Give it a shot!
Summary: Lighthearted, fun, visually immersive, with enough humor to carry itself without a complex storyline. Gameplay has a slight learning curve that seems to frustrate some - but a few minutes in and you'll get the hang of it, plus there are in-game boosts to easily help you overcome playable challenges. H-scenes, animations and poses are top tier.
• Art-style: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The art-style, while based off of anime, is excellent, immersive, comely and blends perfectly with the 3D models. It borrows from classic fantasy tropes and sets them in a modern setting. You're met with a decent variety of girls to interact with (4 currently but each with quite an acceptable amount of content) and the developer has been steadily expanding, all while staying true to the aesthetic.
• Gameplay: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
There's no complex talent tree, an advanced combat mechanic, or anything of the like - it's a game about massaging. However, there's up to 6 different poses to choose from which you progressively unlock, and three different massaging mechanisms. There is also a fourth game mode which has you following a beat, and a fifth element that revolves around boosts to ease up your gameplay. All this in a simple porn massage game is quite surprising in my opinion.
• Storyline: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Sure, in the end, the storyline revolves around an orc getting a job as a masseur. There's nothing deep about it, and shouldn't be. Surprisingly, however, the game DOES tell a progressive story, and as you interact with a character, it affects the others and the orc's perspective on the services and what's expected from him. There's also an introductory segment for every VIP character you meet, and each has her own different life and background. Again, it's nicely complete, albeit not complex. To me, it's a welcome balance.
• Grammar: ☆ ☆ ☆
There are quite a few rough translations, and seemingly AI-translated dialogue. It's not fluid or sensical at times, but again, it's not the gibberish mess you'll sometimes see in other VNs. It's comprehensible and you know what they were going for, it's just not a natural wording. You'll understand if you try it.
Stars: 18
Parameters: 4 (Art | Gameplay | Storyline | Grammar)
Final result: 5 ☆ (18/4 = 4.5 = 5)