Unity - Completed - NTR Tales: Ice Queen Party [v1.0] [Naughty Arcade Studio]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Gameplay: not much to talk about it since it's a NTR phone game, a short one compare to other similar game
    Art: it's AICG, the CG in a vacuum is ok, not terrible, but when it come to the story then it feel kinda out of place
    Story: not a good one but it have one
    the game was meant to play on phone but the Android version is bugged so it un playable
    clearing password only temporaly unlock the gallery, just by returning to main menu and comeback then the CG that got unlocked by the code are back to locked state
  2. 2.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    NTR Tales Ice Queen Party is yet another one of those phone games in which your waifu queen (who is definitely not Elsa) bangs some other guys for the good of the kingdom.

    I'm not sure why I like this game so much less than the Tears of the Cuckold games this dev released before. I think part of it is how hard they filed the serial numbers off. The previous games were definitely Zelda and Link even if the names were never spoken. There was even a modicum of linking the games into the story. This game? Not so much. Even though the girl uses an ice dildo once, there's no other link to Elsa, her story or personality.

    Without any parody content, the game has to rely on its own merits and there aren't many. The art is typical AI art and I'm wondering strongly if the story is AI story too. The grammar is poor, none of the characters have even an iota of personality, and everything in the story is weirdly non-specific. It's hard to describe, but something feels off.

    Overall, there's way too many NTR phone games to bother with this one.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    probably the worse game(if you can call it a game) i have played on this website,it's just an exchange of text with an UI like instagram,the user MYQUEEN send you message(you are the king i guess) and you click on response and some will lead to ntr which basically mean text+1 picture,it's super bad 2mn in and i was at max cringe capacity
    save yourself my suffering skip