Also am I retarded, courage seems to be a very difficult resource to maintain with I believe only one source to regenerate it?
Either way I'll be keeping an eye on this, certainly seems promising (especially if the milking dialogue is sped up

To my knowledge there is only one direct source of confidence atm. In theory, if your village condition is doing well enough you should also naturally regenerate confidence - I did the thing because it's a RPGM game and noticed that when I gave myself a bunch of food/ingredients/power, her confidence restored overnight. I'm not sure what the exact formula is, but I expect it to be 15+ food/ingredients.
Onedge: Others have mentioned speeding up the text during the milking encounters (I agree), but also please don't forget to update Debbie's dialogue in future versions. It makes sense for her to be nervous during the first few times she milks a dick, but a quiet shy girl going "I- I can't believe I'm touching Mr. ___'s dick" gets old after the nth time. I'm not saying she needs to immediately descend into cumsluttery, but at some point (especially considering her role in overseeing the factory) she should be desensitised to it, and probably even rationalise the process as part of village upkeep. Otherwise, looking great; I like the concept, and the demo execution has been brilliant. Is there any plan on making Debbie's orgasms affect her personality, rather than just wiping the heart tokens?
Also, on an unrelated note, I know your name reads as "on edge", but the lack of capitalising/spacing on the E makes me read your name like "wunj" and that makes me giggle every time.