RPGM - Completed - Oba-sans Saga [v1.30] [IZAKAYA YOTTYANN]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of my favorite porn games. The story is short and sweet with no real replay value but art and H scenes easily make up for it. I've also not yet met a game that fits the kink of milf impregnation as well this one.
    Easy Recommend
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Das Ras

    Unoffensive and short, would highly recommend if you're into the type of girls you see in the previews. They're ALL like this.

    The combat is so bog standard rpgmaker that if the game went any longer than it did, it would detract from the experience. The developer, however, literally just gets rid of the combat altogether for what essentially is the second half of the game.

    Art isn't animated, but is drawn very, very well. I like the artstyle a lot, and there are a surprising amount of scenes to find for the time you put into the game.

    Bad news for pregheads, the pregnancy is only for two second flash-forward scenes. If this is your only fetish and you hate playing games for any other reason, you might wanna skip this one.

    To be honest, after seeing how many reviews and how positive they all were, I was expecting a little more than the game had to offer. That being said, I wasn't very disappointed with what I got either. Give it a go.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly well thought of, even for a short game.

    One major pitfall on H-Rpg maker is that, either focus on the story or the art while the Rpg aspect (The bread and butter of RPG Maker) being neglected and ignored.

    So for the game to be smart by pacing the story and mechanic while carried it to the post game content with payoff is surprisingly amazing feat's, rewarding the player who took the aspect of Rpg and put the time to grind, while also easy for the player who is here for the "Plot". (Plus it increase playtime)

    The story is decent, while relying too much for the player being oblivious and went with the flow rather than piecing it together, but to be fair it's just there for convenience and carried by creator sense of humor.

    What it lack is characterization, there is no dynamic other than the hero being pampered, excluding the Witch and Hero Mother since she is relevant to the protagonist; she is by far the most likable in the group, even though in any other scenario would staring her in other category like NTR
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Oba-sans Saga [v1.30] [IZAKAYA YOTTYANN]

    aesthetically I like it, the scenes are many (even if some are quite repetitive), the characters manage to characterise themselves enough despite the little space for interactions.

    However, I was very annoyed by the laziness of making a very short game where most of the scenes are completely unrelated to the plot and subsequent to the main events. it didn't take much effort to integrate them into the plot and make it a REAL game, rather than a gallery to browse through.

    really disappointing in this, so 3 stars, no more
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Izakaya Yottyann's infamous artstyle shines through with this h-game. The gameplay is fine and the scenes received makes the game feel redeeming and worth playing.

    • Great h-scenes with good SFX
    • Gallery included
    • Story is easy to follow
    • Definitely has some kinky scenes but also some vanilla scenes as well
    • 2-3 hours of gameplay
    • Combat is basic and easy to pick up
    • Since the combat is very basic, it may get stale for some people
    • While the SFX are good, a lot of them are repetitive
    • Most characters are already extremely horny so it doesn't have an amazing progression


    This game isn't meant to blow you away with its storytelling, it's a scene collector upscaled. However, the game is great is and definitely one you need to add to your collection.
  6. 3.00 star(s)



    1. Really nice art, with appealing characters designs
    2. Big titty milfs galore
    3. Pretty short length, so its easy to give it a try to see if you like.
    4. A good amount of scenes for its length
    5. Some post game content
    1. Combat feels unnecessary, there is no challenge or strategy really involved. This whole mechanic could have been removed for some puzzles or something else.
    2. A lot of the scenes are very vanilla, but there are some different ones as well.
    3. Story is basically non-existent.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The ultimate perfection amongst basics games !

    Everything is done properly, the game is flawless. Properly done in every aspect therefore extremely basic in every angles.

    If half of the games on this website would be as good...

    Extra points for wakige !

    This game gives a feeling of a warm hug given buy a curvy Milf. What else ?
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a short one but filled with content. Nice art, the conversations don't drag on. The gameplay is simple and fine. The fight element isn't annoying, which is a big plus. Overall, the game is very good.

    I'm not a big fan of the relationship with MC's mother, but it won't affect the rating.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Its a really simple rpg game but enough to be fun! not really grindy and you can finish it in 2-3 hours.

    The heroines are really good specially If you are a fellow Milf Enjoyer! the writing is good and I had a really great time reading this.

    Also theres a bunch of good h-scenes.

    and I am a simple man, I see a game with amazing Milfs I give 5*.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Is this an amazing RPG? No. Is it a pretty simple one with less grind than most and plenty of hot, mature women? Yes, and for that reason, it's in my top 10 because the writing is solid, the gameplay isn't a hindrance, and the art is great. One of my simplest top 10, but deserving nonetheless.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice art, sound, gameplay too easy and the story is too short (in 5 hours you can finish it), absolutely gorgeous otherwise. Hoping to see more of this author, and if he does a manga I would definitely see it
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Review of final version
    Game length is about 2.5 hours
    I love the art style and body shapes of the women
    A lot of scenes despite the shorter length of the game
    Good number of girls to seduce like the thicc orc milf!
    Combat and exploration are pretty painless with no grinding, teleportation, and non-aggro monsters
    Get to the sex fast
    Pretty basic sex sounds and 2 frame animation, would like to at least have the motions continue and not break for dialogue and it's pretty simple but better than nothing.
    Combat and gearing is about as basic as it gets, so it doesn't feel additive to the experience

    Overall a good game with great art and scenes that are well translated!
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    good game, great art. Gameplay was also not grindy. But I would have loved to have a more realistic sex progression. Instead every girl is super horny and getting sex is easy. Which many will like for sure. Just not my cup of tea.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice characters, fun gameplay, hillarious dialog and nicely drawn scenes what more could you want. Only thing to complain about in this one is that its just too short. Would have love it if it had more costume options and more sex scenes. 7/10 Great game.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    perfect artstyle and progression. can run through quick, and have plenty of content to enjoy. if you like huge tiddies this game is a *MUST* (the dev in general, true to name) big plus for the milf focus, just the perfect older ladies here
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful art, the characters are interesting especially the blue hair one, the sex is so hot with some of the incest dialogues, need more Mom scene and more content overall, but with what it have it's so good it made me write a review for the first time. Whoever made this game need to keep making games like this for older woman.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4552948

    What can I say that the cover art doesn't already express? Busty, attractive and sensual MILFS want to have your babies. Yes! Yes! Yes!
    This is an excellent short game with a very simple story. The incest elements is top notch, and the sex scenes are fantastic. Play it.
  18. 4.00 star(s)

    Ara-Ara lover

    - Art: 5/5
    No complaints about those 10 sexy Milfs
    - Story: 3/5
    Not too bad, not too good.
    - Gameplay: 3/5
    Not too difficult, not too grindy. Need a little tiny bit of grinding (lv12 at least) to finish the final boss but it's too easy so by the time you get there it won't be a problem.
    - Fetishes: 5/5
    Milf: 10 checked
    Pregnancy: 1 scene for a 3some with orge milfs, none for the blue hair shopkeeper, the rest has 1 each.
    Cosplay: There are some but most of them are just redrawn of old scenes
    Vanilla: There is that one scene of the Elf Princess Milf getting railed by a monster but nothing major after.
    - Overall: 3/5
    Despite there being 10 Milfs in this game. There's nothing much aside from enjoying old scenes in the gallery.
    No point to revisit old spots to replay h-scenes cause it's just one scene overlaying each other. (sad)
    The blue hair shopkeeper has no pregnancy scene due to her old age (No magic to fix it? lol)
    A pretty basic game to be the foundation for the dev's next games
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    absolutely fantastic MILF RPG! Always was on the look out for a good MILF game and this one is definitely quenching my thirst for MILF hunting. amazing roster of MILFs to choose from and i couldn't be happier
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    What a game. You don't need to grind for hours to see a hot scene. Simple story, easy and short combat as can be. So much so that I finished the entire game without using a single potion. Every character in the game is beautiful. You can't even decide. I finished it in about 4 hours and there were quite enough scenes. To sum up, the game is amazing. Definitely play it if you're interested in big, curvy and hot mommies.