not a bad game ... your story has me wondering ... if it will end up to complex ... the renders are pretty good ... i agree you should make them more the ages they should be ...
my opinion : i know who cares what i think ..... anyway ....... why do Dev.s always wanna make male MC's be so stupid and helpless .... when i was 16 for example i got a job and made money , yeah it was just part time but to the point i was able to help some at least ... difficult times back when i was a kid ..... my point is making any MC's for that matter ... they should be more self reliant ... especially todays young kids ... you dev's it seems make younger people to be ... well quite stupid and unreliable ... but i guess if thats what your looking for making a game ... no real difference than any other games .. i look forward to see what else you come up with .... btw story isn't bad