3.90 star(s) 43 Votes


Apr 6, 2023
Yeah, well, kinda obvious, isn't it? If you were willing and able to resurrect the game by yourself, I guess you would've just done it and this entire exchange would not have happened. :D

So you need help. Fair enough. Since you were absolutely honest, I'll be as well - the fact that you went and disappeared because of an "emergency", and not only that, you went and DELETED your accounts everywhere, figuring you'd not return anyways ... that doesn't sound like someone you want to rely on for the future, does it?

Then you write you lost all contact with everyone that used to work on the project. Excuse me?
In the farewell message on Patreon it said you considered each other "close friends", and you're telling me you go off the radar for a year, and no longer have any email address, IM handle, phone number etc. to get back in touch with either of the two? Not a good sign, either.

Now, even if we were to disregard these technicalities, I, for example, can code and I can use Daz, so in theory, that'd be enough to resurrect the game.

EXCEPT. You no longer have access to "your server". I'm guessing that includes Patreon and SubscribeStar, which is a bit of a problem right there. If at some point you had access, you should be able to work that out with the support staff at those companies. Let's say, somehow, you make it across that hurdle.

You no longer have access to the art assets. That is, every already rendered scene, every piece of architecture or prop used in the game, every character, every clothing, every hairpiece ... all that stuff. There are some assets in there I immediately recognize, but assembling everything is kind of a mammoth task.
And that part you COULD do alone if you really wanted to. Or at the very least try.

That all said, I'm not trying to be mean or anything, I'm just saying it's not easy and you have a tainted track record. I reviewed this game at one point and you can find the one (huge) criticism I had with the update I last played, but other than that, I really liked the way the story progressed and the way everything was set up.
If you wrote all that, hats off to you, great work. I'd love to see more from you.

But maybe it would be better to direct your energy towards creating a new game instead of trying to resurrect this one, considering the circumstances.
there is a lot to say and I appreciate your candor, but I had a real serious personal issue which rocked my life. I wanted to distance myself from everything. Furthermore my team had mentally moved on with their lives which is why I cannot get a hold of them.

it is fair to say the game is dead.


Feb 9, 2023
there is a lot to say and I appreciate your candor, but I had a real serious personal issue which rocked my life. I wanted to distance myself from everything. Furthermore my team had mentally moved on with their lives which is why I cannot get a hold of them.

it is fair to say the game is dead.
Sad to hear that. Game was great!
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Jul 3, 2017
there is a lot to say and I appreciate your candor, but I had a real serious personal issue which rocked my life. I wanted to distance myself from everything. Furthermore my team had mentally moved on with their lives which is why I cannot get a hold of them.
Everyone can be subject to a personal tragedy, unfortunately. The point I was trying to make was that it speaks volumes and does not instill hope how you chose to deal with said tragedy, whatever it may have been. Just leaving everything behind for the time being, that I can understand, deleting all accounts ... yeah, I have a harder time with this one. What if another such tragedy hits?

That someone has "mentally moved on with their lives" in the space of only about a year might mean that they are no longer willing to get back to working on the game, that's more than fair, but why should that mean you can no longer get hold of your "close friends"? Sorry, also have a hard time with this one.

And about recovering Patreon etc. you say there's a chance of "0", that's even harder to believe. The whole point of having a Patreon or a Subscribestar is so people can pledge money there. And what is supposed to happen with this money? It's supposed to end up with the person who launched the Patreon/SuSt. Which means there must be some pay-out line which ultimately ends up at the recipient of the money, which would be you, in this case. And if you control this point where the money ends up, the chance of recovering the sites should be FAR from zero. That, regardless of all that, you put it at 0 is most telling of all.

it is fair to say the game is dead.
Whatever the reasons for everything written above or previously, this is at least a candid and realistic comment.
And the reason for me advising to put your energy toward a new project.
If you're not willing to do that, that's totally okay, of course, everyone can make their own decisions.
But that also means, everything your wrote was just nostalgia, nothing else.

Best of luck for the future, wherever you decide to head to.

Tuatha Dé

Active Member
Oct 20, 2021
I was recommended this game even though it is abandoned, I haven't read all the last comments about the dev's situation but if he doesn't want to continue with this project maybe he can sell it to someone else who wants to take it from where it is or do a rework?

Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
Hello everyone,
We are deeply saddened to inform you that Sabitiger (our amazing author) has had to step away from the project indefinitely due to a family emergency. As many of you know, we had been working hard on Act 9 and it was to be our greatest and probably longest act yet, we had even hoped to have had a very steamy status update with teasers for everyone by now. But sadly this is not the case...
We are sorry to be the bearers of this incredibly sad news. Sabitiger wanted us to continue this amazing love story, but the past days have shown us that without him this story doesn't exist. We will be pausing all pledges indefinitely. We might try to finish Act 9 at some point in the future. But at this moment in time, we don't have the strength to continue.
Our team (Sabitiger, Moineau, and J. Nolan) was very close and we considered each other close friends, as you can probably understand, this sad news has drained us of our creativity, energy, and strength. We would have loved nothing more than to have been able to continue work on Oopsy Daisy Act 9. We are sorry that we are not able to provide you with this glimmer of hope in this message.
I haven't read all the last comments
Devs had a real serious personal issue which rocked their lives.
They wanted to distance themselves from everything.
Furthermore all team members had mentally moved on with their lives which is why they cannot get a hold of eachother.
it is fair to say the game is dead.
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Jul 3, 2017
That's why I say maybe it's better to sell the idea and at least someone else can finish the work they invested time and effort in?
You should read at least the last couple of messages.
The sole dev that wanted to continue development no longer has access to anything including but not limited to the game's presence on the internet and the assets. Which means, there is nothing to sell, really.
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Active Member
Nov 21, 2017
Such a good game was lost, cause some talented people really made stupid, selfish, decisions.
Stupid, Yes. Selfish? Maybe not our place to judge.
I agree with you and do believe it was stupid to abandoned it, could have just put it into unspecified time hold. Let time resolve whatever problem that occured at that time and come back to continue it. The way it was abandoned in hurry, disbanding team working on it felt it was not thoughtout decision.
Sad, but it is what it is. Only thing we can do is move on. I don't know why i have not unwatced the thread yet, even though i know for sure it's never gonna come back to life.


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2020
it is sad that the game are abondoned

As far as I knew at the time, something serious happened in the family of a developer. And unfortunately that's how it is. There are people behind every game. And people get big problems that sometimes cannot be solved immediately (or not at all).

But the crux of the matter is:
He didn't work alone, but had a very talented team around him. And of all this people, he was the "boss" of the whole storyline. And without him, the team obviously couldn't get the story together. To this day I still ask myself how that is possible. Were they all sitting like hamsters in a hamster wheel, just waiting for instructions? Was there no prepared script? Whatever happened to the guys, I can't be mad at him. No one is immune from my fate. But to this day I can only shake my head about this poor team organization, the fact that everything really stood and fell with him alone. A game, regardless of quality, consumes a lot of time, usually years. And something can happen at any time. And you can't do something like that without having a plan B ... I can't think of anything else.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2025
As far as I knew at the time, something serious happened in the family of a developer. And unfortunately that's how it is. There are people behind every game. And people get big problems that sometimes cannot be solved immediately (or not at all). It's outrageous to assume selfish motives here.

But the crux of the matter is:
He didn't work alone, but had a very talented team around him. And of all this people, he was the "boss" of the whole storyline. And without him, the team obviously couldn't get the story together. To this day I still ask myself how that is possible. Were they all sitting like hamsters in a hamster wheel, just waiting for instructions? Was there no prepared script? Whatever happened to the guys, I can't be mad at him. No one is immune from my fate. But to this day I can only shake my head about this poor team organization, the fact that everything really stood and fell with him alone. A game, regardless of quality, consumes a lot of time, usually years. And something can happen at any time. And you can't do something like that without having a plan B ... I can't think of anything else.
it is happen a lot,dev have family problem or health. U can take a break,but abondoning totaly the game in can't understand


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2020
it is happen a lot,dev have family problem or health. U can take a break,but abondoning totaly the game in can't understand
It wasn't the developer who completely gave up. It was the team that couldn't do it without him.

Well, me and my people at work worked without a boss for more than 3 years. Okay, we are no game developers. But the bottom line is that it's still similar. We all know what to do. Everyone has his/her job and can also work independently. That's why I can't understand what happened here. I'm sure that even if I died suddenly tonight, at work wouldn't change much. After a while someone else does what I did before, that's it.
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Herald - Super Naked Ginger Cuddle Time
Sep 8, 2020
As far as I knew at the time, something serious happened in the family of a developer. And unfortunately that's how it is. There are people behind every game. And people get big problems that sometimes cannot be solved immediately (or not at all).

But the crux of the matter is:
He didn't work alone, but had a very talented team around him. And of all this people, he was the "boss" of the whole storyline. And without him, the team obviously couldn't get the story together. To this day I still ask myself how that is possible. Were they all sitting like hamsters in a hamster wheel, just waiting for instructions? Was there no prepared script? Whatever happened to the guys, I can't be mad at him. No one is immune from my fate. But to this day I can only shake my head about this poor team organization, the fact that everything really stood and fell with him alone. A game, regardless of quality, consumes a lot of time, usually years. And something can happen at any time. And you can't do something like that without having a plan B ... I can't think of anything else.
IIRC, dev worked with a partner who was drafted for military service, so they abandoned the project since he didn't want to continue it alone.


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2020
IIRC, dev worked with a partner who was drafted for military service, so they abandoned the project since he didn't want to continue it alone.
Okay, I admit, this is the first time I've read anything about military service. Maybe this was posted somewhere I missed. I knew about everything else. I still don't think the ending of the story is quite right, but at least it's more understandable now. In this case I expressly apologize
3.90 star(s) 43 Votes