RPGM - Completed - Obscurite Magie: Lust corrupted princess Yuriana [Final] [Instant Flowlighter]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I thought I posted the review for this. I remember finishing it then waiting for the next one by this creator. Its pretty average.

    • Amazing artwork
    • Easy to understand battle system
    • Very good translation
    • Game runs very well
    • Easy to access items
    • Game gives you necklaces to stop clothing damage/rape during combat assuming you solve the puzzles in game to get the keys and get said items.
    • Surprise villain
    • If you lose a battle, it just throws you back to the entrance instead of giving you a gameover scene.
    • Super short
    • Battle system is super simple allowing you to spam one move to win the game
    • Post game is super short and just adds to Amira’s background motivation
    • You are locked out of half of the hentai scenes if you win against the second boss (Val). The game only gives a vague warning that doesn’t actually state this.
    • You are locked out of the bad ending if you beat the fourth boss similar to above.
    • The corruption system doesn’t actually corrupt Juliana like the summary of the game implies.
    • Val is supposed to be the most dangerous person in the village. Amira is the main villain but Val disappears after you beat him while he locks your story progress if you lose to him. His influence is stated to continue despite being defeated thus making it hard to feel bad.
    • Amira’s backstory is only implied once in the main story, comes out of nowhere as a result and then is locked to postgame content.
    • Forced rape scene preventing a pure virgin run.
    • Despite the menu format showing that there can be multiple party members, you only have one character to use despite Amira joining you after clearing most of the fourth dungeon.
    • The town is very empty in design.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    :) Turnbased combat RPG Game, with town exploring, mid battlefuck, H-events.
    The game has the corruption level. shame, the corruption system is kinda bad, that someone made a mod to make it more natural. :(
    About the battlefuck mechanic, There is a clothing damage, the enemy can damage your clothes, and H-scenes can occur when you're naked. ;)
    Idk why but the enemies doesn't appear to chase you. You can walk pass them like nothing. :rolleyes:
    The artsyle looked promising, good amount of CGs, but the game itself is too short. :confused:
    I liked the character design, too bad, it doesn't have a variety of standing pictures in dialogues. :cry:
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a decent albeit not complex game.
    1. The game's story is pretty generic and uninspired, it is playable (AFTER the bug troubleshooting updates have been patched in by OP).
    2. The music is as decent as any average RPG game but not remarkable.
    3. The static standing art is kind of disappointing for lack of variety in dialogues.
    4. The translation is quite good, and there are a total of 34 CG's if I counted them correctly, while the art style and its quality is pretty good.
    All in all I would have given this game 3.5 stars based on my experience if it was possible, it isn't too grindy for as much as I played it so far, and the art style and CG variety makes it worthwhile so 4 stars is a fitting score imo (despite the annoying typical and mandated censorship of private parts).

    I'd recommend playing it if you do not have high standards for story and mechanics complexity, and just enjoy an easy going game, with good variety of CG and quality of art in your RPGM.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm rating it at 3 mostly because I enjoyed the art-style for the "heroine" of the game. That's really the only strong suit of this thing, assuming you enjoy that particular style yourself.

    This is not much of a game at the end of the day, more of a "porn delivery" device that has just enough gameplay to not be an outright VN, but nowhere near enough story to really qualify for the latter either. The fact that you can unlock everything in the gallery as soon as you gain access to it is proof of that.

    The "corruption" system is a joke. It has literally no impact on the game or story beyond acting as a set of milestones for when you can unlock scenes. Combat rape has no consequences. Losing has no real consequences aside from wasting time. Hell, even the one bad end in the game is not even part of the main progression, and you pretty much have to go out of your way to get it.

    As such, were this to be rated purely as a game, and not as an H game... its score would be something like 0.5.

    If you're looking for more than easy porn, look elsewhere, because you won't find it here.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Hmmm this game might be 2-2.5 star. Here's why:

    The gameplay and story are simple and similar to most of JRPG games (a honorable knight goes through dungeons and gets raped). And that's the problem. This game is just another "copy - paste" game.

    The scenes are bad, all of them are typical H-games and bad drawn. The only good part is you don't need to lose to see the scene because the monster already rape you during the fight.

    In the end, you should choose another game to play, if you want to see the scene the game already has "unlock CG" option. That's it, a typical "copy - paste" JRPG. (not worth your time)

    P/s: anyway thank you for your translation, it's great and keep up your job!!!
  6. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1708512

    The gameplay is really poor, the maps don't have anything special. But we are all here for the porn right?
    Well, the art is really good but it feels like the devs just wanted to show you all the images as quickly as possible. My advise, bust a quick nut, and leave because this is not worth the time.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Extremely mediocre corruption game. It has all the minimum requirements for one, but its just so boring and bare minimum. Literally just fly through the game and that's it. Even the corruption goes from not lewd to lewd, and even some flags don't make sense like losing her virginity in a scene...after she already had sex? Yeah give it a pass and go to porn or some older game.