1. you complain that there's no way to spend money at the end of the game, but at the same time you complain that you have to spend money higher up in your message... What I am suppose to do ????
3. You said it yourself, in 20 minutes you can have as much money as you want...
I've tested the game, extensively in fact, and as you said, at first it's a little difficult and it become easier after, especially with Worker Sanctuary as you said. Honestly, you can play the game without spending 10 hours grinding to get an S+ character
I know I wrote a lot the point might not come across at face value.
The point is that the game is very simplistic and easy to sprint to the end and just make tons of money. There is not much depth to the game, which is not a knock on you. Like you said you're a 2 person team and not a full game studio so I don't expect super intricate systems or tons of stuff to buy in game. As a developer its okay to accept and embrace the fact there not much to spend money on, and let the players casually enjoy the game without pointless upkeep or cash sinks the doesn't really do anything other than waste time.
It like watching a short video at normal speed that has 300 seconds (5 minutes) of content vs the editor just pointlessly slowing down the video to 0.8 speed to make the video 375 seconds (6.25 minutes) or just adding a 75 second black screen in the middle of video for no reason. The video editor hasn't added any additional content, all they have done is just wasted everyone time. Editor wasted their time slowing down the video, made the file size pointlessly larger, made export time longer, wasted every single person who watches the video an extra 75 seconds of their life. Like if you are going to do something like that the has to be a point right?
Like if you were a youtuber, then you might do that because you want to appease the youtube algorithm because 6 minutes is a magical threshold number the recommendation feed or place more ads into a video.
But you are making a game that you sell for a flat price, so there isn't any incentive to create pointless grind cause you don't gain anything from it from the player. By adding it you just wasted your time having to put it in, then you have to worry about changing / updating it later, and it just wastes the players time and add nothing of value.
What the difference if a player will have infinite amount of money after 25 minutes of actual game play vs it taking 35 minutes with only 25 minutes of gameplay and 10 minutes of pointless AFKing? Like what do you gain from it? Cause to me 10 minutes of AFKing means I wasted power for 10 minutes, have to listen to fan noise and pointless heat being dumped into my room.
Wisdom Academy costs 100... It's like... nothing? As much as I can understand the Wishing Well, which costs a lot to run, the Wisdom Academy doesn't, and a single building lets you do as many lessons as you want. I don't really see the point
2. I don't know what to say to that... Except that I don't think our game is botched work, We've put our heart and soul into this game. We aren't a studio, we are two person working on this game, so please at least respect our dedication to the game.
Yes 100 upkeep is basically nothing. I make 18,000-24,000 per cycle and I do have S+ girls.
But at the end of the day its like a intentionally loose thread inside a shirt where no one sees but only the wearer knows about it. It is the thought of it being there is annoying rather than any practical implication.
Its kind of like making $4000 a month, but having a random $2 monthly subscription to a magazine that you never read. Is $2 a month going to kill you or something that you will ever notice? No, but it still $2 per month can be spent on something else.
Like morphing pretty random summons from thick girls to skinny / average girls instead of constantly having to banish them. Cause morphing a girl can cost on average 300,000 - 1,000,000 depending on how much you morph from their original starting point.
You're free to make your chicks work, or not, as you like, in the buildings. However, I was already adding buildings that have passive income, so I might push it a little bit further, and rework buildings,, I'll see this with all our followers on Patreon/Subscribstar.
I think I'm going to remove the 75% less money for the Love Interest, it's true that it's not very useful given that the title in itself brings nothing.
Having an exclusive relationship with a girl has been thought of more as “wooing her” rather than “forcing you to shut up, you've got no choice”, hence the gifts. (Well, even that sounds very ... Financial as a relationship, the idea was to “flirt” with the chick)
I understand the point of trying to add roleplaying wooing a girl to be our girlfriend. But as it is it doesn't add anything because there basically nothing implemented to make it really matter. Cause at the moment there is no difference between watching a random customer have sex with the girl and the "God" other than have to spend 5 seconds changing the skin and hair color to much your desired colors (ignoring the Patreon Futa body option). Cause all the sex scenes the guy is just a faceless dude, and a lot of the sex scenes you don't even see the guys hair color so you can't even tell if its a random customer or the "God" if they had the same skin color.
Without sex stats it becomes a whole Schrodinger's cat. You don't know who she is having sex with or how many times she is having sex or if she even is having sex at that point. The only time you can confirm that she is having sex is if you press the peek button. Also unless you intentionally customize the "God" at the church, you might not even realize that your character is blue with black hair by default, and can kind of just pretend that the "God" is just shape shifting into different appearances, kind of like Zeus secretly banging everyone and causing all the world's problems.
It also leads to the point of technically it doesn't matter whether you send a girl to work in buildings or not if you don't want other guys to have sex with her. Cause from a lore / gameplay perspective, you have no idea what a girl is doing while she isn't working. She might just be going around have sex, but not just leveling up and making money from it.
Cause initially when I started the game I was like hmm I don't my girls having sex with other guys so I am just going to have a restaurant and inn only. Avoid the Brothel and Glory house. But base on the in game description for the Exclusive Button, it basically means the girls are still having sex at other jobs regardless of whether or not they are working in the Brothel or Glory House.
So that the point there is no real logical indicator in the game that the girl isn't just endless banging every single guy out there until you press that magical exclusive button. And even when you do that you don't know who she fucking half of time cause of the facelessness / headless scenes and all you know is that you're losing money.
The Wishing Well is designed for late play, where 1,000,000 isn't much, but yeah, I can imagine 1,000,000 might be a lot. Might make it more affordable
You can pause the game and move them from building to building... But might as well put your chick in the Wishing Well and take her out before the end of the cycle?
Another advantage of the Wishing Well is that girls don't lose stamina in it, they even get some back, so they never leave it in principle.
Again money isn't really the issue (because of how simplistic the game is).
The issue to me is one the price sticks out because its its astronomically more expensive that everything else in the game. As previously mention all other buildings contain sex scenes only cost 59,600 in total. Yeah sure the other like 6 out of 8 buildings are "random" sex scenes that you can't manually chose the scene. Which I think is dumb from a hentai game perspective, but I get it one of the incentives to make sure people buy the game / subscribe to you on patreon to get the cheats, so I won't criticize that monetization tactic. But at the end day it to me if I were a Patreon or if you were release the full game in a buyable final state without some subscription pay wall. I would be annoyed with how the Wishing Well works and why it even exists
Because it's only benefit from a high flat cost and high upkeep cost is that you can manually select sex scenes, and not have to waste a few seconds dragging the girl from one building to the other. Which is largely negated by the fact you still have to go into a selection screen to chose which building's scenes you want to see instead of it just being all in one screen to allow you to quickly select from them. And if you have the cheats enable that already let you manually select scenes in individual buildings the Wishing Well becomes really pointless because now the girl isn't making money, and if you put her there you have to remember to go reassign back to whatever job she was previously working at the Worker Sanctuary.
The Wish Well seems to be a solution looking for a problem. A problem that only exists because it appears that you designed the scene viewing system to be inconvenient so that people would subscribe to get cheats so that they can manually select scenes.
So to me the way to make the Wishing Well make sense is just remove the staff cost. and have it so that you can free select the girl don't actually drag and take a girl out of her current job. Kind of like how when you use the Hospital / Beauty Parlor / Clothing store. That way its just a typical "endgame" gallery unlock.
The Cathedral is a sex scene gallery with a manual mode.
The Wishing Well is a scene gallery.
I'm sorry you didn't like the Cathedral, but I intend to fill it with other scenes that will be “manual” too.
The dungeon is where you're supposed to train your girls in sex, masochism and sadism, when they have the required trait (masochist or sadist).
But it also has another effect that you may haven't noticed: it increases their stats and levels, and much faster than the other buildings. Hence its excessive operating cost.
I noticed the increase leveling effects in the Dungeon description. But again to me doesn't really seem to serve any special purpose. I guess the point is it just seems like you made buildings for the sake of having more buildings. Like the dungeon functionality can be put into the Cathedral or the Wisdom Academy. Cathedral already exist for girls to directly have sex with "God" and can increase Proactivity (a non-job stat) then why not just have it be where you can learn kinks and train girls also. Or vice versa you have the Wisdom Academy that exist purely for increasing stats and doesn't have any sex scenes.
Also while we at it. Why is the Wisdom Academy designed the way it is? Like is there a gacha re-rolling system for courses. Like again what is the purpose of adding stuff like this. Why not just make it like Mystical Portal / Clothing Store / Beauty Parlor / Hospital / Bookstore where you can just chose to buy something.
And again its not about the money, because its easy to get endless amount of money. What annoys me is that the system is just designed to be intentionally annoying and waste time for no real reason. Like if there was a monetization aspect to help you make more money (real life money) I would understand, like if the game were a MMORPG or a mobile game with microtransactions. Cause the reroll is cost 500 gold, or you can just open and close the interface for a reroll. But all that does is just wastes the players time for no benefit.
Building revenues could use a little overhaul, it's true, but if all buildings have positive revenues, there may come a time when the game will be far too simple.
(But again, this will evolve with a poll on Patreon)
The game already is too simple and the upkeep is really pointless.
Its currently too little to be meaningful in any way. I wouldn't mind if you jacked up the price way up.
But the questions is why would you and what does that add and what do you gain from it? Does the player gain anything for it other than less time in life and higher power bill?
Think of the time you spend having to think about how to balance the upkeep cost, the time implementing them, then the time adjusting them after fact to make sure they are consistent. How does that improve any gameplay mechanics or add to the content? Isn't that time you could spend adding another face or pose or outfit?
Cause nobody gains anything you spend time completely revamping upkeep cost just to make it so that everyone just 4x the game and AFK for a few more minutes just for the same outcome of having endless money. It doesn't add challenge or enjoyment just inconvenience.
Unless you add gameplay like combat or farming and needing food supplies or something where money management actually matters then right now upkeep doesn't serve any purpose other than time gating stuff.
Restaurant should be pricier to build, this is an error actually.
But the income aren't enough for the Brothel and GloryHole, that's right, it doesn't make sense...
My question is that can you actually give us a start with like 2,000 or something with no buildings? Just enough so that we can kind of chose our own path.
Cause when I start a game first thing I do is sell the dormitories and the brothel. I just build a villa and restaurant or bath house. Cause I don't want the girls having sex or engage in prostitution, and try not to be slum lord with a bunch of dormitories.
I know technically based on the Exclusive description, the girls are having sex even if they aren't working at the Brothel / Glory House, but I the game is vague enough that I can pretend they aren't.
I don't mind prostitution or some of the girls have sex with customers. But I would like to get to chose to keep girls I like for the God's personal harem, while sending the girls I don't like to be prostitutes. Cause I don't like just banishing characters cause I think they're ugly (while someone else might like them).
But then again kind of half to when morphing a max thick girl into a skinny girl and it cost nearly a 1,000,000 per girl or 500,000 turning a thick girl into an average. Because its cheaper and just more time efficient to summon another girl for 150, and give facial plastic surgery or a hair cut for like 1000-2000 to make her look acceptable then make a pretty girl less thick.
Your message was really long and contained a lot of information, so I'm sorry if I didn't answer everything.
No worries. I tend to be ranter.
One thing you didn't take into account is that the game is now over a year old and has evolved over time, with new features being added along the way.
That explains the ‘Things should be consistent’, as we add and change idea too over time.
But I'm taking your feedback into account, and I'm actually planning to do a poll on Patreon / Subscribstar to get people's opinions on certain aspects of the game, including some of the points you raised.
In any case, I'm happy because it means you've been playing our game all day
I do enjoy the game. I enjoy the simplistic city build aspect, I enjoy getting to customize the the girls, and potentially creating a personal harem (though this is mostly an illusory head cannon thing since technically in game all the girls are just prostitutes getting banged regardless even if they are not working in the brothel / glory house).