legend - The NTR game wherein you actually put in effort... Sorta.

    It has a simple enough premise, your insanely hot next door neighbor is volunteering to clean up for you and you pay her.

    Fuck her brains out and corrupt her before the 31st day and you're set.

    Except as of writing this, nothing happens when you go past Day 31. Still, the game has a lot going for it...

    +It's simple enough to understand and the mini games are somewhat entertaining.
    +It has a lot of nice touches added once you install the peeping camera. When you fuck her during the night hours, her husband is actually evesdropping and masturbating while you're fucking her, without him knowing it's his wife getting porked... at least until you send him a video XD
    +The animations are nice

    -She gets corrupted WAY too easily. Honestly, there's no point in buying the items that boost her EXP gain because of it. Hell, getting invited by her husband over to their place gives a massive amount of EXP and you don't even have to do anything to her!
    -There's an awful lot of missed opportunities for positions like balcony sex or hell, bathroom sex! There's tons of furniture around but they're not even set pieces you can use for sex.
    -There's honestly not a whole lot to do once you get her to the max corruption level... and it isn't even remotely hard.

    Still, it's a 4/5 for me. Here's to hoping there's more to come.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    It´s a fun game and it has some interesting and hot ideas!

    I like it a lot even though I wish there would be more...
    There are so many possibilities and even though the game scratches them, it does not use all its potential!

    I would love to see a more advanced version, with more interesting and perverted stuff... (pregnancy, orgy, etc.)
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    b e a u t i f u l !!!
    want more and more options of such sim, as I can see that the devs are really able to do this! need a lot more fun from them, sure you can do that lads ! have a good inspiration process !
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    the game is a netori so you play as the one who steal other wife
    the gameplay is simple, working for money so you can buy stuff for increasing your max stress bar,buy food, etc. working use minigame.
    if you have trash in your house and money you can invite the neighbour wife to clean it for you, and there is some minigame to increase her corruption, corruption lvl using exp but it is easy to increase it
    the quantity of content in this game is not that much, but the quality is satisfying. this game doesn't have ending yet btw
    the art pixel is good
    the performance is still bad(my laptop goes heat when playing this game), there is some bug but not a gamebreaking bug
    the translation is bad since it is MTL, but you don't really need it

    this is a short netori game and it is worth to play it
    since it is unfinished so there still lack of content, that's all
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A surprisingly fresh look at a fairly cliche netorare game premise.
    When I was playing I didn't encounter any game breaking bugs, and it seems like author is updating the game frequently.
    Story wise there is not much to talk about, but it isn't the main focus of the game, and it feels fairly engaging. Similiarly characters tend to be one dimensional, espacially the cuck husband and MC who act as a typical cuck husband and sex crazed gyaruo respectively. The ML is in the same vein as cliche as others, but her character changes a bit as game goes on, making her intresting.
    I may be a bit critical on the game but I still really enjoyed it, and I hope the author makes more.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A very nice game, for those who want to be the bull, and also for those who want to be cucked (just imagine that you are the husband while your woman is being taken next door).

    I wish there are many more elements introduced, such as pregnancy, anal, fucking in front of the husband and involving the husband as a cuck, fucking other women, multiple men with one woman, the woman moving in with the protagonist, etc. I really look forward to the development of this game. Hope it does not disappoint.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a NETORI game more than a NETORARE. As a game, this title is quite wonderful. It has the cliche scenes of many MANY Japanese literature regarding this topic, and aside from the grind which is a minor annoyance, this game is great.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Fun game, though nothing particularly special. Though I'm usually not a fan of pixel artstyles in hentai games, the housewife character was pretty cute in this and I found her pretty cute; some of her facial expressions are excellently drawn in fact. My only complaint is there were some scenes where her waist was drawn unusually thin.

    The main character is less pleasant to look at and I found his art pretty ugly; it may sound unimportant but when you spend a lot of the early parts of the game watching him jerk himself off to level up the girl's "naughtiness", it gets a bit tiresome. I would have preferred if the 'seduction' phase was more focused on interacting with her instead of just tugging your hog.

    Speaking of artstyles, the appearance of your apartment is actually quite cute looking. It kind of reminded me of Habbo Hotel, oddly enough. Unfortunately once you start unlocking furniture to upgrade your stats, each new piece of furniture adds clutter - and each new furniture piece has a 'sparkle' to it, quickly cluttering and ruining the crispy interior.

    On another note, translations. There isn't that much text in this. However, your tutorial is three brief pages of instructions - which are all untranslated. So your first five to thirty minutes (depending on whether you watch Rick and Morty or not) will be deciphering how the mini-games work, at least in relation to the early hentai content. As for the 'job' minigames... surprisingly good. The chicken one was especially pretty good for a pornographic game - colour me impressed.

    A few technical notes; first, there's a bug where the sounds in the 'shady' shop seemed to play ten times louder than anything else in the game. Owie ouch, my ears. Secondly, this game is oddly very taxing on my computer for a little Unity hentai game. Annoying, but hardly a deal breaker. There do seem to be a few bugs. I had the girl 'walk out' on me in the middle of sex, yet after she 'walked out' she was still there on the bed, taking more inches than the average offensive maneuver in World War One.

    My final rating is 'below average' though, just because... it's awkward and annoying to figure out how it works at first, and the payoff is nothing special. Once you get to the pornographic content, it's decent, but hardly rewarding enough to warrant the effort put in.
    Likes: BakaG
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is good but still feels unfinished.

    +The game play is fun. The mini games are easy and initiative.
    + The pixel art is very high quality, and there's lots of different animations.
    + The wife's a babe
    + NTR from the perspective of the bull that doesn't revolve around rape. Fuckin based.

    - The current build is super buggy. Sometimes multiple animations will play at once, or things will get caught in a loop. The UA isn't always responsive either. Finally I had an issue where when I took an action in a game but then went back to an earlier save all the progress from the later save was still included in the game. So apart from the day number changing it was like nothing happened. In general it seems like people have been experiencing a lot of issues with game functions. Hopefully they'll be fixed in a later build.

    - While the game play is intuitive progressing the "story" isn't. To get the key to the Wife's house you have to feed your cat 5 times... Why tho? Wouldn't it make more sense for that to be tied to her relationship meter with the MC? Furthermore once you max out the "Naughty" level for the wife you can send vids of the MC banging the housewife to him but thats it. There's no conclusion in the game yet. I feel like that should probably unlock an ending or something. Who knows if it will though.

    In summary this is a good game. It's definitely worth trying. If the bugs are fixed, and/or if more content gets added it stands to be an excellent game.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    When shifting through the smut and seeing what rare netori gems exist out there, there comes a time when a guy's gotta be as honest as he can when it comes to the whole thrill.

    So, with the aforementioned rarity of what this experience is, instead of the NTR-avalanche that this website caters to, instead, you play as the guy cucking the other guy. In this, you basically hire out his wife to clean your dirty-ass life by throwing garbage around then paying her to fix your mistakes.

    Later, when you run out of money to raise stats, since dishwashing in a cramped Japanese apartment always has tension, you go out and separate male and female chicks, then chad up at night to provide "exotic" massages for that good good yen. Then when you have enough yen, you blow the wad at the local succubi family-friendly store for future wacky hijinks with your hired help. Or just hire her out again for just that good lewd.

    Context aside, the gameplay is good enough. You have the touching mini-game that harkons to the ye olde days of click-games from Newgrounds to basically raise her lewdity through five levels, and by level three you basically start having more overt sexual actions that are in a separate screen. After that it's just the overall cascade down to the debauched levels by repeating the process or just having enough sex to warrant the endgame. The one thing that could be better is the touching minigame as really it doesn't have any real sexuality to it, more just a floaty hand/toy and her face saying whether she likes it or not, but she never gets nude or overtly lewd in the touching scenes. The only real beef in the game is just the progressing sex scenes that you unlock by level three. Alongside that, it maybe takes about 30 minutes~ to get to that point (maybe even less) and from there you basically have beaten the game and are just enjoying the ride.

    To further expand on that, after you do unlock the more lewder scenes, the game has nothing more to offer as everything else caters to raising lewd as fast as you can to get to that point. So after you get to level 3, every other item (save for the sex toys) are there just to help you skyrocket it to level 5 rather quickly. And even without the items, it's not hard nor long at all to get to the endgame (no pun intended). But the art is good, and there's a payoff when you get to level 5 with corruption finally settling in. Just wish there was more content overall, but for what it is now, not bad at all. There could be more lewdity that can spill onto the other scenes rather than having a very specialized mode for sex alone, considering that by level 3/4, the cleaning portion of the game might as well be written off completely.

    Overall 4/5, not a bad experience at all. Good art, good sex scenes, little to no grind, and what grind there is is lewd and/or slightly enjoyable. Some points are lacking of course, and it is rather short--but not enough to deter the experience nor feel as if the game is empty. There are some bugs, but nothing gamebreaking that I've experienced, just small hiccups ultimately.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    graffics and animations: very good.

    story: is ok.

    gameplay: good and with a nice variety.

    music: nice and not anoying.

    conclussion: ok, this game was better that i expect, i have a nice time with the mini games and trying to find out whats i have to do. i still wish there where more variety on the things to do with the wife, and also the controls needs some work on it. but for what there is, this is a honest nice game.

    this game deserve your time and money.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Quick and easy game. These 8-bit hentai games have an attractive appeal to them though it lacks much content. The ecchi and sex stuff gets boring after the first use and doesn't offer much of anything once you see each unlocked upgrade. Would have loved more ecchi/teasing/molesting/corruption content. Married cheater-chan had a great 2D ass on her - a shame there wasn't more lewd shit before NTR Chad-san unlocked the sex mode.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I never thought NTR was so much fun.

    Don't get me wrong, the NTR is not really to my liking. If I can avoid it, I will gladly do it because sometimes I feel sorry for the guy.

    But not in cases like this that is of the Netori type. I really loved the game, and it made me laugh a lot, because it is practically the most stereotypical thing that exists. But in a way that makes you want to see it cool.

    My problems with the game are possibly only 2.

    > It is very easy to have bugs.

    > It would be a good idea to introduce a system to remove the girl's clothes.

    But anyway, it took me laughs, the animations are good, it did not make me feel strange or depressive, and it meets its objective for a good fap.
    Usually I don't do reviews unless the game is complete or a version higher than 1.0, but this game even being only version 0.4 I recommend it.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    EDIT: There is now some new content that's more ntr based (You the fuck the wife with the husband sleeping right there.) It's nice to get more but it's still pretty short but still a good game.

    This is a netori game and netori is rare in general. Well the game is solid and definitely worth the try if you like pixel games.

    Gameplay: Really simple. making money has 2 minigames that don't add or take away anything.

    The actual parts with the girl are also basic and the game can be completed in an hour. maybe less.

    Sometimes the blue bar got maxed out even after i maxed the pink first. idk why I think it was because she "caught you".
    Her sprite changes and she look at you once in a while and keep her eyes on you for quite some time.

    The "NTR or Netori": Almost non existent. The only time you see the girl's partner is when you get the spy camera. and even then he doesn't do much.

    I got the other camera and said not to send the vid and it sent anyway. and all you see is the partner devastated(head in hand and stuff).

    The other thing is after maxing out her nasty level she unlocks a new "mode" i don't want to spoil it. But in that mode she has her phone on with a call implying she is talking with her partner.

    Animations: They are really good. and definitely fap worthy. she also gets heart eyes or pupils and that is always nice.

    End: there is enough content for a nice jerk off session or 2 but after that it's a bit stale. But the good news is that there going to updates with more content! so that is something to definitely to looks forward too,
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    El concepto es muy ambicioso, considerando que es una version 0.4, este juego podría ser fantástico.

    Lo único malo es que me calienta demasiado el computador, pero vale la pena.

    Por cierto un saludo, espero no cometer alguna infracción por escribir en español.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall, it's a decent little game that can be completed in an hour or two. Don't expect perfection here, there are a few minor flaws that detract from the experience but on the whole I'd say this game is definitely worth the download.

    If you'd normally run from NTR games, you're in luck because this one is Netori, not Netorare, so you are the one stealing a girl from someone else rather than the other way around. If you want to be a homewrecker then this game is for you.

    This is definitely MTL, no doubt about it. But having said that, don't let that scare you off. There really isn't a ton of text here, most of the game is described visually so it's pretty easy to figure out how to play and extremely easy to understand what you're doing. Would the game benefit from a quality translation? Absolutely, but even if you hate MTL you'll probably enjoy this game assuming you like this type of lewd content.

    The gameplay itself is a sort of "slice of life" simulator where you play as a messy jerk living in an apartment with newlywed neighbors. The wife visits you one day and sees the trash piled up in your room and offers to work as your maid. You can call her to your room during the day and pay her to clean. At the beginning during these cleaning scenes you have only one or two things you can do to interact with her, but as the game progresses there will be more H interactions you can perform.

    I felt that these cleaning scenes were a bit lackluster and felt somewhat empty, even in the late game when you have everything unlocked with her, most of the options don't have any real visual effects on her and her sprite animations don't change. The good scenes, however, come with the full H-interactions once you unlock those. Selecting the H option will basically start up a sex animation selector. The more you progress with her, the more animations you'll unlock. There's a good variety of scenes here, and the animations themselves are pretty hot if you like pixel art.

    The work minigames were passable but unexciting. I don't think anyone would mind if they were removed, they don't really add anything to the game and only serve as a filler and minor time sink. Thankfully, there's an item you can buy from the store that allows you to make money without doing those minigames, so I just used that for the rest of the game.


    In summary, it's a good little slice of life game with a little corruption mixed in. Don't expect perfection, but apparently it does have more content coming in future updates so this may yet turn into a real gem. The unique art style is only seen in one other game that I know of, and the pixel art here is solid. Try this one out!
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    The basic gameplay loop reminds me of a few other games. But not as good. Because those games have actual charactes you talk to outside of one scene. And more than one girl to fuck. This really doesn't have much.

    All you really have to do here is summon the chick via phone, click your dick on phone, click you crotch on phone. Repeat until pink bar is near full but not blue. Do this like 2 times and you get the option to grab her ass. Then fuck her.
    When you fuck her there's a bar that shows how close she is to cumming, which is pink. It turns orange. If it turns too orange she leaves. Except when he stays after leaving anyways because the game is buggy.
    Some people say you need to build up speed for this bar, but for me, it'd only not fail if I left it on max speed, making the speed bar entirely pointless. I don't understand how it actually works.

    This is a big problem with the game in general. Nothing is explained. You can buy a 'mysterious camera'. What does it do? Fuck if I know.
    You get a key to her place by feeding a cat 5 times. Why this? Fuck if I know.

    To pay for that camera and other items, you do boring repetitive minigames which don't pay nearly enough. These give stress which kills you if maxed, which is easy for the first few days, but you can also buy every stress upgrade in like 2 days. So it feels like an entirely pointless system only there to try and make the excessive and extremely boring grind more annoying.

    Now, if you are playing this, its probably for one reason: To cuck someone. I found this aspect disappointing. If the games blurb didn't say you are doing this, you'd have no reason to believe you are until you've stolen the key, maxed the chick and sent vids to her boyfriend. Who is a static sprite you can't interact with that has no dialogue. It doesn't feel like anyone is a character in this game, and the boyfriend in particular is such a non-entity that it doesn't feel like you are cucking him.

    The actual sex, the other reason you'd play this, outside of being unclear and annoying is just... okay. You get 4 levels of fuck, groping, oral and toys, then 2 levels of vaginal sex. And then if you click the purple nympho button you can flip her be a whore switch on and she'll get love hear eyes and get more into it. Except oral where she just kind of puts her hands behid her back. This is how you record sex, since 4th level nympho has her do that

    Game is meh and doesn't feel like its NTR when that's 90% of the appeal.