VN - Ren'Py - Completed - One More Chance [Ch. 3 Final] [The Lonely Joker]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    An amazing game. Even though the game has choices. It kind 'a felt kinetic. Some NTR scenes felt sudden. The characters didn't get an ending. All the characters had potential for having an amazing arc. Besides all that I really enjoyed it.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game. Not much to say really. The renders are nothing special but considering the release dates it makes sense. The girls are unique enough to make you have favorites. For me, I liked all the girls but my favorite was definitely Ivy.
    The story is written by someone who understands but can't fully write in english, this means you might stumble slightly reading the dialogue in the game but after a few minutes you get used to it. There's rarely misspellings.
    The ending was slightly annoying for me.
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    For the reasons above, I can't give the game anything above a 3.5/5.
    It's great, but if you're short on time there's probably other games that'll satisfy you more.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    An enjoyable NSFW game. Classic premise, cheesy tropes, broken grammar, cute girls.

    The MC doesn't immediately bed all the girls he meets, but has various relationships with them.
    Art is nice, it uses characters from different IPs (i.e DOA). For me, this gives them more character than what is actually portrayed in the game, so that's a plus.
    The NSFW animations aren't great though.

    Hope to see more from this guy.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Very roller coaster of a story, I enjoyed it but found a few inconsistencies. To begin with, you can tell the developer is probably ESL, specifically in an "Engrish" way (lots of missing words or poor word choice rather than improper grammar or misspellings). I don't take off stars for that, because I understand the story well enough, but for those interested in playing I felt you should be aware.

    Mostly, the story is a kinetic novel. Yes, there are choices to be made, so it's not really kinetic... but the game rarely checks for them. A lot of variables are set in this game when making choices, so you would naturally think there's a lot of path divergence... but no, most variables in this are only used by the game to choose which scene to go with--which is silly, because you don't need to do that in Ren'Py; plug your entire scene into the if/else choice--and afterwards the variable is never used again. Once in a while a variable will get a second use, but it's then used for slight flavor modification in another scene that likewise has no bearing on the game. In short, there is only one ending and your choices will not have a bearing on it. To give you an idea of how serious I am, the last variable check comes about 3/4 of the way through the final chapter. From that point on, the game is on auto-pilot. Just read and click through the text, watch any videos, and click if the game pauses outside of that (two image repetitions; I'll go over that shortly).

    Last issue I have is more with an actual inconsistency. Beforehand, let me give you a little background. I'll spoiler tag the entire next paragraph, it's spoiler-rich even if it is a sort of prologue/premise spoiler.
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    For those avoiding the spoiler, the MC tries to live a little bit of a double life at times, so he needs a cover for when he's hiding his identity. In doing so, there are times when the MC will he styles himself differently, wears a different attire, and goes by an alias 'Jack' when taking on the role other than that of his regular daily life. The inconsistency comes when the MC starts randomly getting called 'Jack' by characters who should be calling him by his given name, while being called by his name with people who know him as 'Jack'. By mid-to-late Chapter 3, no one close to the MC should be calling him 'Jack'. Those close to him have had over two years to realize who he is, our MC is not Clark Kent and 'Jack' is certainly no Superman. It's an utterly confusing mess. The developer should have kept better notes for tracking who knows the real MC and those who don't.

    Graphics are rendered in Honey Select, so there's mostly eastern-style design elements (the story takes place in Japan, so that tracks). Renders are good, there's a glossy veneer on the textures where it's needed, proper shading and lighting.

    There are two kinds of "animations" here: 1) Video animations--and these are absolutely amazing quality, smooth as butter--and 2) frame-per-second animations. I have a small problem with each. My issue with the video animations is that there isn't a keyframe, so these animations don't loop around properly. My problem with the 'frame-per-second' animations is that they don't have an ending point; the game just goes through an animation loop of, usually, two frames... but because there isn't any kind of timer in the code to escape this, the player has to click to advance. That's perfectly fine under normal circumstances, but it's incongruent with how the game automatically advances after video animations. It will be a minor annoyance for at least a part of Chapter 1, if the player is unaware of that inconsistency.

    Music is sparse in this game, usually it's only used when a scene calls for it (at a party, music makes sense: a DJ is probably producing it). As strange as it is for music to come and go like that, I won't take off a star for the timing. I mean... it makes sense, if you think about it. We don't go about our day hearing music in the background, so why should the characters in our story? Also, there are some sound effects in this game as well, though there could stand to be more if they're going to be used--especially if the proper sound effect has already been used and is readily available. Why use a squelching liquid sound effect in one scene, but not use it for the exact same purpose the next time a similar scene rolls around?

    Anyway, I enjoyed the game. There were some small details that, I feel, warrant knocking off a star... but largely those are technical. The story is fun and lively. While it might be a slice of our MC's life, this is pretty far from being a slice-of-life game. Give it a whirl and enjoy it.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    why only 4 stars the game is So GOOD Iv'e played from some Time ago the story mix of Great moments and the end is Epic I recommended Nice Looking Models Great Plot Nice Twist Fast Cars Action Moments Nice Sex Scene Heart to heart moments
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed the game. This one got a soul in it. Story is good it's got a soul and charm. Game definitely got many flaws. It could be improved. NTR in the game is comparatively avoidable. There are total 3 chapters but the save are not transferred. There is not option to make decisions about how you played previous chapter in the next build. So no matter how you play it got a single ending at the end of the chapter. If you like anime or old Chinese movies you surely like this one. There another game related to this it's story is about MC and his ex gf.

    Overall I enjoyed the game. Another plus point is it's completed. I played this one long time got but forgot to review. I really wish he stayed and make another game. I think he write story for another game it's in daz 3d but it's abandoned. If you like playing story game you can try this one.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Compared to the amount of games out there.

    The story is above average. While the editing and grammar are mostly passable. Sometimes below standard while never above.
    And the graphics are below honey select graphics average.
    The combo evens out to average. Personally, I would give this 2 stars instead. But that would be more bias than a fair review would be.

    My two cents?
    The story is bad.
    Sex scenes were disappointing.
    The best animation was playing with boobs in the second or third episode. It wasn't even during penetration sex.

    I wasted my time playing the whole thing to see if it should match the reviews and to give you a faithful review.

    I've played the prologue. Then all three following episodes.
    I regret and I do not recommend.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    + content complete
    + satisfy male power fantasy of buying bitcoin before they are a thing
    - Honey Select models, the first 2 games are very roughly rendered
    - transition between scenes are very abrupt
    ~ no text during sex scenes; you basically fly through some looping animations
    ~ controversial/bittersweet ending, tho you are warned well in advance, right in the game plot overview; read it again
    ~ for ntr people, there are some forced sex but the girls come back to you (except one)
  9. 4.00 star(s)



    Chap 1 : really really good write but bad picture

    Chap 2: Good picture but normal write
    Chap 3: Really good animation but writing so so normal that i feel sad to play.

    The only thing make his game unique is on chap 1 game. His game can play like you watch a movie, no waste line, no waste scene, i don;t even care about sex anymore.

    The lonely Joker is someone got passion and talent for writing and movie, he made part 1 with passion and alot of skill from movie, even some movie reference. After play the chap 1 i wanna his fan already.

    But part 2, and 3 make me feel sad, you can see he not doing for passion on movie anymore but for the PORN, the better sex animation is the worse writing become. I sure this is the time when he start Patreon and try to rush thing and follow the money.

    Men i wish he not doing Patreon and take his time to sell his game on steam or something cause i gonna buy it after play part 1.

    A failling gem.

  10. 4.00 star(s)


    (My apology, English is not my mother language therefore this review may have a few (a lot) grammar, spelling mistakes)
    The Goods:
    - Story and development are well written, it's a familiar motif with decent narrative but the game has done it good although there is no super plot or something unpredictable.
    -Multiple Endings depends on your choices, the game has many ending so it worth replaying, I like this part but this is also a problem with the game.
    - Fine Rendering.
    - Variety of Characters with different personalities.
    The Bads:
    - Developer forgot some characters like Kenji, Kevin, MC's Mother,... ; MC is supposed to fix right the wrong whatever he did but after Chapter 1 he is rarely attend school, spending less time with his classmates (and best friends).
    - Too straightforward storytelling.
    - Bad pacing in timeline and relationship advancement, the story has skipped a lot of time which leads to this problem.
    - 3 splitted Chapters but I can find only the last Chapter's choices (yeah yeah I know part 2 decisions about Ivy but they will ask you again when you play chapter 3 so whichever you made in chapter 2 is meaningless) affect the ending.
    - I feel this is not a completed game, especially the ending, it's so rush
    The Medians:
    - It should be a sandbox game like many other RenPy with Honey Select Scenes Games. You received one more chance to live again and you want to make decisions that you won't regret like before with this content it has a huge potential to be a sandbox game that you can decide what to do where to go in a specific time. Anyway, this is solo developing game (as the developer said in the patreon) and he has determined contents with story evolution from the beginning: A guy comeback to his youth to fix his life, so I'm fine when the game is just a straightforward with consequences of decisions.
    - No sound or music, again, it's just a solo project so I can't ask for more.

    I rated this game 3.5/5 but it's one-man project with above decent quality, it's worth 4/5. Enjoy !
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    damn it why theres no breaking rule god, i just giving hope this game will get harem ending but what?
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    such a waste but still loved story model quality, just dont really get what i expect from the ending, just dont like it so giving 4 is not bad
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Max Muscle

    I really love this game, the story is great, amazing Honey Select game, I have played all the versions, the prequel, main story, and Ivy's memories.

    I used to play it with my friend, such a wonderful time.

    I like the martial art fighting there too, great job.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    First- even before writing what i think, i wana say why there is no information written in the discription that this is only the ch3 and how to get other chapters. Why would a new player will click on the spoiler tag. I have to read some past comments to even got to know that other chapters are hidden in the spoiler tag, like why.
    Second- i appreciate the dev that he admits the game is not good as others, and he/she even wrote it down in the game to let the player knows that.
    Third- for his/her first project its not bad, its good. Lol dont take it as bad but for the first project, it could have been worst
    Forth- i dont know how to do spoiler tag thingy so i wont go too much "in the game" experience

    SO WHAT I THINK or WHAT COMES TO MY MIND WHILE PLAYING THE GAME. it will not be in any order. it could be good or bad

    1. To many jump cuts, if u know what i mean
    2. Feels like i played 3 games which have common characters and story
    reason- as the game is divided into 3 chapters, each chapter is different, means, u need to download three chapters seperately, which is not a bad thing, but in this siutation except for one option during start of ch3, all the choices u make during ch1 or 2 or even 3 does not matters, bec each chapter is a different game which have same characters and story
    3. It was my first experience of x ray in the game, which i dont hate atleast, ,but dont know as well
    4. I wish there were more development or more things to encounter between past things and change things, like MC had in the first chapter at starting - where he was like ohh what to choose, this one which i choose in the past life or other one to try to change the past to see what will happen
    5. Similar to forth, i wish there were more development, in the powers of MC

    STILL A GOOD GAME, even for the first project, ITS A GOOD GAME
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    I played this on a Mac. I have no idea what the hell is going on, it's very confusing in the beginning. No character introductions, no explanation. Things just happen and the game just ends. Is it because there's a paywall? I can't tell. Anyway, this is not worth anyone's time. I'm usually very lenient on games, but damn, this was just a mishmash of random scenes for half an hour.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Pacing and plot is weird. Ending is also meh. Was kinda confused as to why the game was split into 3; i'd just assume it made it easier to work with on the devs side. I realized as soon as i started chapter 2 though none of the previous choices i made mattered since it was technically its own separate game and this took out some of the weighted choices i made in chapter 1 and it detracted from the story at least for me it did. Even though this game is completed the ending feels rushed, but hey at least the dev got it done i guess.
  16. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3024206

    Chapter 1 is unplayable, but Chapters 2 and 3 are quite good. Animations are great, there's a huge variety of models and scenes and the story is also nice. Dicks are extremely weird and there are a lot of stuff that needed to be polished. But it's certainly worth playing.
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    sgt axel

    there is not much dialogue put in the game.. but still has a very good story overall because of the many twists & turns given as options for the player.. the final ending scene could have been better, because it was a little abrupt in my opinion.. maybe a remake of this story with a better writer & graphics could be an excellent dream.. in fairness to the developer, his concepts on making the story of this game was awesome.. and so I liked it and stuck with it until the conclusion of chapter three..
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Really wanted to like this game but I didn't. The story was kinda boring or it just didn't feel complete.

    The choices I made didn't feel like they mattered and that I was just clicking decisions without any consequences. I made multiple saves because I thought I would be doing something wrong. (I am not saying that the game needs a bad route) just that its paths are not clearly defined and what you do makes you feel like it has no impact weather those decisions be all good or all bad.

    I didn't care for the animations maybe its just me but they were kinda boring or the camera was just really poorly positioned. (I know games don't have to focus on sexual things but with as many kinks as this game has it matters.)

    The only thing I liked about this game was the plot "IDEA". Just kinda sad I didn't feel like it worked out.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    It has a great story, the characters are also very funny, but i was expecting more from the ending part, it jumps too fast from one scene to another, sometimes in the middle of a chat with the characters... But still, you should give a try!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is very good. Though the renders are sometimes nice sometimes so-so, and the quality changes significantly. The language has LOTS of mistakes, both in spelling and grammar. But somehow that doesn't prevent the story from being good (which is often the case when you see "non-native" narrative).

    There is one "but" though: the game should have NTR tag! I know there is "Netori" tag present. As I understand - it is when MC takes away girls FROM someone. And in most cases - yes. Most of the girls are already in a relationship and are fucked by someone other than MC, so that's not exactly NTR (though still rather close to it "by the feeling of it"). But in some cases - the love interest of MC is molested or raped (!) by some dude. - And that's a definite NTR for me. I like sometimes a bit of NTR (in mild quantities), but since it is a very principal tag strongly affecting the gameplay experience - I think it should be added. And I hope moderators will fix that.

    Still - the game is definitely worth trying. As I understood that was his first try in gamedev and as to me it was successful. Wish the game developer good luck with his next project.