Others NTRAHOLIC Remix[Development Thread]

Mar 28, 2024
The game that all CB's other developers got conscripted to causing their own games to be delayed until this shitshow is finished, ladies and gentlemen


Jun 14, 2017
Correct me if I'm wrong but according to the latest update on steam, the game will be divided in 6 sections (stages 0-5) and yet it seems like they are still polishing stage 0 to be released as a demo and with the full release pushed back again to presumably late 2025? This project doesn't seem to have progress much at all since it's announcement...


Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2019
Correct me if I'm wrong but according to the latest update on steam, the game will be divided in 6 sections (stages 0-5) and yet it seems like they are still polishing stage 0 to be released as a demo and with the full release pushed back again to presumably late 2025? This project doesn't seem to have progress much at all since it's announcement...
That is all correct but ...

Not trying to defend CB but with game development they won't release a demo until the entire game is close to done. Even if the demo only contains Stage 0 and it still needs polishing, it does not mean the other Stages isn't close to complete. Only a insider could tell us how much work is left.

This entire update is all bad news and no actual updates. Tiramisu decided to wash his hands of the Remix and just release the original Ntraholic on Steam himself. CB just give excuses for the delay with no plans on when the game will be released. Honestly it would be best if everyone just forget about the game. We all only wasted time no money on this so if the game is ever released it will be a pleasant surprise.


New Member
Jul 5, 2021
And the worst part? They said the demo is at stage 0 out of 5… If the demo is at stage 0, I don’t even want to imagine the state of the full version. At this point, it feels like they copied Yandere Dev. Maybe I can understand how a single programmer caused such a delay—I mean, a similar case took six months just to fix bugs, glitches, and optimize the game. But like I said in their post, I don’t think it’ll be released this quarter, I don’t think it’ll come out in the second quarter either—at best, we’re looking at November or December… that is, if it doesn’t get canceled.
I agree with you but I think you're misunderstanding. The demo takes place in "stage 0" of game progression, as in the very beginning of the game not that they are on stage 0 of developing it.


Jun 25, 2023
nah literally the art style is not my type gonna unwishlist this shit !!! just a regular visual improvement and extra content would be much appreciated !! now they made every character a midget with a titty as big as a cow and a dick as big as a horse !!!


Aug 26, 2019
Not trying to defend CB but with game development they won't release a demo until the entire game is close to done.

I'd really love to believe that, but even "What!? My Neighbors Are Demons!!?" had a demo and that was far from finished, so that doesn't inspire much confidence..


Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2019
I'd really love to believe that, but even "What!? My Neighbors Are Demons!!?" had a demo and that was far from finished, so that doesn't inspire much confidence..
I looked into that example. It is seemed that demo was more a proof of concept for their Kickstarter. It was released during their funding period after all. Sad it seemed that game was another Kickstarter that failed to deliver.
Aug 13, 2021
That scrubbing animation seems weird, both ass and hands are reversed(when ass goes to the back the hands move forward and vice versa). Shouldn't it be all in the same direction of movement?


Aug 23, 2024
i like those animations actually but i just hope they are a little bit less....chubby? i doubt they'll change the art, its too late now, i just hope theres an actual demo
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Mar 11, 2020
I'll start talking about the recent updates but will go off on rant later.....Regardless, in my opnion, the "cartoonish look" looks pretty good. Also, the whole design philosophy of the minigames, at least on paper, touches on things I actually wanted. My impression is that most people find it rather unnecessary, when to me, If done right, can be probably the best parts of the game.

Again, I really like the cartoonish art for this one. Not just because it distinguishes it more from the original, but because it lends a more comical and mischeivous tone to this game, compared to the malicious and perverse tone of the first one(although I could be wrong, given I making this assertion based on the art style only). To make my point more clear, if the first game had your character look like an immense asshole and a bully, this one(again based only in the art) makes it look like a more charming and outgoing individual.
This, in turn, would help make you root for the character, as well as give actual sincerity to the wife's attraction for other guy who seems to have genuine good/attractive qualities, rather than a deceitful plan to corrupt the woman(sometimes not even by your own merit, but by the help of a magical being or object) and destroy the idealistic view on love for the couple. The clear message being: it's not the husband that is too weak, it's the other guy who is too good. At this point, I'm just explaining and giving details as to why such approach would be interesting and enjoyable to follow through and not making an argument for which one is better and certainly not implying that this game will/would necessarily be better than the first one. It really depends on what your preference and what do you want to get from these types of games. I just like to discuss and try to dissect that and, hopefully, generate enough discussion that someone becomes inspired by it and make into a new game....

Now, I don't know if this is unpopular or not, but I said it before and will say it forever like a broken record: the best part of a NTR game/story isn't during the "late game"(when the wife is already if not fully corrupted), but during the early and mid game. I say that because the moment the wife is corrupted, if you're still delivering pleasure from seeing how much lower can she be subjected to, than you're playing a corruption game, not a NTR game. There's not much "wife stealing" to be made at that point, because she's practically doing degenerate shit by herself. And to even call it a wife at that stage isn't correct anymore. She becomes an animal, at which point, some aspects of her personality which made her worth stealing in the first place might not even be present anymore.
So really, going back to the beginning, that's why minigames should exist and improved upon rather than discarded completely.
Ideally, they should represent the actual moment where you're stealing the girl from other guy(be it by getting her drunk, flirting with her, winning some game, etc). Sure, theory looks better and easier than on practice, but it's really something that should better focused on, rather than just be used as intermediate to get money/points and then unlock the next H-scene. It should be the H-scene or at least sexual teasing that leads up to it. There's much more to talk about, but this shitty text is way too long.

Basically, that's what I really wished this game would've done, if it ever came out. At least, from the few things they showed and said, it looked to me, that it might have gone to this approach or something. I really think that if half the things they were true, it really would be something special. Really, I can only end this by saying: what a fucking shame


Jul 7, 2019
Now, I don't know if this is unpopular or not, but I said it before and will say it forever like a broken record: the best part of a NTR game/story isn't during the "late game"(when the wife is already if not fully corrupted), but during the early and mid game. I say that because the moment the wife is corrupted, if you're still delivering pleasure from seeing how much lower can she be subjected to, than you're playing a corruption game, not a NTR game. There's not much "wife stealing" to be made at that point, because she's practically doing degenerate shit by herself.
100% agree with this take early and mid game is very important to creating a good NTR game /experience (even tho i also like it in the later parts when the girl starts wanting the ContraMC by herself)
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Jan 10, 2023
Now, I don't know if this is unpopular or not, but I said it before and will say it forever like a broken record: the best part of a NTR game/story isn't during the "late game"(when the wife is already if not fully corrupted), but during the early and mid game. I say that because the moment the wife is corrupted, if you're still delivering pleasure from seeing how much lower can she be subjected to, than you're playing a corruption game, not a NTR game. There's not much "wife stealing" to be made at that point, because she's practically doing degenerate shit by herself. And to even call it a wife at that stage isn't correct anymore. She becomes an animal, at which point, some aspects of her personality which made her worth stealing in the first place might not even be present anymore.
Imma counter that. The whole point of this kind of NTR is corrupting someone's wife, sure, but most of which is to push that boundary, after which she says to her husband and there's the game over. She's self-aware at all times, knowing that whatever she's doing is wrong and that she should take up to the authorities. However, she caves into the pressure of both MC's action and her husband's burden, preventing to save herself and just goes on with MC's action. Slowly, her mind starts accepting this as new normal, and reaches a state where she thinks it's normal, but for us, she's being corrupted.
Like in the end of OG game, she's self-aware of her actions, but now thinks that's okay and that she must listen to what MC wants.
Aug 13, 2021
Now, I don't know if this is unpopular or not, but I said it before and will say it forever like a broken record: the best part of a NTR game/story isn't during the "late game"(when the wife is already if not fully corrupted), but during the early and mid game.

The groping and touching while she "doesn't want it" because you're not her bf/husband but still wants to feel good from the pleasure. I which there were more games like that focused on the touching everywhere before the sex part.


Mar 11, 2020

The groping and touching while she "doesn't want it" because you're not her bf/husband but still wants to feel good from the pleasure. I which there were more games like that focused on the touching everywhere before the sex part.
Exactly! That's the moment I'm talking about! That's where one of the best parts is!

Leo D. Marstone

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Never knew this is a thing and I do like the new sprite work and animation shown in the OP however this seems to be a shitshow. xD

Nice idea but will most likely never see the light of day.