VN - Unity - Out of Touch! [v3.51.2] [Story Anon]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall one of the best that I have played on here.
    If you are looking for something with a good story that keeps you hooked, enjoyable characters, solid visuals, and will take you quite a long time to get all the way through (Well over 20 hours)
    Some memes and 4th wall stuff here and there that I'm not a huge fan of, but nothing that I would lower my score for.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a truly excellent visual novel. Although it uses Koikatsu, the author puts tons of work into the visuals and makes some stunning scenes. The story is engaging and full of interesting characters, though it maintains enough eye candy to earn its spot on this site. It's quite the read , so if you're just looking for quick tits it's better to look elsewhere. But I feel like I came for the girls and stayed because I found gold.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    It's really boring; that bitch named Victoria at the beginning is truly annoying. The whole game has no sexual content up to chapter 24.
    I like slow burn games. And while admittedly I'm not the biggest fan of Koikatsu aesthetics I tried my best to give this one a try mainly because of the glowing reviews and essays about its supposedly "amazing writing" that, I'm sorry to say, is ultimately nowhere to be found. Not only is the game a slog to read through (especially earlier on when the confusion factor is cranked up to eleven), it's a hot mess at its core. It fails when it tries to be funny, and when it shifts into serious mode it's just mediocre at best, that is when it doesn't fall too deep into the tropes it embraces, for which you need a level of tolerance I frankly just lack.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the best visual novels on this site, would play it for the story alone let alone the xxx. it is definitely a longer visual novel but it never gets boring and it has such a good pace that you wouldn't notice. 100% would recommend to anyone with a spare minute to play, even those who aren't horny af looking to goon
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the best AVNs I've had the pleasure to play, with a captivating story, great character dynamics, and a banger soundtrack.
    one thing I particularly liked, is the fact the harem in this game is more of a polycule, and that the Lis have actual relationships with each other.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    So incredibly unique from the usual "VN"s on Itch and such sites purely because of how heavily the aspect of "novel" is used in this, but made so much uniquely better because of that. No, there isn't much interaction to be had with anything. No, you don't get to make much in way of character decisions. No, there aren't branching stories to explore and go through. However, Out of Touch's story is what makes it so compelling. It is the epitome of what a visual novel should be. The storytelling is enthralling, the characters are engaging, and the twists and gags make for a story so captivating that I have quite literally spent nearly 30 hours reading through it all (and even that was with the occasional skip through of dialogue). This is such a rich story with depth I've seldom found in actual published works that I have sunk more time than may be proper into the completion of what has been written so far, and knowing that more awaits is equally thrilling as it is daunting to imagine what work must be done by the team behind this. Disregarding the pornographic aspects which lure one in, the story told herein is flooring with how enraptured it has left me. I do not wish to engage in spoilers, but the characters and their arcs and all that occurs through what has been written (again, so far) are masterfully done. Naysayers may bemoan the tropes explored and the cliches used, but they add into the magnitude of this novel rather than detract anything from it. For all my years of being an avid reader, I cannot recall any tale that has gripped me so tightly as this - the humor, the drama, the comedy, the romance, everything coalesces to fall in place right as it should into what I would gladly argue is its own masterpiece of fiction.

    This is not a porn game to be downloaded on a whim; played through a handful of times and discarded once the next fresh thing appears.

    This is a novel, one whose themes and storytelling prowess should not be overlooked.

    Kudos to you, Story Anon, and all of your team. I eagerly await the continuation of this story.

    (P.S. Chapter 43 [I believe]. Those faces. Shivers every time they appear. In equal parts Fuck you and Man that really conveys how creepy they really are, well done.)
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredible work. I got many critics, I would have done many things different - but it doesn't matter. The story itself is just wonderful, and it knows from the start either exactly where it wanted to go, or it tricks you into that believe with ease. Probably the best VN I have ever played!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This review is edited after a long while.

    Phenomenal, almost everything is wonderful.
    Apprehensive at first, I found an appreciation for what this story is, and it made me feel so fucking lonely. This heartache I've never quite understood, yet finally can see and grasp clearly. Reading the story about such a bond between people wrenches my heart down to tears, knowing that it's impossible, but still longing for something like this. Anyway, pardon the ramblings.

    Art - amazing, I cannot believe what they did with the koikatsu engine, it's absolute insanity.
    Music - fucking bopping. "Boss battle theme" is now my ringtone.
    Story - above, don't really want to talk about it much as I get teary-eyed.

    Play this. Just... you have to give this a chance.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Genuinely the best story on this site.

    We're only halfway through the story and I'm sad for the day this masterpiece will come to an end.

    Try Tropicali first if the size of this game seems daunting - it's the same vibe but more easily digestible. I played Tropicali for about an hour before I was itching to dive into OoT
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Besides nide artstyle there is lietrally nothing in this game.Poor humor, whenever situation gets interesting on any level it is being braought into absurd within 5/10 sec. Sex scenes are bad. Characters unintresting. Good thing I tried tropicali first as it is much better from the same producer.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Best VN in the AVN genre. It's melodramatic, a kinetic novel, and includes a lot of pan-polyamory so it's not going to be for everyone - but for those whom it is for, you're in for a hell of a ride.

    The writing is genuinely fantastic, for any genre of media. A lot of philosophy, emotional depth and maturity, and a very ambitious storyline that remains (mostly) cohesive and coherent. Characters are distinct, intelligent, and very well designed.

    The devs are clearly talented. They're putting out substantial updates on schedule. It's anime-styled koikatsu, but heavily modified, very well executed, and both the quantity and quality of renders is impressively well done. There are no static images with paragraphs of dialogue to read through on top of them. There is a sense of cinematography here, with subtle character expressions and atmospheric shots doing a lot of the storytelling.

    It's more story-focused than many other AVN's, but that's not a detriment at all. It does mean that it takes a little longer for the A portion to start flowing, but when it does it is all the better for the build of anticipation, the fact that it feels earned and a part of the character progression makes it all the hotter.

    The soundtrack is great, though I preferred the instrumental over the added vocals. Dev composed some of the tracks, and the other song selections are eclectic and carry a great emotional range.

    The devs are in the process of adding animations to earlier scenes, so even the quality of what is already released is continuing to improve.

    I could go on, but others already have. Easy five stars. Absolutely worth the time if this seems like something you'd be interested in.

    Please support this dev, they deserve recognition for their work.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I never leave ratings, but I feel like I have to for this one because this is one of the most engaging and fun VNs I've read.

    The story absolutely sucked me in almost immediately after chapter 2 once I looked past the "generic harem" trope. It explores much more and made me cry a few times.

    The sex scenes are okay, but by the time they became more common, I wasn't reading for them and just wanted to get on with the story. The updates are very frequent, but almost all of them are still quality and even the small updates are very worth a read.

    The humor is very good in my opinion. It's not for everyone, but it hits perfectly for me.

    I don't know what else to say besides this is one of those VNs where I won't know what to do between updates and actively checking back for a new one. It's current v3.36 as of writing this and I've already spent multiple DAYS reading. There's a LOT of content here (49 chapters) and according to the dev, we're not even halfway done. VERY good VN.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I honestly had no ideia what I was getting myself into, "oh cool harem game" I thought, "not a big fan of anime stuff, but whatever", I said to myself, with such banality, "this opening is werid as fuck", not knowing the real truth of my worlds, the weight I would carry on my hands, as I pressed the buttons and read the lines, a dance of perfect harmony utterly enthralled to the chaos that bore it.
    My point is game is very gud, only wrote this shit cause the feds want 200 characters, like this review is going to compete for a nobel, this is very much a story game, if u playing for the horny, go take a break, squeeze some fluids, then come back, so u can enjoy the game... or i guess u COULD fap to it ( weirdo), as long as u play the game and give anon (that bastard(s) ) your money i dont care how u reach nirvama through the netherlands.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I did not expect to find actually decent VN on site dedicated to porn games but here we are. Likable characters, great interactions, decent plot are all there together with great music. This is clearly a passion project and deserves commendation for having content for real instead of existing in permanent patreon-milking limbo like so many other "games" despite being a (kinetic) VN.

    It is also unfinished (which is the reason for 4 instead of 5 stars). There is a noticeable dip in completeness further you progress as game & player interaction aspects take backseat for story. While not a major issue and perfectly reasonable for work in progress, you still feel the difference between the first 20 or so chapters and latter half whenever the (admittedly extremely engaging) story isn't distracting you from it. Could have more sex and player interaction elements in it but that will likely get addressed over time as the game reaches completion.

    Still must read for any VN-fans, Teresa best Waifu
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm 36 chapters in and STILL not finished with the game. Scenes took a while to really get going but once they did, WOW. It's so damn worth the wait. Loving every bit of it and such a game of this style so far has been a 10/10. This is an adult game on crack and I mean that in good context. The brains behind it put lots of effort into it.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    It's not completely awful. The bones are there. I struggled a bit between giving it 2 or 3 stars, because there is an underlying story that could be interesting if it had better writing.

    I mean, I'm 30 chapters in and it seems like the majority of the dialogue has been:
    Girl: "I'm not good enough to be in your harem"
    MC: "Yes, you are."
    Girl: "You're right. Why didn't I see it before?"

    And the worst part is this happens multiple times for the same characters.
    They'll be resolved one chapter, and back to sniveling about being unworthy the next.
    Admittedly, the "main girl", Victoria, has a decent enough reason for this, but it happens like 5 times in 30 chapters, on top of at least 3 other girls going through this same cycle.

    Aside from the above complaint, it's worth noting for anyone who might want to try it in spite of that, there are no mechanics in this game.
    There is one (criminally simple) turn-based RPG combat sequence that implies that there will be more, but even when fighting one of the big bads in chapter 29, said combat fails to make a return.
    Maybe it comes in later, but I haven't the patience to push forward in the hopes that it does.

    The vast majority has just been clicking and reading. No choices and virtually no exploration. No customization, including the MCs name, which is... I think it's going for funny, but it's really just a dead meme.
    This would all be fine, if it weren't such a slog to get through.

    All that said, I'll be putting this one down for now. I might muscle through it later, but I don't have high hopes. I'm just glad it was free.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Out of Touch! [v3.28] [Story Anon]

    I just can't, I'm so f bored out of my mind. This review is completely subjective and there's zero objectiveness, but story, characters,"""humor""", models, music, sex scenes, etc EVERYTHING is so f BORING. I don't care about anything in this project, it's all so f boring. Check it out, if you have LOADS of free time and you want to torture yourself with boredom.

    Story - 1/5. Enough of it.
    Choices - N/A.
    Characters - 1.4/5. They are boring.
    Models/animations - 2/5.
    MC - 0/5.
    Grammar - 3/5. Eh, whatever.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    He himself made the music, and that shit rocks. Wish i could end my review here, if he made THE. MUSIC. You should understand that this game is made with love, dedication, and it's worth a try, even if just to stay in the main menu listening to the soundtrack.

    But the plot is cool, i wish he had expanded in the battle system instead of scraping it, if you don't like the ideia when it presents itself, don't worry, it didn't came back. The "exploring", sandbox, i dunno the name, is pretty straightfoward, so if you don't like jumping between places you can also easily just proceed with the story.

    Only thing i would recommend is, go with a light heart, don't expect a heavy logical story. It does have that, but the main point is humor, fun, sex. It's good, really, really good, and you will get some serious moments in between.

    One of the top 3 porn games i played.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    After recently finishing 36 of the almost 50 chapters available, I had to leave a review. I wanted to try it because the art looked unique and appealing along with the good reviews I've seen.

    I will start with the things I liked: The music was cool and very professional sounding. The art at times can be very pretty, especially with the scenery focused ones.

    And now on to the things I disliked: The story, characters, dialog, humor, UI, animations, and general sex content all fall flat. The author's long-winded writing style and character's tendency to repeat the same dialog themes over and over compound with the melodramatic story make this a slog to read through. Even the genre shift a quarter of the way through couldn't increase my interest in it.

    I kept playing because a trusted friend kept pestering me to finish, but I am finally quitting. I am disappointed in the amount of hours I wasted playing this game.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Star Gazer

    This game is amazing!
    The first few chapters of the game are slow and a bit confusing as far as the story goes, but stick with it. The story really picks up and it's very gripping. Not many games can make me feel anything, but Out of Touch really caught me off guard. Depending how fast you read this game can take about 35-40 hours currently and it's not even half way finished.

    I do have to mention that I love all the characters, even the side and cameo characters. I do wish the MC had a better character growth but I think we'll see a spike in character development by the half way mark as we're already seeing him grow a bit.
    H animation isn't really in the game currently but the dev has said they are working on that even older chapters will get animation as development continues and I'm okay with that!

    The music fits every scene in this game and that's amazing, it really pulls you in.

    10-10 can't wait to see how this story continues!