because everyone has the right to express their opinions or comments about your game and if you don't like them you can of course answer them but you don't have to be so tense

You have the right to your opinion, and I have the right to respond.
If you act like an entitled asshole I'm going to call you one and treat you like one. And you need to deal with that, especially if your going to respond to devs in such a shitty way. Its very unreasonable to expect me to respond nicely to people acting like dicks for no reason, so don't be a dick
P.S. So far I like your game so please don't be mad on me for my opinion
I'm not mad, I'm having fun!
A dev not kissing your ass and praising your useless opinion clearly annoys you, and that's funny to me
We aren't beholden to every single comment on this forum lol