Alright i'll be running doing side by side the game my thoughts about some choices to help you understand me:
The First thing comes to my mind when i say "forced dialoges" is the first scene with the bartender bobbie, u CAN make it a choice. instead of having a few drinks make bobbie stop him, maybe make it have him drink more to justify his sexual scene, make the main character doubt the bobbie invitation... i mean, you can make him still be himself but with some minor choices so the audience of the game feel more in control of his life but still have the same personality of course. im not saying to just leave bobbie with some rude comment because "drunk guy" is hurt but to make it variated? (i understand u want to make a story from ur perspective, but people like me follow some interests too... more choices = more scenarios = more audience)
It is forced because u CAN make a choice in a minor dialogue scene (doesn't have any impact in the game skipping this scene) and if u decide to make multiple ending later on (i'm specting that actually) i will conflict with a complete faithful path from the ex or the main female character even. WHY will u have any interest in having sex with anyone after ur best friend did that? that would remind u of it anyway... but again he was drinking, i guess is justified because he is FORCED to get drunk but not just some drink with his bartender friend u know what i mean?
the interactions with jake (roommate) is another thing, why his skin tone changed from the prologue? i guess thats just have to be fixed. i know, jake says he don't socialize much i think he says, and some weird dialogues like when he's waking up and talk casually with the main character or when he notice julie staring at mike why ask "who is she?" (i think is better to say "you know her?" that makes more sense. but he don't socialize much so ok) and finally: WHY JAKE IS SO OPEN WITH ALEX IF HE ISN'T GOOD SOCIALIZING? WHY HE GOES EXPLAINING EVERYTHING TO ANH AND JANE!? nonsense ( but maybe it will be explained later with who was giving him a blow before).
with anh... there are some choices that doesn't make sense with the outcome: if i chose to ignore anh with "..." and "leave." why in chapter 1 they act friendly regardless my choice? i've been taking choices to make her less flirty or friendly but she's still getting in my room and i'm acepting her flirty compliments? now THAT'S what i call forced. at least make choice for just friendly approaches, i'm not saying that those comments are weird but make the main character mor visually affected by what's happening or the dialogues. like look: if i chose to be cold with anh i get not only the same results from the friendly choices but the same flirty jokes ( chatting with anh in the bench, in a bench with direct sunlight by the way i don't know how they aren't sweating at the very least, why would u want as a hurt person passing for a difficult time with someone you've been trying to avoid in a friendly matter joke about having a date? sure is justifiable by just a weird comment. even worst if before u accept the invitation of julie, is a psichological dilemma if that would possibly happen, i mean it's weird but possible i guess.)
i think the problem i have is more from the dialogues and the outcomes from does dialogues than anything else, making more dialogues for those touching or personal conversations is key to understand those characters. having some advice from to julie with more realistic tone or dialogues, more bro-like friendly dialogues from jake and mike because why he's so open about the personal life of his roommate? like wtf men? some privacy? (a hug between mike and julie after their conversation in the coffee would've been nice to see).
and for the very end. there are some scenes where the character models seem phisically incorrect

, like their neeks, eyes, some leening scenes are a bit off or too exagerated (especially talking of the coffee scenes and the cafeteria, but there are more). talking again of the bench scene with anh, that ilumination issue of the scene is the one that set me off the most honestly, just sit in the grass in some shadowe place aroung the tree not in middle of the head!
Vollezar Please don't take this the wrong way! i think ur game is really good and i love it! but it piss me off when i see this minor things or interactions not making sense honestly, i hope everything makes sense after or is improve just how u did in the first release to this one. if this post has a response, please mesaage me private. i'll be actually waiting for that! (hope u understand most of it since i just rush the tipyng jaja).