Lost at Birth has nothing to do with this game, and it was never intended to resemble it in any shape or form.
I don't know where you got the idea it should have the same atmosphere or be similar in any way apart from some of the themes and topics the games explore.
The Our Fate "continuation" was supposed to be as similar to the original as possible, I even went as far as to try and replicate the style of writing, in the final build I did which I do have in a file somewhere there's like 3 minutes of playtime with dialogues.
I'm happy things turned out that way, even if I were to make a "fanmade" continuation like my intention was, I think it won't be the same thing if the original developer wasn't involved and it will ultimately be just that, a fan made thing which I'm not saying is a bad thing, just different.
Although, I did offer them to be get involved in the project which I never got any reply back. So the motivation here must be more than just the game but also about money or something else most likely.
I don't know their situation that's why I'm gonna refrain to speak my mind on the topic, but I didn't like how little they cared about what happened.
As for today, I still say they can get in contact with me and we can make something happen if their only problem is the inability to do renders or programming. I just need them to provide with a story-line and dialogue if possible, if not I could do with just the storyboard and I could do the dialogue myself and send it back for approval from them (So the game is actually genuine and not "fan-made")
That and the access to the assets for the game so I can actually make it look the same. Although I could remake the game from the beginning to make it look up to date.
They are invited to contact me through my public discord anytime and we can talk about it.
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These look really good, I would love to recreate her looking like that.