I hate ntr... Simply can't stand it... But I think the fact people are coming into this thread throwing so much shit towards a 'game' because it isn't to your liking is really not on.. This pinged my interest by the chars but obviously after reading some comments it clearly doesn't contain content I can read and enjoy... But instead of coming on the thread complaining, pressuring a dev to change his/her story to satisfy your own egoes I choose to respect developers that which to tell a story how they see fit and move onto a game that I can enjoy without all the horrible feelings NTR give me. Seriously guys please just move onto something else instead of being so negative on here...
The best of luck to you dev for the future of the game and to all the fans who enjoy it

P.s sorry for the rant it just bugs me why people have to be so negative when there are so many games out there for all of people's kinks and needs.
The problem this time, isn't that people saw the NTR tag and came to complain because of it. The problem is that the dev said that his original idea was to make the NTR as avoidable but he didn't have a great render machine and it will take more time for him to update and thus making the updates shorter. Now he comes and say that NTR will be avoidable but later on, that there would be different endings, that the NTR that is in the game is there because it's a core part of his game, when he said before that that he didn't do the NTR avoidable because it would make him work more, not because NTR is a core part of his game.
Then some had told him that making different endings in a game where only people that like NTR would play it, is a bit pointless, since people would see only the NTR ending/path, and also that making the NTR avoidable but later in the game doesn't work. His answer was to blame the people that don't like the genre, refuse to answer to criticism to his game, getting mad, saying he already answer to things he didn't, etc.
If he would have said, that this is a NTR focused game and nothing more, there wouldn't be complaints, but since he said that the only reason for it not being avoidable was because of his pc, then comes and says he is making different paths/endings, that NTR will be avoidable but later and other things, mix that all and you will understand why people complaint.