Unity - Abandoned - Orc Massage [v2023-07-11] [Torch Studio]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Fine, but has too much fluff.

    The animations are decent, though they are a bit buggy and freak out sometimes. The models look really good, but it's just playing the same little minigames over and over for 1 scene then having to do it over again. Each girl has 4 scenes so it ends up just grinding a mid minigame to get alright scenes.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    1. Multiple different minigames
    2. Good character animations and facial expressions
    3. Good character designs and varied personalities
    4. Good humor portraying the orc
    5. Different sex poses per VIP client
    6. Ultrawide support

    1. Missing space in text
    2. Text formatting on main menu buttons is inconsistent. One button is all lower case, the rest are all caps
    3. Works GPU real hard
    4. Graphics settings don’t take effect immediately
    5. UI off screen in some aspect ratios
    6. Long cutscenes can’t fast forward through (receiving deliveries, exercising)
    7. Conversation text appears for less than a second before disappearing
    8. Deep massage game mode doesn’t explain that the camera is movable
    9. Orc hands in deep massage game mode stay on the body and don’t disappear
    10. Deep massage mode breaks the elf skinning. Permanently broken now
    11. Regular customer minigame isn’t explained well. It’s just Simon Says
    12. Characters teleporting around during cutscenes causes their physics clothing to bounce around
    13. Buying a comic or massage technique from the store causes a cutscene for no purpose
    14. During extremity massage, orc moves in front of camera and can’t see the character
    15. Extremity massage doesn’t explain that the camera is movable
    16. Extremity massage doesn’t explain when it ends (when the orc power is empty). Unclear if it’s a timer or not.
    17. Unclear what the “Pressure” is in the VIP after-massage card
    18. Character animation ends abruptly when still showing on screen
    19. Unclear what the colored bubbles for each VIP on the phone mean
    20. Random body sizes of regular customers can have ridiculous proportions with lots of body intersection
    21. Interaction UI diamond over the massage door during the zoomed outside camera shot, but you can’t click on it
    22. Fingering animation during the first deep tissue massage doesn’t have the orc hand move at all
    23. Sex animation has an eyeball button. I don't know what it does. Later found it it makes the customer’s eyes follow the camera
    24. Sex animation has orc penis clipping through elf body
    25. Sex animation has default Unity UI panel and buttons
    26. Sex animation can toggle elf clothes, but toggling on the leggings also toggles on the shoes. Have to toggle on and off the shoes separately.
    27. Default Unity UI loading bar
    28. Unclear what the comics in the shop do exactly. “Acquire new knowledge of end massage”
    29. Unclear what the “range” upgrade does. I thought it would cover more spots in the basic massage, it doesn’t
    30. Back Massage and Upper Torso Massage icons are switched
    31. Picking a massage icon has most of the text drawing off the card
    32. Nude harpy has an invisible phone
    33. Harpy wings are difficult to find the correct locations to massage
    34. No animation or description for the gold pushup purchase
    35. Unclear how many sections to the day there are, and how much time each action takes, if any
    36. No description for the gold grip purchase
    37. During regular customer massage, the orc will hold his body in the active massage position longer than necessary, making it look like the next time beat where you’re not supposed to be massaging will be done incorrectly
    38. No description for the gold strength upgrade
    39. Late start to VIP customer animation after a perfect massage means the fade to black cuts it off
    40. After a nude deep tissue massage, a cutscene plays where the customer is clothed again before moving to the more advanced deep tissue massage. Should have stayed nude
    41. VIP customer phone numbers are all the same
    42. Lighting flickers on character’s body during conversation
    43. During deep tissue massage, quickly massaging two separate areas keeps the sliding heart where it previously was
    44. When a second sex pose first unlocks, the scene doesn’t start with that new pose
    45. Can still hear character panting after the sex scene was finished
    46. Customer was standing outside the door during the zoomed outside view
    47. After a perfect massage, the customer is in a nice animated position. The player can’t pause there and enjoy it, the screen fades to black
    48. Can’t fast forward through the end of massage grading
    49. The elf body could be moved during deep tissue massage, harpy’s can’t
    50. Repeating animation in a cutscene which should have need a one shot animation
    51. Camera glitching side to side during cutscene
    52. Orc hands are floating far above the boob when deep tissue massaging the mermaid
    53. Gallery in the main menu just loads the game
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Everything in this game is made to waste your time.

    At the end of each time period, you have an unskippable cutscene that shows you... nothing, just a parking lot, wow, yep that's really needed in a massage game.

    Want to buy something? Unskippable cutscene. Finished a massage? Unskippable cutscene.

    To improve your massage technique, you need to buy fitness equipment. To buy fitness equipment, you need money. To make money, you need to play an annoying rhythm game. If you completely miss the minigame, you'll make 150$. If you succeed, you'll make 270$.

    You'll also gain reputation, but that's completely useless.

    There are no prerequisites to buy improvements. So do yourself a favor, grind the game and buy everything right at the start so you can leave all this annoyance behind you ASAP.

    Now, the proper massage game, you have two techniques, hammer or massage. Don't use hammer, it has a huge range of effect, somehow is more efficient around the area you massage than the area proper and will cause soreness, that you need to massage again to ease.

    Overall, it's a pretty boring game, thanks god there is a story to keep the player interested.

    Oh, and it's a patreon moneygrab with an update every 32nd of december.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Give it a shot!

    Summary: Lighthearted, fun, visually immersive, with enough humor to carry itself without a complex storyline. Gameplay has a slight learning curve that seems to frustrate some - but a few minutes in and you'll get the hang of it, plus there are in-game boosts to easily help you overcome playable challenges. H-scenes, animations and poses are top tier.


    Art-style: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    The art-style, while based off of anime, is excellent, immersive, comely and blends perfectly with the 3D models. It borrows from classic fantasy tropes and sets them in a modern setting. You're met with a decent variety of girls to interact with (4 currently but each with quite an acceptable amount of content) and the developer has been steadily expanding, all while staying true to the aesthetic.

    Gameplay: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    There's no complex talent tree, an advanced combat mechanic, or anything of the like - it's a game about massaging. However, there's up to 6 different poses to choose from which you progressively unlock, and three different massaging mechanisms. There is also a fourth game mode which has you following a beat, and a fifth element that revolves around boosts to ease up your gameplay. All this in a simple porn massage game is quite surprising in my opinion.

    Storyline: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Sure, in the end, the storyline revolves around an orc getting a job as a masseur. There's nothing deep about it, and shouldn't be. Surprisingly, however, the game DOES tell a progressive story, and as you interact with a character, it affects the others and the orc's perspective on the services and what's expected from him. There's also an introductory segment for every VIP character you meet, and each has her own different life and background. Again, it's nicely complete, albeit not complex. To me, it's a welcome balance.

    Grammar: ☆ ☆ ☆
    There are quite a few rough translations, and seemingly AI-translated dialogue. It's not fluid or sensical at times, but again, it's not the gibberish mess you'll sometimes see in other VNs. It's comprehensible and you know what they were going for, it's just not a natural wording. You'll understand if you try it.

    : 18
    Parameters: 4 (Art | Gameplay | Storyline | Grammar)
    Final result: 5 ☆ (18/4 = 4.5 = 5)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably one of the 3d games that i thought really good for the first time. Nice and smooth animation and good character designs :3 Also sad that it's forbidden in my country. (if you know where this is, this country need some serious changes. Like come on)
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    Burner Dex

    Gameplay is boring and gets old real fast, but the 3d models of the girls and the animations are really good. At least it isn't grindy, expect maybe a hour of two of game time to then uninstall the game.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Overall - 5.5 / 10
    Massage pretty women (4) so far, Hscenes carry it very hard.
    Gameplay is very boring, just if you want decently good Hscenes with good looking characters play this.
    Story - 3/10
    Orc massage + females. That's it
    Renders - 7/10
    Not many props or backgrounds. But everything looks good - characters + buildings
    Sound - 5/10
    Some moans in Hscenes
    BGM is alright
    Playability - 2/10
    Boring + tedious gameplay
    Animation - 6/10
    Hscenes were quality, rest is ...
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    The brick sommelier

    The gameplay is OK but is very repetitive. Character models are also great but get rather silly at times. Sometimes clients get so excited, they just noclip through a massage table or their joints do few 360. etc. But nontheless, the game is nice and worth your attention
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The base of this is pretty much exactly what I want from a erotic game, the actual gameplay is based on something erotic and not just combat with some sex stuff on top. It would be nice if they updated more but game design definitely isn't something easy so I get it.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    It's been worked on for quite a long time, so I'd expect it to be more developed. It has good graphics, and it's nice to see devs adding new fuctions to increase variancity, but the game's performance on older devices is tragic, models tend to bug out after "perfect massage animations", and the whole game in pretty much grind based. Despite this, I like it.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The graphic style is excellent, the gameplay nice with two styles of games. Very nice Animation. It's really a great start and we feel multiple ways of improvement such as the expansion of the shop with accessories, new characters, possibilities to cross-reference scenarios between them and even a maximum of stats that once obtained could lead to new scenarios or locations. I really loved it, I follow it closely
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    When I want to play a porn game I'm usually playing for the porn and can excuse bad game design and story.

    But this game is so poorly made it makes me retch. The controls are also never properly explained, so I dont even know which buttons to press during the rythm minigame.

    I'll give the developer kudos for art direction and concept, but they should probably have hired an actual game developer to make the game.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Review of Version 2023-07-11

    In search for work you get yourself a contract with a goblin manager who gives you the perfect job for a handsome and strong orc like you. Massaging.

    -The transition screen take way to long. You go to your computer, you buy something to improve your stats and then -> screen of building -> waiting -> screen of door opening with package -> waiting -> screen of orc doing some kind of workout -> fades to black back to option selecet. And this is one example.
    After almost every action that takes a time slot you also get a full shot of the building and wait for a little transition, then after every succesful massage you get to see a little animation of the women enyojing your work, than you get an animation of the women getting down on you. And these are for every massage, for every girl .....everytime. For the mermaid you even have to watch a scene where the orc floods the room for every massage session. Its just too much and you will start to get annoyed by it. The only one I found out I can skip was the "finish" massage animation of the orc.
    -I dont know why the hand has a hitbox in some massages but you sometimes DESTROY the female models, its very fucking funny but also very irritating when you start melting and twisting these poor souls.
    -The wings of the harpy girl are VERY bad in the regard of the hand destroying models and also to find the specific massage points.
    -The progression is a bit off, you get money to fast and lack behind with the girl progression, I was already fully upgraded before unlocking all sex scenes. But I think I played enough of the money minigame. To improve would be to get more progression on the girls, to make both go hand in hand. Right now one is lacking behind and you have to grind a bit to get both on par.

    +Fun and creative gameplay and the sex is well implemented resulting in a very good motivation to keep going.
    +The girl models have a high body variety (they are really looking like MONSTER girls) and are very good models with sometimes really good physics, I would even say surpassing Monster Island.
    +In sex scenes you can adjust speed, FREE CAMERA with good and intuitive controls and clothing of the girls (also nice clothing designs on the girls).
    +High variety of sex positions, every girl has about 4 sex animations and every one is a unique one in regards to the girl.
    + Intereseting enough characters for the girls with little cutscenes to introduce them to the player. The orc has in my eyes the best personality. He just came for work and tries so hard to be a good masseur and is so innocent when confronted with lewd situations that he tries to be as professional as possible and we are talking about an ORC, thats so funny and interesting to me.
    +Nice world building with a lot of tiny and funny bits scattered around in the world.

    Bugs I encountered:
    -When choosing clothing on the tiger lady and choosing the top your also always get the shirt, only after getting the first cum animation you can turn the shirt off to have her in a top with a nice cleavage.
    -After completing massages and getting your score (which you also cant speed up or skip) I cant read her last dialogue except for the mermaid one. After just clicking once to confirm the scores it immediatly skips the dialogue.
    -Before mentioned hand of destruction.

    I just cant get enough and wonder where this game goes, what girls the orc will met and if maybe a second masseur will help him out. It can be as big as the developer wants since this is already a good game with near perfect ground work, to build a HUGE game upon. Imagine it. New buildings as you improve your fame and money, new clothings for the girl, decorating your own room, new rooms and so much more is possible.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has charm in spades. Short, sweet, non-grindy. The visuals and sounds come together beautifully. Character designs are delightful. Not much in the way of story so far, but the setting oozes personality.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    This game's got a really really good start going for it, but it needs a little bit of polish. The models and character designs are great, zero complaints there they are just very nicely made. The little bit of gameplay that exists can get a bit repetitive, but you gain access to new scenes pretty quickly so it isn't a big issue. I really just wish that the "deep massage" had a bit more variety for each girl, it is the same every time you do it and you will be doing it every time you want to get to the sex scenes.

    The main issue is just with the way the bones of the models are configured, and how the 3d models can end up warping in odd ways, which isn't ideal. The models are squishy and have some odd collision, but the main bit that bothers me is that sometimes the models will stay warped until an event resets them, staying in strange stretched proportions for several scenes. I really doubt fixing it is beyond this dev's skill, so this complaint is likely to vanish, and even if it doesn't the game is worth playing anyway.

    Mild graphical issues aside, the models and animations are lovely. The facial expressions are very well done, and it really feels like the orc is in fact a big orc that can lift these women with his pinky finger. When the physics are working correctly, the dynamic jiggling adds a lot to the scenes in the game. I really couldn't expect much better, especially since the game isn't finished yet.

    The game could use just a bit more content, but that's something you can always say about a game. The body physics are pretty jank sometimes but it's a good framework. With some more polish and a few more features to spice up the gameplay, this could be one of the best 3d eroge out there.

    Main takeaway if you hate reading:
    If you like monster girls, install immediately.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played a lot of porn / hentai games. I'd count this one in the top 10 of them, even though it is fairly short.

    -Unique and attractive women
    -Fantastic animation with an actual physics engine
    - Great sound design
    - Quick and not too grindy

    - Controls can be a bit wacky
    - The mini game to earn money is kind of boring, but it is easy
    - Needs more women!
    - Very little story, if you're into that kind of thing
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    the game is just too damn slow. battling janky soft body physics while playing "find the red zone" seven or eight times in a row is just not worth your time, and the constant unskippable cutscenes really do their part to make the pacing as turgid as possible. it's a shame, because the h-scene animation is very, very good, barring some clipping here and there. desperately needs more gameplay.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Incredible game with a dev that keeps overhauling their core game

    I've watched this game ever since it started being developed and wanted to wait to post a review. Now that we have 4 characters to massage in the game, I feel now is a great time to post a review.

    You play as an Orc who starts in the massage business. You bring in clients to massage them while building up your money and skill at the craft. Eventually as you massage these girls enough, they will start dressing with less clothes until their bouncing on top.

    The gameplay while being good is a major blight on the game. For some reason every other update the dev needs to overhaul or change a system yet again. First it was the entire massage system, then it was how you received money, now it seems to be some random points that don't matter (yet). I really don't know why they keep trying to reinvent the system and just decide on something. Especially since its been 3 years since the first launch. I understand exploring to see what is possible, but if you can't have a good core gameplay loop after 3 years, you're going to keep chasing that at the cost of the content release.

    And oh boy, the content release schedule. We're lucky to get an update in a year. If that. Like I said the game came out in 2020 with the first elf girl. Every year since we seemed to have gotten one character. With a total of 4 now. And it doesn't really make sense as to why. Its not like there's a ton of scenes with the characters, there are 4 of each. I understand making brand new models and animations from scratch is a daunting task. But man it really doesn't feel like this game is ever going to be finished at this rate.

    Now the content in the game is very good. Animations are solid, models are gorgeous. Everything is original and well thought out about the characters. Even their mini stories. Some things can get a little janky with how the model collision and stuff (will cover that below). But overall solid game, beautiful and creative.

    The gameplay is a bit grindy. You do massage for the main clients but the real way you make money is by doing a massage mini game with some no name faceless clients. Its a rythmn game so its not hard, but man does it get boring. And even when you do upgrade things, you have to sit through a slideshow cutscene EVERY SINGLE TIME. Its so annoying and hard to stomach over and over.

    However the actual main girl massages are even weirder. The way the physics and model collision works, you're gonna have a rough time. When massaging regions sometimes things can randomly shoot off for no reason. This has been a problem for a long time, and I find myself losing massages when I shouldn't be. Especially the one where you have to find the region to massage. It just feels like they've overhauled the physics and gameplay so much, these types of issues will never be fixed.

    Fantastic game. Would be better with more dev focus on core gameplay and having it consistent rather than keep changing it every year. Plus the release timeline for new characters is a bit slow for the amount of content is in each patch. I feel like that obsession to constantly improve / overhaul gameplay core components is what is bogging this down.

    Worth a play honestly.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game. Can't wait for more. I remember playing it in a kind of jokey way, then being like "Oh this art is really nice." Art is simplistic yet very aesthetically pleasing.

    My other only issue is its not done yet, I am hoping at some point they add more girls, a bit of a fix for the kind of tiring gameplay loop mechanics.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    There's not enough here for me to post my usual doctorate thesis of a review. You play as an orc that is pushed into a massage job. The end. I like monster girls, so I think I might be rating this one star higher than I should. But The game is janky, especially with the Harpy. She flinches, your hand goes flying, and you can't hit the spots required because she wiggles around too much. The interactivity is find a spot and click. Not that good. The sexual touching is "Find a spot and rock back and forth for 10 seconds." That's not that appealing, as quite a few other games have done that way better. And the dialogue. Outside of the tutorial, no two lines of dialogue have anything to do with the line before it. I'm pretty sure one of the three conversations in the game have incorrect speakers attributed to the lines. And, other than the tiger, the final line after a massage just instantly disappears without fail. Then, once you finally get to the sex, it's just an animation loop with a speed controller and a button to click to finish at any time. Yeah, the animations are different per girl, and they look alright. But it's still just a glorified animation player. And the grind is stupid. It's a rhythm game with randomly generated click or no clicks. So some people come to a massage parlor to not be touched.

    Also, since I cheated in a bunch a money because I'm not about to grind a porn game. EVERY ITEM YOU BUY you have to wait through I think FIVE pictures and a canned animation of the orc working out and the time changing. That is a slog. ME, the player, the degenerate that wants to see dumb nudie pics of monster girls, doesn't need to see: Packages arrive, orc look at package, orc workout, orc stretch after workout, and then the sun moving three feet to the left with an establishing shot of the shady motel. Thats where most of your time goes, that last shot. And if you DID grind, then your time also goes to the girls angry that you couldn't do a good job. With a score system that doesn't even work yet. I think they should finish the game and not release micro updates to this watered down hand simulator.