Well I played it until it froze during my second talk with Tavern Blue hair Milf.
From what I played there is not much to do, but its pretty much very early in development so thats to be expected. What I can say this is not a NTR game, at least for now. I only saw one unavoidable NTR scene which was the obvious "insight" scene where she is being fucked by some shadowy men...its toatlly not MC best friend, right? lol
But I must say it dosent feel that bad. Sure, NTR is NTR but it dosent pull the typical cuck shit into your throat like the various other games. And since the wife is unlikable I dont think it sucked this much. There are quite a good amount of potential good waifus to conquer and tame, but sadly nothing is establshed for them not even the ground work -> But with featur updates I hope it will.
IMO, the AI art is good. Not the best, not the worst. Its decent. RPG Maker game with its basic tile sets and its visible, also here cant really complain but would be better if the town would be looked and played "bigger" or more "alive". Story is there, but I would say its more of a comedic way then a serious one, also kinda "meh" for my taste. Characters names can be changed, what you cant change are the relationships (Wife daughter is not MC biological Daughter?). Also if you cant stand to play a guy who looks like your typical gay porn actor in the 70ties, you will be disappointed here lol.
As I see it, the "premise" for MC to become a Hero? is established. I thought it would be more emotional so people would really try to get back at her, or take revenge on the guy(s) who did it, but with only one scene it "safe", but I dont see much how things would feel "epic" when MC starts to take "revenge" on them. On the other hand, the more sex scene the wife gets, the more people would be more pissed and probably drop before they get into the more juicy stuff, which I think the game really wants to aim.
It has potnetial IF you really into a game/light hearted story where you get cucked but the focus is about fucking the dudes wifes/daughter etc for revenge. But for that it really needs to happen and here is where my gut feeling telling me it wont happen. Despite having a really good foundations for it. So I dont know.