Basically that is in line with my understanding,
NLB wants to tell a story with lots of sex and lewds, without binding to any group or person orientation, preferences and preconceptions. That inevitably triggered those groups and individuals.
Currently, that Ninja scene is avoidable* by not playing Chapter 3 (or the game if you will

). Now, for some technical detail,
NLB can make the Ninja scene in Chapter 3 avoidable by giving player choice but unable to do just that using the new
Godot game engine (for reasons only
NLB knows).
NLB can in the future revisit Chapter 3 (or any other chapters) to add player choices, sounds, animations, effects etc. but as far as I know there is no plan for that in the immediate future. It seems that most likely
NLB is more interested to progress the main story and adding side stories.
*Avoidable itself can mean that players will not see but the Ninja scene did happened or players can decide if the scene happened or not (perhaps there are other possibilities

). The later changes the narrative. Also, what is the different between optional and avoidable?
The decisions made so far do impact the bottom line (as far as the playerbase and fans numbers are concerned). Were they the right choices or wrong choices? Only time will tell. One thing for sure is, everyone can and should learn from their mistakes. Cheers.