Unoffensive and short, would highly recommend if you're into the type of girls you see in the previews. They're ALL like this.
The combat is so bog standard rpgmaker that if the game went any longer than it did, it would detract from the experience. The developer, however, literally just gets rid of the combat altogether for what essentially is the second half of the game.
Art isn't animated, but is drawn very, very well. I like the artstyle a lot, and there are a surprising amount of scenes to find for the time you put into the game.
Bad news for pregheads, the pregnancy is only for two second flash-forward scenes. If this is your only fetish and you hate playing games for any other reason, you might wanna skip this one.
To be honest, after seeing how many reviews and how positive they all were, I was expecting a little more than the game had to offer. That being said, I wasn't very disappointed with what I got either. Give it a go.