
Jun 18, 2020
What was the game that Deathblight died for tho? Wasn't there some very wip rpgmaker top down shooter with GoR by monsters before that or am I getting my games confused?
yes you are correct

They made a top down shooter esc game that people were not especially happy with for 2 reasons:
1. nobody really asked for it, nor was it that great compared to deathblight
2. it featured a character that was really far down in their popularity polls for characters

well not to mention people wanted them to work on deathblight and not some top down shooter...

And not gonna lie, while this game looks appealing I really liked how the girls in deathblight were drawn ..quite muscular... and based on the preview pics, that seems to be missing from this, which is disappointing for me
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Sep 24, 2017
The art is made by Crescentia, the person(s) that made the Deathblight Game and the Deathblight Webcomic.

The writing is from Sierra Lee, who has written Noxian Nights and the early (and good) parts of Kingdom of Deception.

At least that's how I think it is, someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
Really? I didn't know he/she/it w/e written NN, I mostly don't follow devs (too many dissapointments) so i was unaware, it would also explain why NN and early KoD was so good and later KoD is such a trainwreck later - they even added political correct elements and reworked some of the early scenes, in a fking porn game.

I will check it later and already can't wait to see more of this game.


Feb 21, 2018
The art is made by Crescentia, the person(s) that made the Deathblight Game and the Deathblight Webcomic.

The writing is from Sierra Lee, who has written Noxian Nights and the early (and good) parts of Kingdom of Deception.

At least that's how I think it is, someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
My dude, how can you mention Sierra's writing without bringing up her Magnum Opus?
As good as the writing in these other games are, you merely need check my banner for her greatest achievement


Jun 30, 2018
Bookmarked! Look this Dev games, I have played Ouroboros and Desecration of Wings so I knew this one will be good (beside the worrisome bugs he has warned so far) so can't wait to try this game
Somehow I'm always confuse him with Hreinn Games developer, maybe because it has some similar characters that look very alike to each other
Sierra Lee is (was) part of Hreinn lol. They made Noxian Nights, which if you like Sierra Lee you should REALLY try out!


Jan 9, 2019
Is there mid battle sex or is it only a "progress trough the story to unlock cg" kind of game?


Oct 10, 2018
Art is awesome,but in this state i think the game lack h content,and i find the fights tedious,so atm i don't know what to think of the game,and stoped to play when i reached the world with the fighter girl.

I think i'll wait the final game to give it another try.


Jun 10, 2018
It's Sierra, so don't really count on that. In fact, it would be surprising if this will have more than few lesbian scenes.
I still remember one of her(?) games, I think it was Noxian Nights, that ended up being hilarious from this perspective. As it was almost completely heterosexual from the sex scenes point of view, but both of its romantic endings were lesbian. Which meant that she made a heterosexual/homoromantic game, which still cracks me up pretty hard. It had a good story, though, even if a lot of the actual kinks weren't to my own taste.


Jun 7, 2017
Does the game have choices and branching paths or is it like Last Sovereign where aside from minor elements, the plot is mostly linear? The are looks fine but I prefer interesting situations in my hentai.


Jun 13, 2017
I still remember one of her(?) games, I think it was Noxian Nights, that ended up being hilarious from this perspective. As it was almost completely heterosexual from the sex scenes point of view, but both of its romantic endings were lesbian. Which meant that she made a heterosexual/homoromantic game, which still cracks me up pretty hard. It had a good story, though, even if a lot of the actual kinks weren't to my own taste.
Even more hilarious thing is that LeBlanc ending is the most romantic ending while others "homoromantic" are more FWB/subtext endings that were really last minute and lacks actual chemistry


Sep 27, 2018
Ah yes, the game Deathblight died for.

Deathblight died/is put on hold cause the team behind it couldn't get it's priorities right and broke up. To many started projects and nearly non got entirely finished.
Had nothing to do with Sierra hiring Crescentia for this project.


Nov 20, 2018
Ask before play
Does some screen avoidable ?
Are there other guy screen aside black wolf guy ? it is male domination, so I have a bit hope.
I somehow can't accept corrupt with a main character dude. haha


Jun 10, 2018
Even more hilarious thing is that LeBlanc ending is the most romantic ending while others "homoromantic" are more FWB/subtext endings that were really last minute and lacks actual chemistry
Oh yeah, I don't recall thinking the endings were good, just unintentionally amusing. What made so baffling is that while Sierra's games have things I don't personally prefer, I do think that she's a pretty strong writer. Which in turn made those endings so baffling as it is pretty basic you have to setup and build for those endings for them to feel impactful. Instead it was straigth stuff mixed with bestiality and other more extreme stuff... Before declaring that actually these women were in love. The more I remember it, the more confounded I am with it. Although it is also making me chuckle once more.
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