RPGM - Completed - Okaken no Hihou Kyoufu no NTR Sugoroku [v1.03] [Moccori Factory]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The characters/personalities of MC and FMC were not likable at all
    FMC is hot
    The sexual scenes are very short and aren't particularly hot (not bad either)
    Before Sugoroku, there needed to be more dialogue in relation to the depth of the MC and FMC relationship
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    nice art, but this shit is so rigged. yes, you can cheese the system as everything is already predetermined rolls and you can strategize off of save scumming, but when it comes to getting to the goal, everything is sooooo slow because the FMC has the worst/rigged luck that work against you, always wanting to spawn more degens for unskippable cutscenes that you probably seen 10x.

    While the degens trynna ntr the fmc on the board game, your character's goal is to finish the board game by reaching the end, before all the foreplay scenes are used up. After foreplay scenes are used up, game is over and gotta restart. Gotta win once for penetration scenes.

    I've retried so many times and got tired of the unskippable foreplay scenes. Basically this game has rigged dice rolls to favor of you losing and shit rng for your character to roll high numbers to get to the finish line. But when you get high roll like a 7, you either end up on a square that spawns another degen or lose a turn.
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Crazy Assistant

    Pretty solid game overall. The gameplay was pretty fun and you had to think of possible ways to get through. It is more like a board game, which I liked. The H-scenes were also pretty good as well. It did get a little repetitive if you lost since you would have to restart so it was a bit difficult at the beginning. It's also a little annoying to force see the H-scenes since the opponents have to roll the dice the correct amount of spaces onto the girl.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed playing a hentai board game. The premise of a demon forcing you to play/protect your girlfriend, within the game, is pretty cool. I like it when a game of corruption, it has mechanics to let the protagonist win without being corrupted. But to do this, you need good strategy in the game of dice and it is important to think about each round. The scenes are good and the progression of the content is also satisfactory.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Actually was very impressed with the game! Graphics, content, art style, plot was all good. Requires a player to have some strategy in mind to avoid molestation, but overall really enjoyed it and wish it was longer with more scenes to explore.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    let's go, this is some GOAT stuff. hope to see more from this creator and will definitely support them.

    the mechanics add a really nice touch to the overall experience. the art style is also really up my alley.
    Likes: mackb
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    a demon has forced a lewd game onto a school occulist club - roll dice and travel with the waifu to the end of the game board and avoid ntr corruption. If the enemies land on an adjacent tile they get the privilege of molesting the heroine which progresses to various sex scenes.

    There was a decent amount of thought behind the gameplay as your character, the heroine, and the enemies all have varying roll ranges to make the game harder. Staying a tile near on directly on the heroine prevents molestation, and there's various special tiles that you can take advantage of.

    Unfortunately the enemies blatantly cheat their rolls and because it's too difficult to keep the mc and heroine together, trying to prevent molestation is basically impossible. Losing once and getting new game+ bonuses is basically the only way to even the playing field and opens the door to the only viable strategies.

    The sexual content is serviceable as molestation gets enough attention, art is great and the writing/translation job is decent. There is no voice acting of any kind, unfortunately. What this game excels at is that the progression of corruption is near perfect, as it escalates in intensity expertly. There is an option to pick basically almost any option but it's pretty obvious you want to start at the light stuff and then escalate as the enemies continue to win.

    Overall the game is not really that fun to play but the progression of ntr corruption is good enough that it's worth finishing the game once and exploring the extra, unlocked content. use a full save if you don't even want to finish the game once.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    It's alright game. Dialogues were alright. Scenes slightly above the average. I've played few sugoroku ntr games and think this is the best I've played.
    Biggest issue for me it's pretty short and slow. Think it would be way better if it had faster pacing. All in all I don't regret playing it but it also didn't change my life.

    Art 3.5/5
    Story - 2.5/5
    Gameplay 2.5/5
    Fapability 4/5
    Originality 3.5/5
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    For as common as board game are, there sure is a lack of them among the H-game world. The gameplay isn't all that fun, its just there. The real appeal is the realistically proportioned and well drawn petite-but-not-a-loli heroine. You need to clear four different maps before unlocking the gallery which is a bit absurd and the controls are wonky, but regardless you'll get your groove on.
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4106122

    Good game. Not perfect coz it's may be hard to get all scenes if you have bad rolls, and i am not into ugly guys. And also there's might be more variations of kisses, but it's personal staff, ehe. Whant to cheate sometimes...i mean in game, ofc <_<
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Okaken no Hihou Kyoufu no NTR Sugoroku [v1.03] [Moccori Factory]
    Game that surprised me more than expected.
    I liked it but it has a really poor quality and you can see the little effort put into the project.
    The game is about reaching the finish line with the male protagonist (you) and being able to avoid the club members with the female protagonist, simple, fun and functional.
    I recommend playing with it without too many pretensions.
    I recommend the game.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Roll the dice and you got ... SEX!!!

    Sometimes RPGM Eroges give us insteresting gameplays, this is one of them.

    But first i wanna talk about the bad things.


    -NTR here is... strange, beacuse there is ntr but i dont feel pain from the "progatoginst". And its more strange beacuse the protagonist its a male generic character, not more things. You can give me only de Female MC and there is not much change that "advantage".

    -Only "One" run for all CG. The female MC dont have to repeat scenes, I know this is not a big problem... but i like more when its a corruption game and you can repeat scenes, because you can have different reaction from Her. Then you can see how really the MC are corrupted.


    -You can have strategy, not all its luck.

    -New game plus give you new content for gameplay and light cheats.

    -CG are good.

    -Its funny and hot, but not bothering.

    This not a perfect game, buts its sooo good. You have to play at least once time.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice little game.
    Obviously it has faults, but let's face it most games do.
    Gameplay in this game is inoffensive, and to a certain degree it is even interesting (To beat this game you actually have to use features of this game not just mechanically press X, so it is already better than half of other RPGM games).
    Art is fairly good, main heroine has some good facial expressions, and even though at first i though guy characters appear somewhat bad, fairly quickly I warmed up to them. In fact their square jaws and "i totally not into screwing your gf" faces are now fairly funny to me.
    Adult part is nice as well. Honestly closest thing to compare it to (in terms of theme) would be h-manga by Kon-Kit (like his famous h-manga "Involuntary But Consensual Sex").
    So overall this game is fairly interesting, with a unique gameplay without the need to farm for 4 hours to see a nipple.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    A nice little game, that you can try for 30 minutes to get the general idea and then download a 100% save and watch the rest of the scenes. It's not worth any more effort.
    Scenes are pretty average. Male mc is just silently watching, female mc is using ntr phrases like "don't look", "I would prefer if it was MC", "I wanted to do it with MC first" and so on while enjoying the acts.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Good CG, good concept, awful and repetitive gameplay.

    I wish the board game made more sense like you had to try and protect her or something, but that's not a viable strategy. The best bet is actually just running away and then teleporting her, its the only viable strategy because of the dice rolls.

    This is made even worse in the part 2 newgame+ where you have to go 140+ boxes, you get more scenes there but oh my goooood what a pain. Had to newgame+ this like 6x to finish the gallery.

    But all in the all the scenes are good if you're into this, the art is nice and the dialogue is nice. Simple, clean concept, with good CGs but poor game design.

    Should you play it? Give it a run or two then DL a full save from one of the members for the gallery. Not worth playing 6 times for.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I've played Okaken no Hihou Kyoufu no NTR Sugoroku. Time for a review!

    This is a board game type setting. Essentially, a demon sprang up in the middle of a geek club, and the girl here is the only female member. So it goes like this: The girl and her boyfriend must reach the goal. The boy can protect the girl against H attacks. The other players are tasked with capturing the girl. If they stand on adjacent squares then they will do an H attack. There are special fields which then can add extra players, give items etc etc.

    It's a decent game in my opinion - especially if you like board games. I also like the visuals, they all look semi-realistic; that is no cow tits etc.

    That said, I agree with some of the comments: there isn't a whole lot of variety. I played it a couple of times and I haven't encountered any other scenes other than those where I lost the first time. Further more, losing is actually a real option, especially considering how you moves essentially are based on a dice.

    Anyways, here are some bullet points for fast(er) reading.

    The Good:
    • Decent art.
    • The story is pretty much non-essential, but at least it fits the setting.
    • Real risk of losing, which is nice.
    • Good translation.
    The In-between:
    • Like any board game, it is heavily RNG dependent. This can be nice, but I think it could use some balancing.
    • Digs into the standard Japanese tropes, like despite them being a couple she has never had a kiss before, she is a virgin etc etc. The standard Japanese stuff. If you like, then great, I find it somewhat tiresome.

    The Bad:
    • The game tries to add re-playability. But this is done by adding a different map and not (as far as I know) different H scenes or other mechanics.
    • It could've used some balancing. It becomes way harder when more two opponents appear. Perhaps placing traps - such as 2 steps back for oppenents could be an interesting mechanic to add.
    To sum up: it's a decent game which can be played a few times. One where you really try to win, and one where you just want to see the scenes.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    I think the idea of the game is great, but it lacks some things.

    Firstly, the game's ending is not quite satisfying as there is no ending for the game as Girl fully corrupted to be bitch.

    Second, there is a full dependency on new-game plus, with more scenes it could be possible to avoid that.

    And finally, the scenes feel kinda same IMO, they have the same perspective without quite a variety to them.

    Overall I like the game. But there is a catch because there is a lack of quality with NTR games I'm giving this game a 4/5, but it might easily be 3 or 2.5 if we had more quality NTR games with a good idea behind them.

    Wish, there is a remaster or a similar game to this that has more content and thought thoroughly.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Pacing is a fatal flaw here.

    Due to the board game's mechanics, the most likely scenario is the girl gets molested repeatedly in a few short turns before you TP her to the MC and finish the game.

    The game tries to go for a corruption angle, but you can't appreciate corruption when she: gets molested and resists, gets molested again 10 seconds later (real time) and resists a little less, etc. There just isn't enough time or distance between events to sell the idea that she's falling prey to lewd desires or w/e. And because she can be molested multiple times per turn, you can have bizarre scenarios where events escalate drastically and her personality changes in the span of a few seconds.

    The art's not bad for a humble indie project and I like the girl's design. Otherwise there's not a lot going on in terms of gameplay, but at least it's short. With better pacing I might've been able to appreciate the scenes, but it was too ridiculous to care as is.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is good. Fapable CGs.

    One trivial thing I find funny is that demon looks like he's trolling while smirking all the time.

    1 star was deducted from me because this game depends too much on repeated New Game+ to unlock good shits we wanna see.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ v1.03]

    I didn't enjoy it.

    Art's alright. Stylistically the CG look good enough, but all the NTR 'threats' are the same copy-paste spergs that I couldn't take seriously. It's hard to feel threatened when faced with a carp, and hard to feel insecure about losing a flakey highschool broad that lose herself to making out with a fish.

    Writing is nonexistant, and yet trite. I've played at least three versions of this same game, most with better presentation. The translators did a fine job but I feel their efforts were wasted.

    Porn's boilerplate and uninspired. Could be worse I guess? Didn't have me rubbin myself raw through my trouser pockets at any rate.

    Gameplay irritates me. I'm an NTR fan and I hate the progression here. RNG is not a substitute for good pacing or design, and the game tries to be nonlinear with the corruption progression but you still have to get all the events on a given corruption level in order to advance so it's still effectively linear but lying about it. Pacing is borked and stumbling through Honk Her Tit Twice and Now She's a Nympho levels of nonsense. Also I don't know if my notoriously shit luck somehow warps probability but I swear the devs have tweaked the dice rolls for the POV MC versus the girl; the idea is to keep the two together on the game board but when I play he always rolls high and she always rolls low. It cheapens proceedings and takes my agency away even worse than the terrible pacing.

    TLDR: There're better games around here. Appreciate the work the translators put into getting NTR games to us though.