3.90 star(s) 51 Votes


Aug 6, 2017
Are there also accesory codes? Seems like I've missed quite a lot of accesories whyle playing through this beautiful game -.-
There are ofc codes for the accessories, (I don't have these codes).
Most of the accessories you might be missing, you should recieve from the gift crafting machine you can sometimes encounter while exploring the station.
Apr 19, 2018
Utinni! Ladies and gentlemen, what a great game this is. If you haven't played it, now is the time. It is of Jabba-esque proportions.

Straightforward yet subtle. Colorful yet dark. Fan-made, perhaps, and yet it could totally be canon. This is the closest thing to a George Lucas-written erotica! And George was a crazy, horny motherfucker, so he could be behind this game! I mean, Leia kissing Luke, the whole incest thing, that's F95 material right there! And let's not talk about how Padmé Amidala fell in love with a eight years old too.

The story is brilliantly executed through various quests and sub-plots. The corruption is pushed at an adequate speed. The dialogues are not only entertaining, but also respectful of the Star Wars universe. This is actually doing a better job than the Disney movies.

Plus, you have more than one woman to corrupt in this game, which was a surprise to me. This game actually gave us several ladies for our hero to copulate with! Fantastic. Not only did it deliver, it also offered more than we could ever dream of.

However, my dream of playing a Toydarian trainer remains unattainable! Well, you can't have everything you wish for.

What I particularly enjoyed was the little things in-between the sex scenes. There's more content than in a Bantha's pile of shit ( that's a good, very impressive thing ). The management side of the game actually is enjoyable whereas other games will get boring when it has to handle moments where you don't dick someone else. The interaction with various characters are funny, charming, interesting.

The fact that you corrupt a Jedi - extremely powerful individuals - makes the whole thing even more amusing and arousing! Palpatine said and I QUOTE: "My erection is proceeding as I have foreskin" and Yoda instructed: "Fap or do not fap, there is no try".

What I've learned from this game:

1. Judging by the amount of sperm that has invaded Ahsoka Tano's womb throughout this ordeal, I guess it is safe to say that you can't get a Togruta pregnant.

2. There is still hope for fanfic

3. Disney still sucks ass


Jun 30, 2018
Yeah. Travel to Naboo and explore the area each time. The thing(s) you get from the lady there, watch on the computer console in your room each time. And the cheats will unlock after watching the last one.
What the shit!?! I was VERY certain you where trolling, but it actually worked xD
I don't think you need to get anything from anyone, just keep watching the static holovids (4-5 times) gets you the cheat-menu :)

P.S. I somehow missread Naboo as Tatooine, explored Tatooine (with fuck all happening), watched static and got the cheat-menu xD


Jul 21, 2017
Anyone happen to find the code for the brothel rescue to increase the number of girls saved?


Jun 30, 2018
I asked the Dev of the game (Ex), and I got the answers I sought. :D

1. Answer 1: ''This was suppose to be an event that eventually got cut. So there's nothing more you can do with this.''

2. Answer 2: ''That's odd, you're suppose to get a new set of armor for every 3 raids you defeat. (first one is Ahsoka, then Shin, then Kit).
If you're not getting them, then you can manually at them by doing this:

*Save the game
*Then open the developer menu with Shift+O
*Type in:

$ gearTrooperAhsoka = True

*Press enter. This now unlocks Ahsoka's trooper outfit.
You can do the same for Kit and Shin by typing in:

$ gearTrooperShin = True
$ gearTrooperKit = True

The 6th Blueprint is just something that I had missed:

3. Answer 3.1: ''The sixth item is Naboo Repair Kit (bubblegum) and can get gotten by working on Tatooine and talking to Ahsoka when she comes home. Ahsoka needs to be slutlevel 37 or higher for this one to spawn.''

The 9th Blueprint I could sadly not get to trigger however:

Answer 3.2: ''Oh those are the cookies. You get them from exploring Naboo and getting the Girlscout event.''

4. Answer 4: ''lol nope. Sorry, just wanted to add that in.'' :)

5. I actually also received the codes for the Holiday outfits:

''Be sure to save the game first before trying these out.

$ gearChristmasActive = True
$ gearHalloweenActive = True
$ gearHalloween2AhsokaActive = True
$ gearChristmasShinActive = True
$ gearHalloweenShinActive = True
$ gearChristmasKitActive = True
$ gearHalloweenKitActive = True
$ modHalloweenLekkuActive = True
$ modXmasLekkuActive = True
$ ahsokaXmasHat = True
Thanks a bunch for those!

Did Ahsokas xmas-stuff work for you, or do you know how to get that gear ingame?
$ gearChristmasActive = True
$ ahsokaXmasHat = True
Does not work for me ;-(


Jul 21, 2017
Heh... So I just managed to over train Ahsoka and break the Grease Monkey quests.

I also have no idea how to finish the Section 6 quest after the orgy.... Nevermind a fuckton of days later and Hondo had explosives.


Jun 30, 2018
Is there a way to make Ahsoka fall completely to the dark side, and how do I know I've done that?
I tried lying and being a dick to her up to Crazy Eyes, but it seems like she didn't fall to the dark side.... Am I missing something?


Aug 6, 2017
Thanks a bunch for those!

Did Ahsokas xmas-stuff work for you, or do you know how to get that gear ingame?
$ gearChristmasActive = True
$ ahsokaXmasHat = True
Does not work for me ;-(
Yes, the console commands did all work for me, and as far as I am aware the Christmas and Halloween content was only unlockable ingame during their respective update builds.

So I'd say double check if you wrote the codes in right (its lower case, upper case sensitive), I messed it up a couple times myself.

There are also some extra codes that where posted a while back in this thread, including some more Christmas and Halloween flare:
And a few others incase someone needs them :
x = a amount

TreatBag = x
christmasPresent = x

Also one fun little item I never encountered:

plug = x


New Member
Sep 20, 2018
i need some help here
looks like i got stuck after saving ahsoka from the dark side on the "crazy eyes" mission and no new events seem to get triggered
i looked the walkthrough in the purity sin youtube channel ( in particular) and noticed that the next event is when nemthak comes by the night club
does anyone have any idea how to trigger this event?


Mar 7, 2017
I'm pretty certain that having the girls work at the brothel is essential to getting to the end of the storyline, not to mention that as you ramp up her training, she'll at least start giving blowjobs at other jobs. (If so,) The only way to keep her from having sex with other people is to not progress the story.
3.90 star(s) 51 Votes