
Apr 24, 2020
In the original story Jimmy bought only one of the rings, the other one was already worn by Kohaku which made her into Jimmy's bitch. Still doesn't give the player this feeling of being cucked, although, cucks usually think they own their man/woman and think that gives them the right to "share" them with others. It would've been better if Techno really wanted to make a good story... because honestly, the world in which this game is in is very interesting and has potential. The new story is just.... "Hey im Kohaku, I LOVE DICKS SIR JIMMY PLS PUT A BABY IN ME! Also, i'll do anything you tell me to because why tf the not?" really sounds like Techno is projecting his real life struggles in finding a meaningful relationship so he projects it into Kohaku, if that makes sense. So Techno could've really made a good story if he wanted to, maybe give more meaning to the relationship between Kohaku and Jimmy because currently it's just done the lazy way... the only way Techno knows.

Also, if anyone else is reading this please tell me if Yarizo appears through an Event or he is simply moved somewhere else. I installed both patches (0.80b & 0.80a) and i still can't see him at port town. Maybe i installed them incorectlly and that would be embarassing but pls let me know.
(Edit)NEVERMIND! Turns out i forgot that i need to be Rank 2 adventurer to find Yarizo in the port, all is good.
you're right I think Jimmy bought it because the ring would help him be popular with the girls but it only attracted Kohaku who had the other part of the ring that sounds more interesting maybe Kohaku is just being manipulated by the ring to love Jimmy or maybe she did fall in love with him sounds interesting Well now we will never know.
It is true I feel that the world has potential. I hope that Technobrake can cover it in a good way, although with how fast he wants to finish it, I doubt it.
yeah Kohaku can now be forced to do it with others while in the other version you needed to ask her after having a very high level of love, I also hope they leave Chad Jimmy, probably with him we could recover Kohaku from Jarizo since she is usually attempted to be seduced by other NPCs like the farm mission if we do not have good sex technique she stays on the farm but if we pass the test she will go with Jimmy.


Apr 24, 2020
question:Does anyone know if there are scenes in the camp with the vampire princess since the changelog says there are events in the camp but they don't appear to me?


New Member
Nov 23, 2024
Подскажите пожалуйста, в версии 0.8 регистратор гильдей не дает 2 уровня, что я делаю не так?
Download the patches, you've done nothing wrong.
Thank you so much for your help, but do you mean just waiting for an update?


New Member
Mar 5, 2025
If you need gold, just use the cheat god tool from the closet in the inn room.
Idk what you mean by state mod. Do you mean her love and lust, which are also in cheat god? Or her clothing which you can set yourself?
yeh i forgot to ask how can i set here clothes
also when go to world map i can't enter any location how can i move there
Mar 9, 2021
yeh i forgot to ask how can i set here clothes
also when go to world map i can't enter any location how can i move there
Alright, so setting clothes, you have to buy the clothes and then equip them to her. You can get a bunny suit in the casino in exchange for PM's stockings, and a micro bikini at the port town shop. There is a setting that I think suppresses live updates of her appearance, so make sure that's not on.
As for your world map issue, you have to move to that location and then select it. Some locations aren't available for you, and you'll have to unlock them either by manually moving there on the map (such as the forest to the south of the capital) and/or require a rank increase based on fame.
Подскажите пожалуйста, в версии 0.8 регистратор гильдей не дает 2 уровня, что я делаю не так?

Thank you so much for your help, but do you mean just waiting for an update?
Somewhere in this thread... Actually, let me just go get them for you.

Hello guys looks like someone already shared 0.80 so im just gonna share the patches for some bugs
0.80A patch fixed a bug you can't rank-up at the Adventurer's Guild, and change the required Fame for rank-up from 30 to 50
0.80B patch to fix yarizo not being at port town
Extra note: People talked with techno about the not being any events for 1 year and a half, hes gonna release early access events too
This person posted the patches for 0.80. 0.80 patch. Search engine optimization 0.80 patch. Can't get Yarizo patch. Can't get PM Potion Maker patch.

Where to find white flowers for the inn quest ?
The Forest of the Abandoned Church, there's one to the side of the cave entrance.


Apr 20, 2018
1741735637974.png 1741736521295.png 1741735876933.png

Help me please supply transport mission ?
Where is the quest on the map?
I wasted 2 hours on this quest.
Last edited:
Mar 9, 2021
View attachment 4636858 View attachment 4636886 View attachment 4636863

Help me please supply transport mission ?
Where is the quest on the map?
I wasted 2 hours on this quest.
...How did you waste 2 hours on this quest? It tells you to go to the forest with the abandoned church. That's the forest to the right, if you never bothered to look at the names of locations.
From there, to get to the abandoned church, head generally up and to the right, cross by this cliff that only has one tile of clearance, and then head up, and Michael (guy with brown hair) will be standing out in front of the church. Then you just go down into the well, navigate to the church basement, and go up the ladder.

Shiro 02

New Member
Mar 12, 2025
Столкнулся с такой проблемой, не могу перейти на 2 уровень искателя, у меня 300 слав, но толку нет в гильдии, мне просто говорят, что квесты не прием, я уже все перепробовал, перескакивал дней до 100, получил сцены, качал славу в деревне, но толку и опять во всех локациях мне просто нечего делать, помогите пожалуйста с этой задачей
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Apr 20, 2018
...How did you waste 2 hours on this quest? It tells you to go to the forest with the abandoned church. That's the forest to the right, if you never bothered to look at the names of locations.
From there, to get to the abandoned church, head generally up and to the right, cross by this cliff that only has one tile of clearance, and then head up, and Michael (guy with brown hair) will be standing out in front of the church. Then you just go down into the well, navigate to the church basement, and go up the ladder.
I'm standing in front of the spot you mentioned. Where is Michael?
I read the name of the map over and over again.

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