Unity - Nymphomania: Fantasy Town [v1.2] [Unifox Game Studio]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    God of Debauchery

    This is for v1.2

    Hoh boy, this game is fuckin terrible and I say that as someone who not only loves management games, but also as someone who loves porn.

    The gameplay is atrocious with a stock of girls that all pretty much suck at their jobs, which isn't helped by the fact that the tutorial does a terrible job of explaining anything about the actual gameplay in the game, only giving the most basic of rundowns about movement and the basics of placing buildings and girls into buildings.

    Once you get through the terrible tutorial and start an actual game, you discover that your starting village only has one inn and one bunkhouse and you don't have any fucking money to do anything aside from summoning a few girls, which is really shitty since you completely run out of gold the very next day if you do anything at all unless you have cheats enabled or decide to waste more of your time trying to figure out how to go from day 1 to day 2 without immediately going into the red.
    There's some sort of mechanic involving dungeons, but I didn't get that far since 5 minutes into the game and I was in debt to the point that I couldn't do anything but close out of the game and try to figure out how not to go into debt by the second day.
    Fun fact: going into debt is apparently a core concept of the game so you will spend most of your time just wondering why you are wasting your time on this game as you just wait for a girl to exhaust herself at work before you have to manually put someone back into that work slot.
    That's right, you have to constantly be manually filling each and every work slot because the game decided that having people return to their jobs after they rest is just far too much work for the dev, so they're passing the work off on to you, which means the more girls you have and the more buildings with jobs you have, the more work you have to do just to make any money in the game to avoid going into debt since every job and girl in the game increases your fucking taxes even though you are narratively supposed to be a fucking god!
    If your game is so poorly designed that a player can go into debt in one day without even doing anything, then you need to start over from scratch because clearly the core concept of game mechanics is a failure.

    As for the H content, I saw some scenes that had early 2000s style animation where there is only one pose available, a few cosmetic choices, and then a few choices about the speed of fucking and if someone cums...that's it, that's the extent of each scene, so what you can see in the animated title card is all that you will get at any given moment really.

    I gave this game a fair shot, I even held off on leaving a review until after I had managed to figure out how to get through a few days to something resembling a stable income, but the moment I realized just how tedious every single thing in this game was going to be without the paywalled cheats enabled, I dropped out big time.

    TLDR: As a management game, it fails, and as a porn game, it fails.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I've always wanted a nsfw harem city building game, this is it. Especially with the harem update, that was just released. The city building aspect is surprisingly good too. The dev is still improving it and I think it's turning out very nicely. I hope there are more updates in the future.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoy the building aspect of this game and spend a lot of time on it. The tools give you plenty of options to create your own little town or city, and it’s a lot of fun to play around with it. The tutorial mode is really helpful, as the developer explains almost everything you need to know to get started.

    One thing I find really interesting is that the player, as the "deity," can actually take part in their own city by having a body. This feature doesn’t seem to be added yet, but it sounds like a great idea.

    The sexy content is good as well and I liked the style and animations. You can summon more characters with some kind of gacha system which adds way more variety to the characters.

    Overall, it’s a nice game that deserves more attention and support. The music fits perfectly, making the building experience relaxing and even more enjoyable.

    There are a couple of things I wish the game had. An "undo" button would make it easier to fix mistakes. Also, the day/night cycle is too fast, which makes the game’s flow feel a little rushed. That said, I really like how the game looks at night.

    I can’t wait to see how this game shapes up in the end and will support it. I really hope the devs stay committed to it.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    im reviewing this game after playing the 0.6 alpha build.
    so the first thing i wanna complain about right outta the gate is the control scheme! even after going through the tutorial i cant figure out how to get things to do what i want them to do! i also got stuck halfway through the tutorial as it told me to click and hold the mouse wheel to rotate the camera but if im working on a laptop mousepad i dont have that available to use! there has to be some alternate control method to use to rotate the screen (and later building when you buy and try to set them)! with that out of the way i can try to give you the complement sandwich here (if i can), here goes...

    so the first positive i noticed was the large area you have to build your town in. no matter which map you chose the map is vast and gives lots of room for building! however the clock /time of day seems to go by so fast its almost too much to keep up with at the beginning! i was constantly being warned about the living conditions and that villagers were gonna leave! it seemed i was doomed as i couldnt figure out how to improve conditions without spending my gold, yet if i spent all my gold then i couldnt find how to make any money! trying to assign girls to do work was tedious as it seemed like i had to go back in and reassign them to work after each day/night cycle and with as fast as that was moving i coulldnt keep up and ended up having a negative account balance in roughly 15 minutes of play!

    theres a lot going on in the game and while it seems like it might be fun it took me too long to try to figure out what i was doing and by the time i figured it out my funds were gone and i couldnt summon or fix up any buildings! i dont know if pausing the time after each day could fix this or after each day bring up the staff assignment page or something! it just seemed like too much of a hassle to keep managing all this chaos for one or two quick scenes of my mediocre looking "D" class characters bouncing on a dick! maybe this will be better later and after you get some keyboard shortcuts for rotating the screen and buildings but im gonna have to give this a hard pass for now! on the positive side the artwork isnt bad for hand drawn artwork! however i cant recommend this game as the balance between lewd content and the city management is too high! maybe the city management can get to the point later that its kinda on auto pilot and all the player has to worry about is watching the lewd scenes and maybe clicking to confirm employee assignments once in a while... then id be all in for that!
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Basic (city?) management game that allows you to employ different services such as brothels, inn, spa etc. to generate income and buy new girls to work/whore in establishments.

    Animations are crude though they have been improved a bit. Bad thing is that there are fairly few scenes and girls are just copied across all of them with no emotions displayed. I would have given this 1-2 stars HOWEVER, dev has shown that there are improvements underway and I think the bones of the game are promising. Thus I think average will suffice.

    I will look forward for updates and I expect that girls would have stats and preferences (anal, vaginal etc.). And that this could be controlled more in the game (anal only brothels or glory holes only etc.).
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Av0.4 (Max Patreon Tier Patch) Review Summary: There's nothing going on with this game right now and I'm doubtful there ever will be even once complete.

    This game is basically a city management sim - you know the kind where you know nothing about any of the citizens, they just go about their lives automatically, you just plop down the buildings and roads and such? It's basically that, except all you're doing is plopping down buildings. You can assign girls to buildings to generate income. You build supporting buildings to keep certain stats above failing levels, to provide enough beds for more girls, etc. You can also take a peek into the buildings and watch the girl fucking (maybe pretend it's you if you have the imagination, but I don't).

    That's it. And yeah, the world is pretty, the art is pretty, the animation is fair - but who cares. This is effectively a gif gallery. If you want to play a management sim (love em!), there are much better management sim games out there. If you want a fap game (love em!), there are much better fap games out there. If you want one that combines the two (love those too!), there are even much better management sim fap games out there.

    I'm really not sure who the target audience of this game is, and what experience the dev is trying to give them. I seriously doubt they ever sat down and said "right, this is the type of player I want to attract, and this is the experience they are looking for". It's just a mess, and it's a shame because on the surface it looks like it could be SO good, but as soon as you take even a tiny peek inside, you realize there's nothing worth spending your time on, and that you can't imagine how the dev could ever create something worth spending your time on without completely tearing apart what has already been created. This game probably deserves 1 star but I feel bad completely shitting on it given the obvious effort that has gone into creating whatever it is today.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a very basic sim city-type game. You build buildings for your npcs to live and work in, and since its a porn game, you can view sex scenes in some of the buildings. The npcs arent terrible, but I wouldnt play it for anything less than the S tier characters (the famous, non-randomized ones). Making money is quite easy and unless you want to collect all the S rank characters, you will be done rather quickly.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Another paywalled game getting special treatment on a pirate site. Avoid. I don't understand why F95 does this. It's like some kind of elitism. Host your game on our site or it will be pirated or something like that.
    It is hypocritical to make a game and post it on a piracy site you yourself can use to pirate games, and not post the full version.

    The game itself is promising, but ends up hanging after some time. I'm talking like 5-10 minutes. Needs some serious stability work.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Game looks like a nice basis, but lacks some crucial features which is very noticeable.
    Balance does not exist, Inn spam is OP and gives huge income that gets you to S-tier girls in no time, while other jobs are simply not worth the effort.
    There are no indications at all: you cannot see exact stats bulding has (there is stuff like "+" and "++" or "--" but it doesn't mean anything as they do not represent numbers and "+" of two different buildings mean different numbers), many "employee" buildings seem to improve stats of girls, but I couldn't find any text that indicates which stats are upgraded. There is no tutorial at all, global stats like "hygiene" do not seem to affect anything at all.
    Overall, nice demo, but this is extremely RAW
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    The building and management is fun, keep up the good work !
    This is obviously a very early buildd. The game is not balanced at all but you should see what it could offer rather rapidly.

    Cons :
    - The numerous paywall all over the menu
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Game Review for [Alpha v0.1]

    Love management games so I should be a good reviewer here.

    Scenes 2/5 - Need to add more than what is available now. 3 options per "employee" is minimal.

    Management System 3/5 - I like the levers you are using with hygene, max occupancy, well being, reputation, and gold. Feels like it needs a little work to make Reputation feel impactful. Major issue with stamina never running out. You can set the "workers" and never touch them again. Cathedral also needs some clarification as I still have no idea what it does. Please also add indicators over each "worker" stat to show what "jobs" they would be better suited for as this is currently very unclear. A couple of the buildings also have buttons that do nothing currently, namely: dungeon, alchemist, bookstore, and beauty parlor. Would love to see a storefront screen where you can actually buy the things it says you can buy.
    Gameplay: 3/5 I would add a couple of things, events that can permanently or temorarily add and subtract from your primary stats, and most importantly a pause button. In my opinion this is a must for a build system as complicated as this. I would also add some sort of way to calculate if the building has a road to the City Hall. Future stuff I would add includes bridges and customizable "workers" either before or after the game starts.

    This game kept me interested until I built everything and then I snowballed out of control with money.

    TLDR: Great game especially for an alpha release. In its current form closer to a 3/5, just needs some polish to get the 4/5 I have listed. Adding events and customization brings this to a 5/5.